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Thread: long term sore throat and camera

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    long term sore throat and camera

    Hi has anyone had the camera in there throat for long term sore throat and what is the test called. I have had a sore throat and neck discomfort for about 3 months now, the Doctor sent me for blood tests, the white blood count was a little high so he said that suggests an infection, so he put me on antibiotics, this didn’t work so he referred me to ENT to have them look down my throat with a camera and while waiting he gave me some medication to reduce acid in my stomach as he said even though I don’t get heartburn acid can cause sore throats, Well I have had the letter back to make an appointment at the ENT, but do they freeze your throat before putting the camera down or is it just quite quick and simple? Thanks all. Vernon

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi I had this done last year , but they didnt freeze my throat and I found it uncomfortable and it made my eyes stream with tears.
    They went thru my nose and down my throat.

    After they did it, they THEN informed me they could of done it with a spray to numb the throat, but it takes half an hour to work !!!

    So my advise is, ask for the spray, get their early and make sure you get the spray.

    the whole procedure is very quick and I felt normal straight after.

    my problem was my saliva glands.

    good luck


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    my hubby had it done a few years ago and they numbed his throat. Turned out he had inflammation in his stomach which could have turned into an ulcer


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Verny that doesn't sound like a load of laughs does it hun - but I expect its over pretty quickly!

    I think Nic posted about this somewhere once - I've had the camera down the throat to my tum tums. I didn't have the sedative but I did have the throat spray. I have to say I prefer having my hair done but it wasn't too bad really!

    I'm looking forward to the day they can take these pictures from the outside!

    Big hugs

    Love Piglet x

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi vernon,I had the camera,(endoscope)I think its called.When I went for them to look at my stomach, I was sedated.I had a lovely sleep.But My friend wasnt,she went to a different hospital.Maybe different hospitals do it differently.Maybe they dont sedate to look at the throat.I would explain you are a very anxious person,Im sure they will underdtand.

    Ellen XX

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
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    Mine was the camera up the nose and down the throat. It didn't hurt at the time but that night and for the next day or 2 I felt as though someone had broken my nose and it was very achy and tender to touch.

    They said they couldn't see anything "bad" in my throat.


    People will forget what you said
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    My bro in law had this done and they didnt numb his throat enuf so he stopped it....they sedated him then....

    I think if you ask they will sedate you...explain that u have sure they will b very helpful and understanding..but like said..i suppose it depends on the hosp..all dif procedures...

    Talk to sure they can help hun...hugs..x

    Take care,
    Lin xxx
    "Fear is dat lil darkroom, wer negatives r developed", so positive thoughts okies!!!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: long term sore throat and camera

    Thanks all, Dont like the idea of it going via my nose lol, its only my throat. had a stomach pump years ago and that was down my throat and very unpleasant, had a sygmoidascopy too thats the cmera up my backside, the camera didnt hurt but the air and water they pumpped while the camera was inside was painfull. thanks all. Vernon

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: long term sore throat and camera

    Hi vernon,I had mine done a few years ago and I think the cameras are a bit slimmer now.I also had the one up the bottom with air!!!!!I was windy all day!!!!!!!!
    Yorkylover xxx

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