Quote Originally Posted by adamden View Post
@Fishmanpa my grandmother has two cats and whenever I go visit her, one of them always is on the hunt for bugs. It is the funniest thing ever. If I could convince my parents to do that, boy would I do it in a heartbeat, but..... I’m also moving out of the house soon for college LOL. So it may be too late haha
True, they don't allow pets in dorms :( But seriously, cats are great hunters. When you get to the point in life where you get your own place, I hope you'll remember my advice. I've always had pets. Dogs, cats, hamsters, rabbits , guinea pigs etc. I got Socrates (Pixie Bob) over 8 years ago and he has been by far the best pet I've ever shared my life with My wife has a deathly fear of spiders. She literally melts down even seeing a pic of them. She has seen one, gotten Socrates and he's taken care it stat! On top of that, he's the sweetest cat I've ever known (partial yes, but still). On top of that, pets are very good for anxiety. No matter how you feel or how bad your day has been, they'll love you and comfort you unconditionally.

Positive thoughts