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Thread: Huge fear of colon cancer...

  1. #1

    Stomach cancer? I need help.

    This might sound weird, but I feel like something is wrong with my stomach or liver or something. A quick background. I’m almost 21 years old. I’ve had health anxiety for a few years, also OCD. I’ve convinced myself I’ve had some pretty bizarre diseases, but this feels different. I’m also a new father so little sleep doesn’t help the stress lol. But basically the last 2 months I’ve had bad nausea and migraines (I’ve had migraines almost my whole life cause of a car crash, just recently got an MRI a month ago and it was negative). But two of those times I’ve been nauseous I’ve actually puked. I’ve never puked from a migraine before so it was weird. One of them woke me up while I was sleeping and I puked and felt better. I’ve also had a sore throat almost all winter, and some stomach pain. Sometimes it’s really sharp and intense, other times I have none. But a week ago I had an orange poop, like carrot orange, and no I didn’t eat anything orange. It kinda freaked me out, and it wasn’t diharrea either. Now today I had another slightest orange poop. It’s freaking me out, and I need some thoughts. I don’t eat the healthiest either which doesn’t help and I am getting better slowly and surely, but like I said none of this has ever happened before. I haven’t been seen by a stomach specialist but my head and brain are fine, my heart and lungs are fine, and my doctor says I’m healthy. I haven’t had any stomach or kidney/liver tests in like a year or so, so I think it’s sometning with that.

    If you respond and read this, I want to thank you. You have no idea how much this helps me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Re: Stomach cancer? I need help.

    Do you eat many tomato based products? Because that really changes the colours of things for me, even just tomato ketchup has been known to do it.

    Positive vibes,


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    The woods are lovely, dark and deep,

    But I have promises to keep,

    And miles to go before I sleep. - Robert Frost

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Stomach cancer? I need help.

    headaches that make you vomit could be bad migraines, make an appointment with dr, also are you getting enough water as for orange poop

    • Having one orange stool with no other symptoms is most likely not a cause for worry.
    • Orange stools are often caused by eating red or orange foods.
    • Supplements containing beta-carotene and aluminum hydroxide can turn stools orange.
    • A lack of bile salts is one medical reason that can cause orange stool.

    Foods That Can Cause Orange Stool

    There are several common and benign reasons for passing orange stools that are not a cause for worry. Supplements and medications that can cause orange-colored stools include those containing beta-carotene (which is sometimes found in vitamin A) and aluminum hydroxide (which can be found in antacids). doesn't say anything about it being a symptom of stomach cancer.

    Foods that can cause orange stool include:

    • Any food with an artificial yellow or orange coloring
    • Apricots
    • Carrots
    • Cilantro
    • Collard greens
    • Fresh thyme
    • Kale
    • Sweet potatoes
    • Spinach
    • Turnip greens
    • Winter squash

  4. #4

    Re: Stomach cancer? I need help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight-mouse View Post
    Do you eat many tomato based products? Because that really changes the colours of things for me, even just tomato ketchup has been known to do it.

    Positive vibes,


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    I do eat ketchup often but this has never happened before, which is weird.

    ---------- Post added at 13:54 ---------- Previous post was at 13:50 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Pkstracy View Post
    headaches that make you vomit could be bad migraines, make an appointment with dr, also are you getting enough water as for orange poop

    • Having one orange stool with no other symptoms is most likely not a cause for worry.
    • Orange stools are often caused by eating red or orange foods.
    • Supplements containing beta-carotene and aluminum hydroxide can turn stools orange.
    • A lack of bile salts is one medical reason that can cause orange stool.

    Foods That Can Cause Orange Stool

    There are several common and benign reasons for passing orange stools that are not a cause for worry. Supplements and medications that can cause orange-colored stools include those containing beta-carotene (which is sometimes found in vitamin A) and aluminum hydroxide (which can be found in antacids). doesn't say anything about it being a symptom of stomach cancer.

