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Thread: Palpatations

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2018

    Re: Palpatations

    You mean skipped beats, right? They are essentially meaningless. I went through the whole panic about I getting them at rest? When I excercise? Does that mean something? Just got more when I ate sugar, is that something?

    I was getting hundreds per day, now I think I get maybe 20 per day, not really sure. Freedom truly comes from letting it go and realizing it is stress causing it.

    I was pretty ramped up about it. Took me about 3 months to calm down enough that they went away. Don’t fall into the trap.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: Palpatations

    Thanks for your reply josht I do understand the stress thing it's just the worry of this monitor thing picking up something wrong with my heart I wasent even stressed or been under any stress when these started and I can't even explain them as skipped beats there just continual beats that don't stop nearly all day and night there just horrible never had anything like it iv has palpitations before but never like this and I know I will be even worse while I'm wearing this monitor so God knows what it will show I just hope they know the difference between stress palpitations or something wrong with me but worrying is only gonna make things worse so will have to try and calm down . Thanks again

  3. #13

    Re: Palpatations

    Hi Jackie frequent PVCs are usually linked to stress but its best to get a drs confirmation. They can be very concerning and have a bigger effect on peoples lives than most Drs are willing to admit, but they are essentially harmless and pose no risk to your heart or life expectancy. If they are very frequent your doctor will perscribe medication to help reduce the frequency and may even offer surgery if you want it. I’ve had PVCs (ectopic beats) for years since I was 16 10,000+ everyday. On the 14th June I had Catheter Ablation surgery to try to stop the ectopic beats. Unfortunately for me its not worked that well but it has helped. For most people though the operation has a 90-95% chance of stopping the ectopics. Magnesium is also a very effective option which may help dramatically reduce your PVCs it helped me a lot at times. Although they are scary you must relax about them, they are not a sign of heart problems and you should not let them limit you. I let them limit me for years and i regret that.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: Palpatations

    Thank you for your reply they have seem to calm down the last 3 days hardly had any gone like magic they came out of no where and didn't stop for a week and half continually and now they have gone really strange never had anything like that before ' but thanks again .

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: Palpatations

    Hello there I posted on here a while ago about palpitations I have since been to the doctors and had some blood done and said to have one of them 24 hour machines which I still haven't heard from them that was 2 weeks ago but after I had been to the doctors a couple of days later they just stopped for 2 weeks then 2 days ago they came nack with avengance I really thought they had gone I'm on holiday at the moment been relaxing all the time so I can't think why they have started again they have been staring about midday then all afternoon and evening so it's been going in a pattern this time where before it was all over the place ' so I'm back to worrying now being as I have had no tests for it yet I'm still waiting to hear ' any ideas would be thankful .

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    Re: Palpatations

    Hi Jackie me again!
    If it makes you feel better i had a 24hr monitor too around three weeks ago and it did pick up the beats and i knew it would because i could feel them when i had the monitor on. I was so upset with my body after it, i was wondering how has my life come to this. I am visiting a cardiologist? It didn't feel like my life. But i got a letter back and in the letter it said that the results shown that i have extra beats but this is northing to worry about and won't cause any problems.
    If you have a structurally normal heart then you are completely fine. Maybe watch some of 'york cardiologist' videos on youtube he talks all about them and how normal they are. He said that if everyone in the street had an ecg then they would all show some abnormal beats. It dosent mean anything its just a funny rhythm that the heart has picked up when we get anxious.
    Try not to search different names for the beats though as i did this and theres so many scary things and syndromes out there and doctor google is not our friends!
    positive thoughts

  7. #17
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: Palpatations

    Thank you for taking the time to explain to me 'I've got an appointment for 24 hour monitor on the 1st of August but they have stopped again now strange .

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    Re: Palpatations

    Thats great that they've stopped i would like mine to stop but haven't worked out how to yet! I hear magnesium is good to help stop them so i may try that!

  9. #19
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: Palpatations

    Thanks yes they stopped before but then started again not sure if that's what they do you what they could be but I'm thinking because they come and go it's nothing to worry about 'thank you for your reply.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: Palpatations

    Hello there I had 24 hour monitor got results 2 weeks later all the doctor mentioned was the etopic beats now I know they can be nothing and caused by stress so why am I getting referred I'm trying to get a other doctors appointment to explain to me I ' I could have asked while I was there but once I heard the word to see a cardiologist I was so shocked I couldn't speak' so one minute I was relieved when she said it picked up etopic and as I've read on here there harmless and then she said I think I will reffer you ' so at the moment I'm no better off and worrying myself silly ' can anyone put a light on this would it mean there is something to worry about ' thanks .

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