@Mav i haven't struggled with them for a few years but the comedian maria bamford has OCD and some hilarious material on it. she was on an anxiety episode on a netflix doc series called "the mind explained", she makes this material insanely funny:

We all have bizarre thoughts.
You think of, kinda like, "Oh, that dog is sexy.
"And then you go, "Oh, that's weird, eh?" And then you move on.
But somebody with a tendency of OCD goes, "Oh, it's weird that I just had that.
"That's when the loop begins, and then you start walking over to the other side of street when you see a Pomeranian.
So mine was I started to fear that I was going to physically harm my parents and my sister.
Um, that I would serial kill them, I guess.
I'd avoid knife drawers.
I don't want to make eye contact.
Oh, if I make eye contact, I gotta squinch my hands three times.
Just becomes this more elaborate ritual thing.
Then Then I finally, uh, Googled "creepy thoughts that are unwanted.
"And up came OCD.
Turns out it's a whole thing.