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Thread: Palpitations are really bad

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Palpitations are really bad

    I’ve suffered with anxiety for a long time and know that palpitations are very normal for people like us but for the last few weeks mine have ramped up a lot I’ve been getting loads of them all the time and a keep doing isn’t feeling my pause everywhere I can find one. I get a weird flutter in my chest all the time. The palpitations are frustrating but what’s even worse is that sometimes when I feel my pulse I feel a small pause (not a long one at all) I know that’s bad but I can still feel it then my head goes in to over drive. Yesterday I went out with my mum and kids and didn’t have one palpitations. I also didn’t take any medication for it either. I went to see the gp she says it’s stress and I’m sure it is to but when your living through these types of things nothing can shake that feeling. How bad have your palpations been?? Any reassurance??? (I know I shouldn’t ask that) just need some kind advice.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: Palpitations are really bad

    Hello there if it helps any I had palpitations for a week and a half literally none stop day and night never felt anything like it frightened the life out of me 'so went to my doctors she arranged the 24 hour monitor that was ok but she decided to still send me for an echocardiogram which sent me into panic ' I had that done and was all fine'so if you end up going to your doctors and you get sent for the same tests don't worry it's something they to follow up with ' a month ago I was on here asking the same questions so try not to worry about them ' mine was down to stress' also have a look on my posts under palpitations and you can read my replys might help .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Re: Palpitations are really bad

    What you describe is classic for ectopics, either PVCS (premature ventricular contractions) or PACS (premature atrial contractions). A lot of people refer to these as "skipped" or "missed" beats but they are neither. These are premature beats that happen early in the cycle and come from a place that is not the sinus node. Sometimes when people get an understanding of why something is happening it's easier to deal with and so I will do my best to explain...

    Your heart has 4 chambers. Two upper chambers (the atria) and two lower chambers (the ventricles). The sinus node is your hearts natural pacemaker and it consists of a cluster of cells that are situated in the upper part of the wall of the right atrium (the right upper chamber of the heart) the electrical impulses are generated there. Think of your heart like a train, the sinus node is the conductor. All heart beats should come from the sinus node and although its responsible for keeping the pace the heart has cells all over it and these cells are capable of generating electrical impulses just like the sinus node except when an impulse comes from anywhere other then the sinus node it disrupts the rhythm set by it.
    So what happens is that your sinus node is doing its thing and one of the cells in the atrium or ventricle for whatever reason sends out an electrical impulse and generates a heart beat. That heart beat came to early in the cycle and disrupted the rhythm set by the sinus node and so it needs to reset.
    We do not feel the premature beat, what we feel is the next heartbeat that comes from the sinus node and the reason we feel it is because after the premature beat happens the sinus node resets and prepares for the next beat. This brief pause causes the chambers to fill up with a bit more blood then it would have had the premature beat not occurred. When the next beat comes it's more forceful because it has to push out all that extra blood.. These premature beats can feel like a hard thump or a flutter.

    These ectopics in the absence of heart disease are benign. Everyone gets these at some point or another. Believe it or not, most people dont even feel them.

    There are some things you can do to try and lessen them. Avoid smoking, caffeine, stress, anxiety, and alcohol. Make sure you get adequate amounts of sleep and I know these things are uncomfortable but its very important not to focus on them because the more you think and dwell on them, the more they will happen.

    Some people find that keeping their electrolytes balanced is helpful but do not go overboard and take supplements in addition to eating foods high in potassium because potassium levels that are to high can be dangerous. I eat a banana a day and I take magnesium supplements. Magnesium has worked wonders for me. If you decide to try magnesium make sure you do your research because some types of magnesium are difficult for the body to absorb. Maybe discuss all this with your doctor.

    I hope all this has been helpful to you. I tried my very best to explain it in a way that's easy to understand (((hugs)))

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2018

    Re: Palpitations are really bad

    Careful 1, great reply. Magnesium worked wonders for me too.
    I was overseas when they started, and I was getting 20 per minute or so. Thought I would die in an eastern bloc country thousands of miles from my US home. It took about 4 months for them to go away, because even when I got home I could not let them go.
    One other VERY important tip...stop researching. Careful 1 has clearly stated the cause. Stay away from Google. Absolutely do not let yourself search anything on this. If you are really concerned, see a professional. My addiction to self diagnosis was an integral reason why it took so long to go back to normal.
    I still get the occasional palpitation, ectopic, etc, but I know exactly what causes them now. It wasn’t diet or anything for me, it was anxiety. Oh and I think it was caffeine too...been off that for a year now.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: Palpitations are really bad

    Thank you all for you amazing and kind words. I know they’re anxiety related and I’m trying so hard to get myself through this bad patch I’m currently having cbt but it’s a struggle at the moment but you have all been so kind

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