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Thread: Hey guys having a very bad episode right now

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Re: Hey guys having a very bad episode right now

    Just had two bad panick attacks one after the other just crying on my bed feeling so alone, my heart rate doesn't seem to go as fast now when it happens but the burning tingling chest pain is the worse symptom along with the shear terror of impending death and overhwelming fear of the rest.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Re: Hey guys having a very bad episode right now

    Hi guys just an update as I’ve been a bit quiet. Getting there slowly I cried today I had this horrific pain down my left side again and this has been a consistent trigger for fear of a heart attack. Today I finally ballsed it and went to the osteopath who said I had two trapped nerves on under my first rib which was out of place pressing the nerve against my collar bone and the other in the mid area of my back on my shoulder towards my arm. He actually said it was an impressive injury especially it came on the back of two falls a couple of months ago and I’ve Carried on regardless with the pains and weird symptoms of numbness in my hand shooting pains down my arm and shoulder tingling altered sensations. The other day I pressed on my collar bone thinking it was the weather being colder making it worse or I had a inflamed rib muscles I genuinely couldn’t be sure it hurt like hell when I massaged it the other day I howled but kept massaging hoping it would show some relief. Now I have discovered the reasons behind it I’m a bit upset of actually having such severe injury .....
    I’m hoping if I can relieve these symptoms I can understand I am ok because when I’m calmer and the pains have gone or I have no symptoms I don’t get into a panic. This afternoon I was just in a car and had this pain down my side and trying to shut my brain up did not happen until I cried and made the step to get to resolve this issue.

    Like I said just an update not a happy one of sorts but I’m fighting on and trying to stay positive.... it’s my birthday in three days too x

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: Hey guys having a very bad episode right now

    The pain down the side wouldn't be heart related. You've had it on and off for a while now so it's more likely muscle tensions related to the anxiety as the ostepath said.

    I think I told you about the time I pulled my rib muscles from a panic attack. They took a long time to heal and a single bad panic attack caused so much tension (that I wasn't aware of) that it actually pulled a muscle. I thought I was having a heart attack and called an ambulance as a result.

    You can stop worrying about the heart now though. Your heart is all good.

    And happy birthday in 3 days! It was mine last month. I'm officially in the middle of becoming 40.
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  4. #44
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Re: Hey guys having a very bad episode right now

    Hey thanks hun
    I’m catching up with you i will be 9 years off 40 in a few days lol
    Yer it’s a lot more reassuring what the osteopath said really pleased I went

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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