Hi guys

So 2 nights ago I was awoken with loose stools and I ended up throwing up quite violently

This lead me to do a 24hr fast, yesterday I thought I would be Ok so decided to eat again, other than feeling a little sick to start with I was fine

This morning I have woke up with the worst nausea, my stomach is doing cartwheels and constantly making noises and my back is aching

I also keep burping and it’s tasting a little eggy and smelling (vile I know, sorry!)

My anxiety is now going 10 to a dozen

I’m so worried it’s something serious and to be honest, I feel I’ve let myself down

I was around 2 months google free and panic free but it’s all come back again

I don’t want to sound stupid but my fears are

- some form of C, bowel I’m thinking
- brain tumour, I have been getting a few headaches, come and go over past few days, tension type.

I feel so bad for letting myself get to this state again

I read online most bugs should only last 2 days

This is day 3...

Also, why would I have such back ache

It’s really worrying

Thanks for reading guys

Dan, 26.