Hi Maca.

Thank you for your reply and the information about mirtazapine. How are you getting on with your cross taper? The weight gain aspect worries me and I've definitely had the munchies a few times. I'm being careful though and watching my weight closely.

So far, this medication regime has worked really quite well for me. I've always been sceptical about whether antidepressants did anything for me, but I noticed an improvement within 2 days this time. The mirtazapine hangover only lasted a day and then disappeared. My prescription for mirtazapine is "as needed" so I don't take it every night now, although I think my mood the next day is better if I do. Getting some sort of sleep pattern back I'm sure has helped, as I was previously up and down all night. For some reason, 150mg Ven didn't agree with me at all, and I'm better on 225mg, even with my strange mix of XR and IR. I've noticed my mood seems to dip around 5pm so maybe the boost of 75mg IR at that time is a good thing. I'm already dreading the thought of reducing it, but I'll cross that bridge if and when I come to it. Back to the psych soon so will see what he has to say.

Good luck Maca with your med change ��