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Thread: Red bits on toilet paper after wiping.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2018

    Black patch in stool, almost led to meltdown.

    Hello everyone,
    For a few months now I've been having GI issues. It started with seeing what seemed to be some red blood in and on the stool. I seen a doctor who assured me there's no cause for concern. Since then though I've examined my stools and BMs in great detail, and I've been having back/side aches that come and go. Again, doctor isn't concerned and thinks they're posture and/or anxiety related.

    Today though I almost had a panic attack after my BM. I've been trying to overcome my HA and stop examining my stools in great detail, but today I took a glance and I really wish I hadn't. The stool was mostly a brown colour, but there was a patch, perhaps a penny size, of black in it. Panic instantly descended. Also, when I wiped, there seemed to be a small amount of red blood on the paper. After passing, my rectum sometimes feels a bit sore.

    Could I have IBS? Does it sound like blood? Would colon cancer present as wholly bloody stools, not just a penny sized spot? Thinking back yesterday, I ate some bacon, tuna with salad, plus curry with bread.

    I'd greatly appreciate some support and advice. Perhaps a stool test and colonoscopy is the only way out of this rut. Thanks for your time.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Re: Black patch in stool, almost led to meltdown.

    If I’m honest it sounds like there was just a bit of something you ate in your stool.

    Black stools that are of concern are very obvious, you would instantly know something is wrong.

    A little fresh blood when you wipe could very well just be a little cut, or maybe hemorrhoids, nothing to be concerned about.

    Positive vibes,


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    The woods are lovely, dark and deep,

    But I have promises to keep,

    And miles to go before I sleep. - Robert Frost

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2018

    Re: Black patch in stool, almost led to meltdown.

    Thanks for the reply midnight mouse.

    After calming down I'm able to think a bit better. Firstly, I forgot to mention that I'm taking erythromycin antibiotics for an ear infection _ a common side effect is bowel discomfort, which could explain the yellowish colour and undigested food. I've no family history of bowel cancers and I'm 26 years of age, so I think and hope it's somewhat unlikely.

    The abdominal aches and pains get to me though. They're usually around the right side, a dull ache that feels like tired muscles. Or it's a slight pinprick, stabby sensation around my belly button. I wonder if it's IBS.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2018

    Thumbs up Bowel meltdown - would appreciate pep talk, help and advice


    As most of you are, I am a recovering HA sufferer. In the past year, I've diagnosed myself with diseases of all kinds in all areas of the body. I've had blood tests, ECGs, my bits fondled and a finger up my bum. However, at the minute I am tackling what feels like the final boss of health anxiety - bowel cancer.

    I've been tackling GI issues for a couple of months now. It all started after passing a stool that seemed to have some red in and on it. I'm not even sure if it was blood, as the stool was light brown and thus passed quickly, so could have been undigested food. Nevertheless, this was the start of a total and complete meltdown.

    Since then, I've experienced numerous symptoms that I have attributed to a growing tumour and cancer of the colon. I'll try to summarise. For reference, I am an otherwise healthy 26 year old male, with no immediate family cases of any diseases.

    - a strange 'nipping' sensation around my stomach. On a scale of 1-10 pain, it's probably a 1 - barely noticable, but it feels like a pin is pricking my skin. It most often happens to the right of my navel, but sometimes other areas too. Some days this is quite prominent, others it doesn't happen.

    - back and side ache. This started off pretty bad a few weeks ago but has eased off somewhat. It was mainly the lower back and right side, occassionally on the left, an achy feeling that came and went. It was often relieved by laying down or sitting comfortably.
    - regular stomach gurgling and growling. Again this was worse before and eased off somewhat, but at times it was pretty loud and embarrassing. It could be accompanied by gas.

    - I've had fresh red blood on the TP a couple of times. I've seen two doctors who showed no concern at all, and said it was either a fissure or haemerroids. This is when I got the finger-up-the-bum test but the doctor found nothing. She did say my back passage was tight and this could be because of fissures.