    Foods that can cause orange stool include:

    • Any food with an artificial yellow or orange coloring
    • Apricots
    • Carrots
    • Cilantro
    • Collard greens
    • Fresh thyme
    • Kale
    • Sweet potatoes
    • Spinach
    • Turnip greens
    • Winter squash
    Well I’ve had headaches my whole life and doctors and myself believe it’s due to the car accident I was in when I was younger which was pretty bad. However I just went to see a neurologist a month or two ago about them again and he ran some blood tests and a MRI and everything was normal. I’ve never puked from a headache before, or at least that I remember. It could be a possibility, but it’d be a first. For the orange poop I don’t eat Ny of those food items listed or take any medication besides some Tylenol if my head hurts.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Stomach cancer? I need help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Willtyler View Post
    I do eat ketchup often but this has never happened before, which is weird.

    Things always have a first time they happen or that we notice. That’s not weird, just life. I would take some time and see how things go without getting worked up with things. As it goes the colour of the stool isn’t concerning, normal is considered from shades of green all the way through to dark brown.

    Positive vibes,


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    The woods are lovely, dark and deep,

    But I have promises to keep,

    And miles to go before I sleep. - Robert Frost

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Stomach cancer? I need help.

    Don't underestimate the ill effects of sleep deprivation! That could definitely be making your headaches worse. And, if they are from a car crash (so I assume something related to neck or back vs neurological - I get migraines from TMJ) a change in your posture holding the baby, sleeping poorly, extra tension in your neck or shoulders from being tired and stressed, etc... could definitely do it. I didn't have a single migraine in my life until I had a baby.

  7. #7

    Huge fear of colon cancer...

    I know I might be over thinking it... but hear me out.
    I’m a 21 year old male (which I know is young for colon cancer). I have a desk job and don’t excersize much ever since I had my first daughter 6 months ago. But the past week I’ve been constipated, the worst I’ve ever been. Went to a doctors 5 days ago with terrible stomach pain and they did an x Ray and said the same thing, that I was constipated, which I am, but I have little poops here and there, maybe from the laxatives. But they’re long stringy poop, which is the first symptom of colon cancer, along with stomach pain. I did more research and proceed and fed meats can up your chances a lot of colon cancer, and I eat subway almost everyday which is bad. I’m 155 pounds at 6 feet tall. I know I might be over reacting but I’m freaking out. Any input would be nice!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Huge fear of colon cancer...

    Quote Originally Posted by Willtyler View Post
    I know I might be over thinking it... but hear me out.
    I’m a 21 year old male (which I know is young for colon cancer). I have a desk job and don’t excersize much ever since I had my first daughter 6 months ago. But the past week I’ve been constipated, the worst I’ve ever been. Went to a doctors 5 days ago with terrible stomach pain and they did an x Ray and said the same thing, that I was constipated, which I am, but I have little poops here and there, maybe from the laxatives. But they’re long stringy poop, which is the first symptom of colon cancer, along with stomach pain. I did more research and proceed and fed meats can up your chances a lot of colon cancer, and I eat subway almost everyday which is bad. I’m 155 pounds at 6 feet tall. I know I might be over reacting but I’m freaking out. Any input would be nice!

    That's why you can't poop.

    Stop eating crap, and walk around a bit. Sometimes the simplest explanation is the right one.

  9. #9

    Re: Huge fear of colon cancer...

    I thought the same thing, but I’ve ate subway almost everyday for 3 years and pooped fine. The last 3 weeks I’ve given up fast food due to me wanting to eat healthier, and this is when it started. So I’m confused by that

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Huge fear of colon cancer...

    Quote Originally Posted by Willtyler View Post
    I thought the same thing, but I’ve ate subway almost everyday for 3 years and pooped fine. The last 3 weeks I’ve given up fast food due to me wanting to eat healthier, and this is when it started. So I’m confused by that
    Well it's the change in diet then. Eating it for three years has set you up for problems, then you drastically changed your diet.

    You may need to just eat more fibre and let your digestion sort itself out.

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