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Thread: Has anyone tried CLAIRE Weeks acceptance of the depression??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Has anyone tried CLAIRE Weeks acceptance of the depression??

    I read about CLAIRE Weeks saying we should float past the depression- looking hopefully ahead.

    Has anyone ever tried this and had any success with it?

    The theory is that if you accept the depression then it won’t last as long. It’s the fear and negative thinking about it that keeps it going? I think I have understood that right.

    Sally x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Re: Has anyone tried CLAIRE Weeks acceptance of the depression??

    Hi Sally

    I posted a message about that already on your John Wort topic. Have another look


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Re: Has anyone tried CLAIRE Weeks acceptance of the depression??

    Hi Ma 'am
    I noticed yous trying to inpliment what Claire Weekes says . I got all her stuff on audio . and am a great believer . The problem for all of us is exactly how to " accept " instead of just " put up with " . The reason for your lack of progress may be that you 're not doing it proper .
    The only real clue she gives how to accept is " relax your body as much as you can ." Then I came upon a progressive muscle relaxation audio also known as body scan .
    Essentially yous gotta let your whole body go limp like a rag doll . Slow your breathing down. Check for tension in buttocjs , shoulders and face especially . Let it all hang out .
    To speed up the process, try doing meditation twice a day , 5 minutes each then gradually increase the time . My Name Is Terry got a great list of free meditation audios . Go for the breathing meditation . YouTube got some goodies too . My favourite is a uni student doing one to sounds if tree frogs on Terry 's lists .
    After a few days relaxation of body will become natural Stay present with your breathing . Try and welcome the depression and physical crap anxiety symptoms as friends .
    I promise yous this will help just do it .
    I got something to say about going back on Prozac but that can wait , not important .
    Re : Help
    I 'm on venlafaxine which is supposedly an SNRI
    Prozac and citalopram is SSRI . So you should stick to SSRI coz Prozac working beforre
    Re : Help
    It's really tough when you 're in that state when all your time is so unpleasant and goes so slowly . I often think it 's the direct opposite of the saying 'time flies when you 're having fun '. Sometimes it seems the good things pass so quickly but when you feel miserable it just goes on and on . The good thing is you do come out of it . I took SSRI medication (Sertraline ) for a while and as others on here have said , try and occupy yourself with anything you are able to do. Anything that you are able to focus on a little will help . I found being on the internet helpful or watching something on TV. Even occupying myself with the odd computer game got me interested to the point where I could lose the slow time obsession a bit. A pet can be a help and if you are able to get out at all any excercise or social interactions will be beneficial. Eventually as my condition improved I became more relaxed and less obsessive about time and my sleep returned to normal . Talking about what you 're going through helps too whether its in therapy or just with friends as well as the support you get on a forum such as this .
    Re : Help
    Pulisa that would be great thank you . You are such a helpful person at the moment - putting a positive spin on things for me
    Re : Help
    Lebonvin - you are helpful as always - yes I am using CLAIRE Weeks. A lot of people say she is not helpful or outdated - but I think she is great .
    Tyke - absolutely spot on - thank you x
    Re : Help
    How are you all today ? X
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    lebonvin said :
    24- 09- 19 07: 39

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Re: Has anyone tried CLAIRE Weeks acceptance of the depression??

    Howdy Ma'am

    I thought I best add that the acceptance gig takes time and is one of them 2 steps forward 1 steps back gigs but if you keep at it you will get far less setbacks
    and notice a big difference.

    Don't forget, relax that body completely and slow that breath down specially on the out breath. Yous can do it!

    Last edited by lebonvin; 28-09-19 at 03:09.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: Has anyone tried CLAIRE Weeks acceptance of the depression??

    Lebonvin- wow I am so sorry. I wasn’t with it at all earlier this week. I think it was the SJW. My brain has started working now and your post if massively helpful. Thank you.

    I noticed that you are on meds too. CLAIRE weeks does say they are helpful. However the frustrating thing for me is that once I come off the meds- I feel back to square number one. Maybe with meds and Claire weeks method- it’ll mean I can be without the meds one day. But after this experience I don’t think I’ll even come off of them again.

    How long have you been on meds for?

    Thank you again.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Re: Has anyone tried CLAIRE Weeks acceptance of the depression??

    Hot damn I posted a long reply and lost it in cyberspace.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: Has anyone tried CLAIRE Weeks acceptance of the depression??

    Aw sorry Lebonvin- typical isn’t it

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: Has anyone tried CLAIRE Weeks acceptance of the depression??

    So I have been listening to CLAIRE weeks today and she talks about accepting all of the feelings, but then she also says you have to change your thinking - I am so confused x

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: Has anyone tried CLAIRE Weeks acceptance of the depression??

    I have found the CLAIRE weeks resource on depression:


    It’s the 3rd link down.

    I hope it helps some people out there.

    Best wishes,


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Re: Has anyone tried CLAIRE Weeks acceptance of the depression??

    Hey Mrs Mitch you got it wrong it's the last one down. Must be the John Wort.

    What went down on Elefriends?

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