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Thread: Buspar and always hot

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Buspar and always hot

    Does anyone have this as a common side effect? I take Effexor and Buspar and notice that I am very heat intolerant.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Buspar and always hot

    Quote Originally Posted by Ethansmom View Post
    Does anyone have this as a common side effect? I take Effexor and Buspar and notice that I am very heat intolerant.
    I took Buspar for a year or two as needed and the only side effect I had was a little wooziness for the first day or so. Otherwise it just chilled me out.

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    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Re: Buspar and always hot

    Does buspar work starting it today

  4. #4
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    Jan 2017

    Re: Buspar and always hot

    Quote Originally Posted by will351 View Post
    Does buspar work starting it today
    Buspirone is worth trying for GAD and the phobias, but its panic, PTSD and OCD track record isn't great. It has also earned a good reputation for boosting the effectiveness of SSRIs, SNRIs and the serotonergic TCAs, and for sometimes reinvigorating these ADs if they poop-out. It may also reduce SSRI and SNRI side-effects, particularly their impact on the libido.

  5. #5
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    Re: Buspar and always hot

    Quote Originally Posted by panic_down_under View Post
    Buspirone is worth trying for GAD and the phobias, but its panic, PTSD and OCD track record isn't great. It has also earned a good reputation for boosting the effectiveness of SSRIs, SNRIs and the serotonergic TCAs, and for sometimes reinvigorating these ADs if they poop-out. It may also reduce SSRI and SNRI side-effects, particularly their impact on the libido.
    My doctor and I think Buspar is not helping as much as it should. I'm still needing klonopin everyday. We are going to wean off the buspar and add Elavil (tiny dose at night) to start out with. It's going to be added to my Effexor. I've read about heart problems with this med. Is this a dangerous med? I have Panic Disorder, Severe anxiety, Depression, and definitely OCD thoughts. Anyone?

  6. #6
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    Jan 2017

    Re: Buspar and always hot

    Quote Originally Posted by Ethansmom View Post
    I've read about heart problems with this med. Is this a dangerous med?
    Some of the TCA and SSRI meds may affect the electrical system of the heart. In fact many medication do, including, ironically, some heart meds. This is unlikely to cause any problems at therapeutic doses unless there are pre existing cardiovascular issues. The main danger is from accidental or deliberate overdose, or if taking many medications that produce the same affect. Your GP will have taken all those factors into consideration.

    Fwiw, I'm on a high dose of the TCA dosulepin which was once the UK's most prescribed AD, but is so cardio toxic that it has now been been removed from the British National Formulary drugs list and my ancient heart is fine according to the last annual ECG.

  7. #7
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    Re: Buspar and always hot

    Quote Originally Posted by panic_down_under View Post
    Some of the TCA and SSRI meds may affect the electrical system of the heart. In fact many medication do, including, ironically, some heart meds. This is unlikely to cause any problems at therapeutic doses unless there are pre existing cardiovascular issues. The main danger is from accidental or deliberate overdose, or if taking many medications that produce the same affect. Your GP will have taken all those factors into consideration.

    Fwiw, I'm on a high dose of the TCA dosulepin which was once the UK's most prescribed AD, but is so cardio toxic that it has now been been removed from the British National Formulary drugs list and my ancient heart is fine according to the last annual ECG.
    Thank you! It's good to know you have something that works for you and that your heart is fine. I have no heart conditions. I have had a 30 day holtor monitor, numerous EKG's, and an echocardiogram (all due to anxiety.) Heart problems were ruled out.

  8. #8

    Re: Buspar and always hot

    Quote Originally Posted by panic_down_under View Post
    Some of the TCA and SSRI meds may affect the electrical system of the heart. In fact many medication do, including, ironically, some heart meds. This is unlikely to cause any problems at therapeutic doses unless there are pre existing cardiovascular issues. The main danger is from accidental or deliberate overdose, or if taking many medications that produce the same affect. Your GP will have taken all those factors into consideration.

    Fwiw, I'm on a high dose of the TCA dosulepin which was once the UK's most prescribed AD, but is so cardio toxic that it has now been been removed from the British National Formulary drugs list and my ancient heart is fine according to the last annual ECG.
    Thank you for this post!!!
    I started Buspar 2 days ago. And I had my husband read all the general stuff on the pamphlet that comes with my RX. So the only thing I knew of was stomach upset and drowsiness. I purposely stayed away from side effects but thought I may come across some if I was for example searching "how long does buspar take to start working" etc. I've quickly exited away from any of those pages.

