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Thread: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Fears

  1. #1

    Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Fears

    Hi All,

    I;m having a pretty hard time dealing with feelings that I have MS. It is mainly the fact that every now and then I get weird twitches and spasms in my face and legs, and that my right leg feels like stiff and awkward to move- I am moving with a bit of a gait.

    Now I feel like this could be for many different reasons. I had a very stressful time last week, got little sleep and didnt eat too much. I also sat with my legs in unusual positions, my right big toe also eroded quite a lot of the base of my sole through friction! I am hoping these are the reasons my legs feel bad. But it feels strange that the gait is coming on more now, that it hasn't gone away after a week, and that I am getting these strange sensations on my legs and face. I am going to the doctors tomorrow, going to try and focus on my anxiety as the main reason I am there, but this is also genuinely very much concerning me. I am finding it had to eat or relax at all, and I am going into times of frequent panic at work and generally feeling really quite awful.

    Any support would be really, really appreciated!

    Thanks in Advance,
    Misguided Doddle

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Fears


    Please try not to worry? MS is rare, weird bodily sensations aren't. It sounds as though you've had a really rough time lately, which won't be helping.

    Why not book a GP appointment to discuss your fears? You can explain what you're feeling and ask for help with the excessive anxiety.

  3. #3

    Re: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Fears

    It's mainly the slightly weird walk and tension in my right leg which is causing worry, though of course I've been putting that leg through quite a lot of tension recently!

    I have indeed, this is the last week of my placement and last week was very very intense, so it is a bit of an odd time. i have lots of time off after this so hopefully that will help me to relax.

    I have got a GP appointment booked for tomorrow at 11:30, I'll be sure to keep you posted of the results! Thanks for the help and reassurance, it means a lot.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Fears

    May I ask what sort of placement you're on? If it's Health and Social care, you're going to be on your feet all the time, that's going to make things feel weird.

  5. #5

    Re: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Fears

    I do programming at an investment bank. I sat in lots of weird positions last week, like crossing one leg under the other whilst jiggling the right leg, frantically moving my big toe eroding my show, slouching etc. I also have a 2 hour commute on a train (4 hours total there and back), so my posture isn't so great then either. But I have only noticed this slightly lopsided walk in within the last week, though it does line up with the stress and weird positions

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Fears

    Believe me, that'll do it, yes.

  7. #7

    Re: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Fears

    Having the doctors appointment today. Quite a bit nervous about it all. I forgot whether I booked it for 11:10 or 11:30! Regardless I will keep you posted about the results. In all honesty I am very much hoping she doesnt find any cause to send me off to tests, and tells me what I am experiencing is normal. I would be more worried if she offers me tests because that to me suggests she thinks something is wrong!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Fears

    I'll be thinking of you. Genuinely don't think you have anything to worry about, though.

  9. #9

    Re: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Fears

    Thanks, a lot for the support. It means a lot. My dad just got angry at me for not being able to tell him why I have anxiety and shouting at me for not feeling better after he tried to give me solutions. So I have got to make my own way to the doctors now. Which doesn't help with the general stress and anxiety of the situation. Support from forum peeps means a lot right now

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Fears

    I'm so sorry. Not sure how old you are, but my parents used to basically punish me for my anxiety and depression too. They did get better, but it took a very long time, unfortunately.

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