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Thread: Blushing and university - totally despair

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Blushing and university - totally despair


    I've recently developed this obsession with blushing and have only left the house a few times in a month because of it. I stayed in all over xmas and missed a new year's party with my friends. I'm in my final year of uni, and just started my dissertation. This is the first week of teaching back, I missed todays sessions. Tomorrow is a really important day about the dissertation and other assignments and I don't think I can go. I am so scared of going red, feeling embarrassed. I am very worried this is going to take me over and I'll either fail my work or won't be able to complete my degree at this time, something I have worked so hard for. I also have severe ocd at night which has spiralled into insomnia. I have health anxiety which is at bay at the moment, probably because this has taken over my brain space.
    Can anyone help me. I don't know what's best to do. I don't know if I can cope with this level of anxiety and complete my work. I can't even leave the house. How do I stop worrying about going red?

    Please help
    Thanks x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Re: Blushing and university - totally despair

    Not that anyone replied 😂 but incase anyone wondered I went to uni, fought against it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Blushing and university - totally despair

    I've only just seen this but I used to be terrible at your age. Blushing was always on my mind, which of course makes it almost guaranteed that you will blush up. I have made a complete twit of myself in my efforts to avoid 'blushing situations'
    One day I just thought sod it, avoiding, running away is making me feel worse. If I go red, I go red, just keep your eyes steady, look people in the eye. Talk with confidence, in fact do everything you would do if you weren't consumed with fear of blushing. It actually works

    Now at my age, I don't give a monkeys so I never blush.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    Re: Blushing and university - totally despair

    I also went through blushing anxiety, began when I was a teenager and lasted for years for me simply because I was so overwhelmed and embarrassed by it. I would blush everywhere and anywhere, even in front of family. If I had to order at a restaurant, just talk one on one to someone, anything really and some people would point it out, saying you've gone red, and that to me was the worst, I would go even more red. I started to wear the invisible zinc tinted daywear which concealed it somewhat, but what really got me over this was just not caring if I blushed and to just let it come and do its worst. It still happened for a while but I gave it no extra fear or thought. By not caring anymore, it rarely happens now. But yes, it was horrible, absolutely horrific, and I stopped socialising and doing anything at all.
    I'm not like them, but I can pretend

  5. #5

    Re: Blushing and university - totally despair

    I feel you’re Truly eurythraphobic this will most likely stay with you for life. There is a way out but only after you have exhausted all other therapies such as CBT, hypnotherapy, medication and found them not to work. If you want to know more just ask. I have been through the treadmill and am totally clear of this. The final solution is expensive, not without major risk and not for everyone.

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