Hi Greycylinder,

Very sorry for the late reply! How are you doing now? Really sorry to hear you've been going through some rough times but the amount of things you've been able to do whilst feeling rubbish is amazing! Hopefully you're starting to feel better?

The 400mg did start to help after a few weeks so it's worth persevering with, although in the last week the anxiety's slowly returned which is annoying to say the least! I saw the psychiatrist again who thinks there could be an undertone of depression which may be triggering the anxiety so he's recommend Sertraline 50mg which I'm considering taking. I've asked to go up to 450mg of pregabalin first just to see if that makes a difference as I've never introduced another medication alongside the pregabalin so am slightly nervous about doing so. It's quite common to have an accompanying medication alongside pregabalin isn't it?