Quote Originally Posted by Nutmeg View Post
I've just started medication - I'm on escitalopram and I've only been taking it 2 days and I'm on a low dose so obviously no effect yet! But I'm hoping it works soon - I don't know what to tell my uni lecturer's to why I'm struggling - this is hard to explain to someone who doesn't have it! I told one person and they looked at me likeI was crazy - didn't help.

And when I said it was all in my head - I mean my head was causing it! It's just frustrating me! Sorry it's getting exhausting!
Yep, you will find that people just do not get this at all. Then again, if you had read about this or whatever before you experienced it would you fully have understood it...I doubt it, it is a very frustrating and debilitating thing.

I too used to find I wanted to talk about this with everybody as it is a disorder that you feel you can sort of make sane by talking about it but to be honest that never really used to work...I would mention it to people and they would just not get it at all and say something like 'oh, if you have had the tests you must be fine' and totally fail to see the disorder part of it. To be honest, I would maybe discuss it with one or two close friends and leave it at that...if you have to say why you are unwell for any particular reason I always used to say I had some anxiety issues and no more. I think I expected people to understand what it was and how it was so total in taking over my life but thinking about it you are really asking for and expecting the impossible.