    - weird and wonderful stools. Sometimes they're hard and long and I strain to get them out. Other times they're soft, light and contain strange colours. Today I had a meltdown because there was a black patch on my light brown stool. Despite my initial assessment, I'm now reasonably happy it was just undigested food. Sometimes there can be one or two sausage shaped stools, other times numerous smaller ones.

    - urgency to defecate, which often seems to be stronger on a morning. Not sure if this is just the time I'm ready to go or there's something about mornings. It can come on pretty quickly. On the other hand, if I ignore the urge for a little while it disappears and I don't need to go any more. Strange.

    - after passing a stool, my rectum sometimes feels uncomfortable. Not quite burning, not quite pain, but something, and it's sometimes uncomfortable to sit down or walk. Is this indicative of a fissure or haemoerroid?

    That's a brief summary of my troubles thus far. If it's not too much, I'd like to ask some "killer questions" just to set my mind at ease.

    1. Does the above sound indicative of something like IBS or just an anxious digestive system? Would a black patch on stool be a sign of internal bleeding or just a piece of food?

    2. Does the red blood and anal discomfort sound like an anal fissure or haemoerroids?

    3. Would cancer cause persistently bloody stools and abdominal pains that don't come and go? Or can it wax and wane?
    4. Finally, and most importantly, do I need to worry? And if not, how do I know when to be concerned?

    If you've made it this far, thank you very much for reading. I'm trying to beat HA and I'm making some progress, but the fear of CRC is just extreme. I will say this - I do think many of my symptoms are linked to anxiety and stress. They're often worse when I'm at work or separated from my wife, and when I'm at home, with my wife, I'm much calmer and relaxed. The pricking sensation fades and the general stomach discomfort isn't as strong. Perhaps this is all that needs to be said, I don't know.

    I'm very interested to hear your replies and would greatly appreciate your input.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: Bowel meltdown - would appreciate pep talk, help and advice

    To be honest I probably have a handful of what your would call a normal bowel moment a year if I'm lucky haha..I get back ache and stomach aches at least once a month and I've had these for years and I'm still here lol! Diet and exercise is key for stomach issues and when mines mad it's usually from eating the wrong foods! You you smoke,drinks or take any medications?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2018

    Re: Bowel meltdown - would appreciate pep talk, help and advice

    Quote Originally Posted by lukeneal26 View Post
    To be honest I probably have a handful of what your would call a normal bowel moment a year if I'm lucky haha..I get back ache and stomach aches at least once a month and I've had these for years and I'm still here lol! Diet and exercise is key for stomach issues and when mines mad it's usually from eating the wrong foods! You you smoke,drinks or take any medications?

    I guess funny looking stools are just normal for anxiety sufferers. I don't drink or smoke, though I have been taking a course of erythromycin for an ear infection, which can cause stomach and bowel problems. I guess I should wait a couple of days after the course is finished before getting concerned over bowels.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: Bowel meltdown - would appreciate pep talk, help and advice

    Yeah when you have anxiety there is no such thing as a normal poop haha! Medication will do that to you. Do you drink a lot off tea or coffee?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Re: Bowel meltdown - would appreciate pep talk, help and advice

    All of these are what I would describe as my norm! I have ibs/anxious stomach things going on.

    I’m more likely to panic about a ‘normal’ sensation indicating my need to go to the bathroom.

    Positive vibes,


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    The woods are lovely, dark and deep,

    But I have promises to keep,

    And miles to go before I sleep. - Robert Frost

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2018

    After a dose of antibiotics, my stools have stopped floating. What gives?

    My stools have mostly floated for as long as I remember. I've finished a course of antibiotics for an ear infection and now they don't float. The antibiotics gave me some GI symptoms, including nausea, loose stools and stomach pains. What could the cause of this be?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: After a dose of antibiotics, my stools have stopped floating. What gives?

    Floating stools are usually caused by gas. Gas in the bowel is mostly caused by bacteria. Maybe the balance of your bacteria has been disrupted by the antibiotics and so less gas is being produced. Just guessing...

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