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Thread: Help - Bad Wisdom Tooth Again

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2018

    Tooth Infection - Please Help

    So, I've got a problem with one of my wisdom teeth coming through and went to the dentist last Friday because it was bleeding and aching a little. She had a quick look and said it was red and inflamed and I'd need antibiotics. I don't recall her saying anything about it being infected. Anyway, I was given 7 days of Metronidazole and I'm on my 5th day now and I'm scared it's not working. Although I'm not in pain, my tooth has a dull ache and when I pull my cheek back I can see the flap of gum/skin where the tooth is coming through and there looks like there is puss in there or something and when I poke a cotton bud by it it stinks.

    I am always monitoring my pulse rate and I know that it increases when you have an infection and mine has gone up by about 10 bpm today and I feel a little warm so I'm freaking out that the infection has spread into my body. I saw my GP yesterday and she is excellent but she said it would smell because the infection has no oxygen where it is and I need to take the full course for it to get better. I called the dentist for a check up and they said they already checked me and to just take in antibiotics to clear it.

    I'm just panicking because I'm scared that it's not getting better and that it's now in fact gone into my bloodstream. I'm going abroad in a couple of weeks and I dont want this hanging over my head I'm so worried.

    I'm desperately tired because I've a baby that wakes multiple times a night and I know that won't help but I'm utterly terrified right now. I don't know what to do I just need some sensible advice please.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Tooth Infection - Please Help

    You're catastrophising something quite normal.

    You're imagining a worst case scenario based on where you would rather be.

    A tooth infection is not a life threatening problem.

    Antibiotics need time to work, let them run their course.

    Your body is more than capable of dealing with infection, let alone when it's compounded by taking antibiotics.

    You're tired, and using self defeating thought and behaviour.

    Stop checking your pulse, and when you find yourself thinking about the imaginary worst case scenario, distract yourself with something else. It doesn't matter what.

    On a more practical note, get one of those single mono toothbrushes and some corsodyl gel and use that to brush/clean the area. I've had wisdom tooth infections several times in my life which made my face swell up a couple of times, and it does fix itself. However, since I used corsodyl gel and one of those brushes, it's never happened again. Next time you feel a little bit of swelling there really dig in with the brush/gel. It may even bleed a little, but that's fine.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2018

    Some Sensibility Required

    Full in full blown anxiety mode at the moment...
    A couple of weeks ago i went to the dentist as my wisdom tooth was hurting and I was given antibiotics for inflammation and that was that. After I'd finished them I went back as it was still hurting and they took an xray and said the tooth is impacted and it's got to come out but no infection there. The pain is from it trying to come through with no where to go. I'm terrified of having an underlying infection so I asked over and over "is there any infection?" to be told "no".

    That was a week ago and it's not hurting too bad but I'm cleaning it over and over as I'm so terrified of getting an infection. What's causing my anxiety to go mad st the moment is that I'm going to Cyprus for 10 days in a weeks time and I'm terrified it's going to get infected whilst I'm over there. I'm used to checking my pulse and know my normal RHR is around 64 - 72 but normally more in the 60s and since yesterday morning it's not really come out of the 70s and I feel hot all the time. My anxiety was heightened yesterday as I had an unrelated hospital appointment but my anxiety had remained high ever since. I could feel myself all tense when I woke up this morning.

    I guess I'm just asking if me feeling warm and my heart rate rising a bit so because of my constant anxiety? In my mind I'm terrified it's cause of an underlying infection.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2019

    Re: Some Sensibility Required


    The symptoms you are experiencing are absolutely anxiety. You mention how your anxiety was already heightened and this a heightened anxiety will cause your symptoms. Use your own words and thoughts to challenge the anxiety thoughts your having that have no grounding in reality.

    Best Wishes

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Some Sensibility Required

    Yes, it's because of your anxiety.

    You've been told by a dentist it's not infected.

    Stop checking, go enjoy your holiday.

    This is all self made.

    Oh, and even if you do get an infection, so what? Take some antibiotics and it'll go away. Thousands of people get tooth infections every day. You're creating a problem out of nothing.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2018

    Re: Some Sensibility Required

    Thanks for your replies. I can be logical and sensible for everyone else, just not myself. I have got a massive fear of sepsis. There are posters about it everywhere so it seems and you always read those scary stories about someone getting it from a paper cut or something like that. The damage has been done through all my years of googling.

    I feel pretty rubbish at the moment as I've got a 9 month old baby that wakes during the night so I dont get a lot of rest and I think I've got a bit of a cold too but my mind will tell me that I feel terrible because I've got an infection or something.

    I'll wake up in the middle of the night feeling really anxious and I feel all trembly and like I csnt breathe properly. I know in my logical mind this points to anxiety but my other side says no.

    Thanks again for your support it really does help.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Some Sensibility Required

    Get it out.. an impacted tooth will never not be impacted, get it out asap so you can put this behind you.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2018

    Re: Some Sensibility Required

    Quote Originally Posted by NancyW View Post
    Get it out.. an impacted tooth will never not be impacted, get it out asap so you can put this behind you.
    I am getting it out but it's only just been discovered and I go away in a.weeks time so it can't be done before then and besides, here in England with the NHS we are referred by our dentists to the hospital first for and assessment before we even get booked in for the surgery. If I'd have had the choice in the last couple of weeks to have had it removed I'd have done it that second but it doesn't work like that here

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2018

    Really Need Some Help...sorry

    I'm going on holiday to Cyprus next week for 10 days and my anxiety is through the roof. I've had extreme health anxiety since my teens (I'm now 40) and following a complicated pregnancy last year and lots of medical intervention I am a complete mess. As far as I'm aware and after a multitude of different tests, I am reasonably healthy apart from a dodgey wisdom tooth that is due to be removed.

    Instead of looking forward to time away with my family I am panicking about getting I'll out there. Anything from a bug to an infection of some sort, especially as I've just finished antibiotics for my tooth. My dr is my security blanket and I am just terrified at the thought of being out of the country for 10 days. Today for instance, I've got a pain in my lower stomach/side and this morning I was scared it was my appendix and now that has turned to worry about it being a kidney or water infection. I have been very stressed the last month and have felt my anxiety increasing. Literally any ache or pain will set me off into a panic wondering if it's something serious. I get very little sleep due to my 9 month old which only compounds my anxiety.

    I am having therapy at the moment but not sure if it's helping as it's EMDR but what I really need is some coping mechanisms to help manage my anxiety. Whenever I think of this holiday I go into a panic because I'm scared of leaving home. I am so scared of something bad happening to me or my family that I don't know how I am going go come whilst away. Please can anyone offer any advice or tools I can use as I'm feeling pretty desperate at the moment.

    Thank you.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Re: Really Need Some Help...sorry

    You are not going to village in Africa. There are hospitals in Cyprus, though it is highly likely you won't need it.

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