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Thread: Lightheaded for two weeks

  1. #71
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: Lightheaded for two weeks

    How is it not adding up

  2. #72
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: Lightheaded for two weeks

    Now that I have been reassured I feel psychically better after my visit yesterday my lightheaded nausea left my body for while but can feel it here and there how long before the physical symptoms of anxiety and stress push over

  3. #73
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Is derealization/depersonalization

    I am a 17 who found blood in my stool after passing a large stool I had stomach pain which caused me to think colon cancer but I never had blood again i was freaked out because it was a bunch of blood covering my stool but it was bright red and from that day on the blood never happened which was a month I worried about the blood and stomach pain but it went away but then I was lightheaded for two 1/2 weeks I went to the er about cause I also had a stomach bug and felt faint I told the emergency doctor about the blood issue and said piles and fissure as I fixed my diet and fiber and it never happened again
    But I was wondering was is this depersonalization not lightheadedness. As I was lightheaded I was zoned out then the lightheadedness would come and it would get worse the more I thought on it but when the er doctor said it was piles and fissure and that I was young and for the rest of the day my lightheadedness went away as I felt no pressure but now since I have been anxious 24/7 for almost two months it’s hard for my body to not be anxious which causes the zoning out lightheaded feeling to come back but not as severe as I have been reassured it’s a feeling in which I would zone out of or know where and since I have a stomach bug I got from my sister I would feel the urge to vomit but it always comes out as gas or burping how do I get over that zoning out feeling
    On the bright side at least I know this feeling is anxiety as it left for some time when reassured from the doctor. How long does it take to get over physical anxiety symptoms and how long does rewiringbthe brain work I’m going away to college in two weeks what are fast acting supplements that help

  4. #74
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: Is derealization/depersonalization

    I also feel that I have convinced myself of having this disease and I trust the doctors reassurance my body is still in panic mode

  5. #75

    Re: Is derealization/depersonalization

    It sounds to me like relatively minor dpdr. I wouldn't worry about the distinction between lightheadedness and dpdr, this is clearly a symptom you're experiencing due to your anxiety. Now, the anxiety is clearly the problem, and if you want that to go away you need to get your anxiety under control and it seems the would be best achieved through the learning of coping mechanisms. Do you see a therapist? perhaps a CBT therapist could help you overcome your unwellness anxiety. There really is no set time frame to overcoming anxiety, but it is the result of an overtaxed nervous system. Serious anxiety and dpdr can take years to fully dissipate, but given the responsive and on-off nature of your symptoms I think you could overcome this very quickly. It's all about learning different ways to cope with the things that are causing you stress, and through this giving the nervous system the break it requires. Supplements... in my experience they are bullshit and not what you need. The key to recovery is inside everyone; the mind and nervous system are fully capable of recovery on their own, when left to it. If you can learn to relax and internalise that you are not actually unwell you'll see improvements very soon. Sleep, hydration and exercise are far more important than supplements so your number 1 supplement each day is enough water. However, good things take time, and I wouldn't expect you to be feeling completely recovered when you start college in 2 weeks. However, I also reckon college will give you something else to focus on and actually help your recovery. I did with me.

    Just as a side-note I experience blood in my stools maybe 3-4 times per year, I just think Huh wierd and forget about it a minute later. Never seen a doc for it. Don't need too. It's all about perspective. The early warning for colon cancer is persistent blood in the stool for 2+ weeks. random blood in the stool is just a small tear somewhere in the system.

  6. #76
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: Is derealization/depersonalization

    Thanks it’s hard to believe you don’t have something when the internet tells you different but since I got reassurance I’m on my way to healing

  7. #77
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Lightheaded for two weeks

    This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

    Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

    It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

    Emmz xx

    nolite te basstardes carborundorum

  8. #78
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: Is derealization/depersonalization

    I also wanted to tell you guys that the day after I got reassurance I had to no lightheadedness and nausea for almost the whole day I am now ready for recovery mode but today I have a bit tension in my head but I know it’s from lack of sleep but the lightheadedness and nausea is pretty much 98% gone what next should I do

  9. #79
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: Lightheaded for two weeks

    Why do new symptoms come when I get over old ones
    Ever since early April I convinced myself of having colon cancer due to abdominal pain for a month and blood in my stool during one occasion the pain went away with my diet and then I had waves of lightheadedness and dizziness for 3 weeks every day all day but went away after being reassured by a doctor it was anxiety and that was 3 three days ago and since then I have experienced no pain in my body lightheadedness or dizziness but I am experiencing eye floaters and the way I seethinga through my eyes feels unreal as I have but I can still see pretty clearly but I feel detached from the world I am sensitive to light I think it comes from holdong the my phones screen close to my face especially in the dark in my bed and from video games or from pass stress and anxiety but when I put the brightness low it isn’t a bother but when I look at a screen I zone but when I go out to walks not looking at my phone I feel somewhat back to earth my go checked by eyes April and saw no abnormalities and I have an appointment with the eye doctor in a week for my eyes as I do have bad vision ever since my young days my left eye is pretty much blind but with contacts they are better but I have not worn them in months due to money issues my eyes have also been sensitive to the sun also and when I found my contact I tried it on yesterday it made me somewhat better but half bad as I only had for my left
    I read online about brain tumors but I’m not worried about it but is this a symptom of anxiety and why does when one symptom leaves another one comes im only 17

  10. #80

    Re: Lightheaded for two weeks

    Sight issues are common in anxiety and this is because the stress hormones tense the muscles around the eye. This is why you experience difficulties looking at simple objects, I've been there before. You get new symptoms when old ones clear up because you're physiology is still anxious and it's guna take a while to reset. Stop reading up about brain tumors you're pretty much just feeding your anxiety at this point

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