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Thread: Cough. Probably anxiety, but mind says not.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Cough. Probably anxiety, but mind says not.

    For the last few weeks, not constantly but somewhat regularly, I've had a feeling like a lump or tightness in my throat and pressure in my chest, right around my sternum. Coughing (and actually, burping) helps to ease it, but only for a few minutes. It's not keeping me from eating or sleeping, but occasionally when talking my voice will give out until I cough.

    Intellectually I know this is anxiety. I tend to experience lung-related anxiety at this time every year due to losing a friend to lung cancer at Christmas 6 years ago, and four years ago convinced I had LC too went through all the scans before being diagnosed with anxiety-related asthma and allergies. But two years ago at this time I was going through some issues that pointed to early rheumatoid arthritis. My spiral is well-documented on this forum. Bloodwork was normal-ish and lacking the typical symptoms I never was officially diagnosed, instead being advised by the rheumatologist I saw to "wait and see" if anything changed before revisiting it. Nothing has changed, but from my previous reading about RA I know that lung disease is common among sufferers, and sometimes shows up even before clinical symptoms. So while I should be able to just ignore this, chalk it up to anxiety and get on with my life, that pervasive and LOUD voice in my head keeps saying things like "interstitial lung disease, pulmonary'll be dead in 3 years" and I can't seem to shut it up. And of course the more I think and worry about it, the more aware of it I am, so it's a vicious cycle.

    Just looking to vent, I guess. Hoping I get past this soon so I can enjoy the holiday season!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: Cough. Probably anxiety, but mind says not.

    It sounds a wee bit like GERD/GORD if I'm honest?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Re: Cough. Probably anxiety, but mind says not.

    Could be! I do have a history of GERD/LPR, but I haven't felt any heartburn (I know it can happen without actual physical burning/pain, though). I'm not having any trouble taking deep breaths, but I was just laughing somewhat enthusiastically with a co-worker and it made me want to cough. It feels like someone has their hands wrapped around my throat and they're digging their thumbs into the spot just above my collarbone. Sometimes it also feels like someone's sitting on my chest. Classic anxiety...I just wish I could convince the 5% of myself that's wanting to spiral. I'm just trying not to think about it.

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