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Thread: Major blip just before Christmas??!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Major blip just before Christmas??!!

    Hi all I had an ok week last week considering the busyness and stress but it’s all gone to custard this weekend. Had a minor panic attack on Friday night then a major one on saturday morning when a piece of sausage got stuck in my oesogagus. It feels like it’s still there even tho my husband says it not as i can eat and drink ok but still very anxious and down today. Hating myself quite a lot and feeling hopeless. Just cant seem to talk myself out of this one - feel like all the meds and therapy have been for nothing. Any advice on how to get through this really appreciated. i cant get out of bed and my husband is really fed up.
    thanks so much

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Major blip just before Christmas??!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Windywel View Post
    Hi all I had an ok week last week considering the busyness and stress but it’s all gone to custard this weekend. Had a minor panic attack on Friday night then a major one on saturday morning when a piece of sausage got stuck in my oesogagus. It feels like it’s still there even tho my husband says it not as i can eat and drink ok but still very anxious and down today. Hating myself quite a lot and feeling hopeless. Just cant seem to talk myself out of this one - feel like all the meds and therapy have been for nothing.
    You need to stop beating yourself up over little setback. You know even 'normies' have their moments! This is often the most stressful time of the year by a large margin and choking is no barrel of laughs either. It's enough to spook anyone.

    i cant get out of bed
    Yes, you can and should, immediately. You are not ill, or physically injured. All languishing in bed does it give you more time to brood and anxiety to fester which are the opposite of what you should be doing. You don't beat anxiety by pandering to it. You do it by challenging it at every turn. So get up, get dressed and then go and give anxiety the
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Re: Major blip just before Christmas??!!

    Thanks PDU for the reply the kick up the ass. I know I need it but I’m just so exhausted I feel like I don’t have the strength to give it the heave ho today. But I know you’re right. I’d be ok if I didn’t still feel like I had something stuck in my throat - ie it feels like there is a lump there. I’m sure nicks right that I wouldn’t be able to eat and drink if it was still there but I do feel a lump and that’s what making me anxious as well as feeling shite about having the panic attack yesterday and letting the anxiety get to me - then and now

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Major blip just before Christmas??!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Windywel View Post
    .I’d be ok if I didn’t still feel like I had something stuck in my throat - ie it feels like there is a lump there..
    You're not imagining it, just what you feel is the bruising and possible scratching of the oesophagus lining, not a blockage. As your husband says, it can't be blocked if you can swallow food and drink.

    as well as feeling shite about having the panic attack yesterday and letting the anxiety get to me - then and now
    It is life's adversities that tell us we're alive. Think how boring it would be if every day was just filled with nothing but bliss.

    A panic attack is just that, a panic attack. They are a lot more common than you may believe. Most people have had a panic attack, or two. It wasn't a heart attack, nothing was broken, the grim reaper wasn't standing behind you rubbing its hands in glee at your imminent demise, it was just a panic attack, a surge of adrenaline and a non conscious area of your brain shouting, "flee, flee, the sky is falling, FLEE, FLEE!!", over and over into the 'ear' of your frontal lobes for a minute or so. It did no actual harm and had no intrinsic power, only that which you chose to give it in its aftermath. You can control them by making a different choice than the one you did on Friday and in the days since! The best response to a PA is: and continuing on with whatever you were doing at the time. Yeah, that's easier said than done, but it is doable. Just takes repeated practice.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Re: Major blip just before Christmas??!!

    Thanks Ian - I really do find your advice helpful. I managed to do that with the one on Friday but not the one on Saturday as I was seriously freaking out about the sausage being stuck and just couldn’t get a handle on the panic. I will pull myself together and try and be rational about it.

  6. #6

    Re: Major blip just before Christmas??!!

    Well it’s nice to to know it’s not just me.

    You are not alone

    ive had some shitty health conditions for the last 3 months which have affected my mobility so I’ve been stuck indoors far far too much.

    then a dose of cold followed by a a bout of flu and my anxiety ls have gone through the roof

    Been given propanol and diazepam which are just touching the anxiety but still finding it hard to relax

    ff to docs tomorrow guessing I’ll be given a new drug as im at max dose of my antidepressant

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Re: Major blip just before Christmas??!!

    Oh no that sucks! I’m sure once you’re feeling better the anxiety will calm down again?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Major blip just before Christmas??!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Allyb View Post
    then a dose of cold followed by a a bout of flu and my anxiety ls have gone through the roof
    In several respects, anxiety and depression are the symptoms of an immune system disorder and an immune system in overdrive can trigger, or worsen them. Patients taking immune system boosting meds such as interferon to treat viral infections and cancers are now often also prescribed an AD for the duration of treatment because of this. Immune system proteins may also reduce the effectiveness of antidepressants. Your anxiety levels may ease as the immune system calms down.

    ff to docs tomorrow guessing I’ll be given a new drug as im at max dose of my antidepressant
    What are you taking?
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

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