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  9. #9

    Re: Buspar and always hot

    Quote Originally Posted by Fishmanpa View Post
    I took Buspar for a year or two as needed and the only side effect I had was a little wooziness for the first day or so. Otherwise it just chilled me out.

    Positive thoughts
    I feel the same. I'm on day #3 in the morning. I take Xanax as needed for attacks at.50mg. That's only ever been the only thing to help me. Between the war on opiods over here in the US as they lovingly refer to it, in addition to my own thoughts about not wanting to rely on Xanax as preventative, my Dr gave me a good fill number but needs to be utilized sparingly across a certain time period. I usually do very well. Had a rough couple weeks and had to use more frequently. More panic attacks. My anxiety peaked and I had to see her for a hospital follow up so I brought up how bad my anxiety has gotten. She has mentioned buspar before along with another Dr. I have always mentioned that I hate pills and even hate to have to use the Xanax. Well, I finally gave in because I can't feel this jittery and filled with worry and be this on edge. I nervously took the pill yesterday and awaited side effects. Nothing. Nervous from taking it? Yes. Hoping it will work and I'll feel something yes. I would like to know though... How long did you take it for before noticing effects? Dr. Plans to have me on 6 weeks and then keep going for a bit or ween off. I do feel calmer but yesterday and today has been like I'm semi on auto pilot. I'm still enjoying my family and stuff like that but task wise I'm on auto pilot and hour to hour wise if that makes sense.
    I've always had side effects south ssri meds. I tried those over the years with older drs to see if they may help my anxiety. They didn't and they always fell back to the Xanax as needed - which honestly sucks. It's good to know this may work while I reacclimate back into some stressful situations (job, going to the store more without panic etc). Did it help you immensely? I'm planning on going to cbt therapy in a couple of weeks as per what the Dr and I planned on together. She did say to take this before going to it - she said that I'm at a point where I'm seeming too nervous to even go talk to someone like that - so it may just be too much and that we need to get me a bit calmer before taking that route. I very much want CBT to work. And this pill. I'm concerned with it really helping and not being able to take long term though - i see it's only ever prescribed short term... Odd!

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  10. #10
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    Nov 2016

    Re: Buspar and always hot

    Quote Originally Posted by fallingstar View Post
    I feel the same. I'm on day #3 in the morning. I take Xanax as needed for attacks at.50mg. That's only ever been the only thing to help me. Between the war on opiods over here in the US as they lovingly refer to it, in addition to my own thoughts about not wanting to rely on Xanax as preventative, my Dr gave me a good fill number but needs to be utilized sparingly across a certain time period. I usually do very well. Had a rough couple weeks and had to use more frequently. More panic attacks. My anxiety peaked and I had to see her for a hospital follow up so I brought up how bad my anxiety has gotten. She has mentioned buspar before along with another Dr. I have always mentioned that I hate pills and even hate to have to use the Xanax. Well, I finally gave in because I can't feel this jittery and filled with worry and be this on edge. I nervously took the pill yesterday and awaited side effects. Nothing. Nervous from taking it? Yes. Hoping it will work and I'll feel something yes. I would like to know though... How long did you take it for before noticing effects? Dr. Plans to have me on 6 weeks and then keep going for a bit or ween off. I do feel calmer but yesterday and today has been like I'm semi on auto pilot. I'm still enjoying my family and stuff like that but task wise I'm on auto pilot and hour to hour wise if that makes sense.
    I've always had side effects south ssri meds. I tried those over the years with older drs to see if they may help my anxiety. They didn't and they always fell back to the Xanax as needed - which honestly sucks. It's good to know this may work while I reacclimate back into some stressful situations (job, going to the store more without panic etc). Did it help you immensely? I'm planning on going to cbt therapy in a couple of weeks as per what the Dr and I planned on together. She did say to take this before going to it - she said that I'm at a point where I'm seeming too nervous to even go talk to someone like that - so it may just be too much and that we need to get me a bit calmer before taking that route. I very much want CBT to work. And this pill. I'm concerned with it really helping and not being able to take long term though - i see it's only ever prescribed short term... Odd!

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    To be honest, i don't think it's helping like i need it too. I'm always tired, and i feel like it's not helping with my obsessive thoughts. We'll see though. I'm trying Amtryptyline as i wean off buspar. I wish you luck and keep posting on your progress!

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