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Thread: when are tests / scans enough?

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: when are tests / scans enough?

    There's loads on the internet about pelvic pain syndrome and trigger points/myofascial pain syndrome. It's seen a lot at pain clinics and does seem to affect those with long term anxiety disorders. It just might be worth your while doing some research on how the pain can presentand how it doesn't respond to conventional treatment.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: when are tests / scans enough?

    Thanks for the advice Pulisa. I have started looking at these. Best wishes, Ruth

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: when are tests / scans enough?

    Do you think you could believe that it is possible to be healthy yet live with a chronic pain condition, Ruth? This is something which helps me and I have constant pain. Of course it's easier to accept some days than others and there are constant mental "obstacles"but chronic pain isn't illness-it's a condition to be managed.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: when are tests / scans enough?

    Do you mean to live with chronic pain which is not caused by a disease state? A functional condition then?
    I'm not quite sure what you mean Pulisa.
    Or a painful condition which has not been diagnosed?
    I know I'm probably being a bit thick. Sorry if I've misunderstood your meaning.
    I understand there must be people living with daily pain who have have been misdiagnosed . I believe that the pain symptoms I started with 9 yrs ago are caused by an illness. I do know that they also cause me very severe anxiety but that this is secondary and I do believe the original illness has not been diagnosed yet.
    I know this view will probably not be popular on the forum.
    Hope I've managed to explain properly.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: when are tests / scans enough?

    I mean that having a chronic pain condition doesn't mean that you have an illness. You're in pain but not ill. That belief can make a big difference in how you live and approach your life. Chronic pain is very different from acute pain. Loads of people live with daily pain who have not been misdiagnosed. Anxiety just makes it all worse of course.

    Has anyone suggested a referral to a Chronic Pain Clinic? Sadly many people who have been dogged by anxiety all their lives end up with chronic pain conditions. You would have to be open to new ideas regarding how you approach your pain though.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: when are tests / scans enough?

    Quote Originally Posted by busterrufus View Post
    I believe that the pain symptoms I started with 9 yrs ago are caused by an illness. I do know that they also cause me very severe anxiety but that this is secondary and I do believe the original illness has not been diagnosed yet.
    And that's where the faulty thinking is. That's the real illness. My ex suffered from Fibromyalgia caused by depression. She, like you, had real symptoms, swelling etc. and many tests and nothing could be found of a physical nature. I have chronic pain but there's a medical cause. That said, when I am in pain, if I focus on it, it gets worse. Pain, whether physical or psychological can be influenced by your state of mind.

    Positive thoughts
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    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: when are tests / scans enough?

    Hi Ruth. How are you doing?

    Have you been to a pain clinic at all? I think that's a really good idea of Pulisa's. It's not to say the pain isn't real as it obviously is, but I've heard pain clinics can be really helpful in managing it. I've not been but wanted to years ago for a chronic condition I have. I never understood why the pain was always worse at certain times of the day, and my GP said it can be a recognised phenomenon in chronic pain, and the pain is very real. This may not be the same for you at all, but perhaps a pain clinic referral would feel like a positive step forward for you? And potentially something you could pursue at the same time as trying to find the root cause of the symptoms you are suffering, if you still feel that is what you want to do.

    I hope you are doing ok today
    'If you're going through hell, keep going' (Winston Churchill)

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: when are tests / scans enough?

    Thanks Pulisa and dyingswan for the info about pain clinics.I will look into it further.
    Also to fishmanpa for your opinion.
    Best wishes

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