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Thread: Fluox Restarting

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2019

    Re: Fluox Restarting

    Hi PDU ! I'm must have been posting my update as you were typing your info...I'd like your thoughts on my new update...

    Quote Originally Posted by panic_down_under View Post
    It most likely is the fluoxetine, or being exacerbated by it. The gut is the most serotonergic organ of the body by far making about 50 times as much serotonin as the brain. The enteric nervous system (ENS), the mini brain which controls the gut can be more affected initially by serotonergic ADs than the brain is. The mix of gut flora is also affected by ADs and the brain. The ENS is connected to the brain via the valgus nerves and it seems to be the dominant partner including having a strong influence on mood and emotions (it also influences the heart and lungs via the vagus nerves). In turn the ENS is influenced by the gut microbiome. How you feel can literally be affected by your poop! Indeed, it is possible to make a good case for us being merely the life support system for the bugs in our guts who can lead us on a merry chase at times.

  2. #22
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    Jan 2017

    Re: Fluox Restarting

    Quote Originally Posted by Conelrad View Post
    My stomach was (rib area) was bothering me a lot too. Got home from work and broke down an took a 1/4 tab of Xanax (my wife had to talk me into taking it). Calmed me down nicely and I noticed my abdominal pain subsided quite a bit...
    Could you have strained a stomach muscle, maybe? I don't see how alprazolam would ease SSRI induced gut pain, in fact BZDs can and do themselves cause gastro issues, but they are pretty good muscle relaxants.

    I'm thinking I may have to give the Fluox a little more time, if the anxiety doesn't lessen, I may have to see my doctor and talk about upping the dosage ?
    A month is still early days, especially for fluoxetine which tends to take longer than the other ADs because of that long half-life, so I wouldn't read too much into what is happening atm. That said, there is a case for taking a higher dose than previously rather than waiting to see if it will be enough and then having to wait more weeks for an increase to take effect if it proves inadequate. You can always ease back the dose once the anxiety has been bought back under control to check whether you really need the extra, although personally I'd stay on whatever works unless ongoing side-effects are significantly worse. With ADs being a little over medicated is better than under medicated.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  3. #23
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    Dec 2019

    Re: Fluox Restarting

    PDU, Thanks for the reply. What seems to be the issue, maybe, when I have stress/anxiety my abdominal muscle seem to "tighten,spasm ? " as soon as the anxiety is gone, the stomach pain seem to lessen or go. I do have a stressful job (emergency services) , so just going into work raises my anxiety before I even begin.I took 2 (1/4) tabs last night over a 6 hour period and my wife even noticed the difference... My goal today, as I'm off work, is to not take any Xanax and control any anxiety with breathing or mindfulness...hopefully..we'll see how that works...meh..

    Quote Originally Posted by panic_down_under View Post
    Could you have strained a stomach muscle, maybe? I don't see how alprazolam would ease SSRI induced gut pain, in fact BZDs can and do themselves cause gastro issues, but they are pretty good muscle relaxants.
    As per your info, and others, i'm going to give the Fluox at least 2 more weeks before I consider any dosage change at this point as I'm only into day 2 of week 4...
    Last edited by Conelrad; 11-01-20 at 16:21. Reason: added info

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Fluox Restarting

    Quote Originally Posted by Conelrad View Post
    My goal today, as I'm off work, is to not take any Xanax and control any anxiety with breathing or mindfulness...hopefully..we'll see how that works
    Sounds like a plan, however, don't be a martyr. If you need to take Xanax then do so.

    As per your info, and others, i'm going to give the Fluox at least 2 more weeks before I consider any dosage change at this point as I'm only into day 2 of week 4...
    Cool. Fingers crossed that you begin to see a positive result soon.

    I do have a stressful job (emergency services) , so just going into work raises my anxiety before I even begin
    Is there a career pathway to a less stressful part of the service? I appreciate the personal rewards of these jobs, but you shouldn't sacrifice your well-being helping others.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2019

    Re: Fluox Restarting

    Jan 16 Update** Been a week since last update. Sleep pattern is fairly normal now. Appetite is pretty good also. Only issue at this point is I'm still having stomach area pain. I've had a colonoscopy and endoscopy with found nothing major that would contribute to the pain. I still have points of high anxiety, but I dont know if it's the anxiety issue or my body is still adjusting to the Fluox. It's been 5 weeks as of today and I'm starting to get a little frustrated at this point.....
    Last edited by Conelrad; 16-01-20 at 21:20. Reason: correction

  6. #26
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    Jan 2017

    Re: Fluox Restarting

    Quote Originally Posted by Conelrad View Post
    I still have points of high anxiety, but I dont know if it's the anxiety issue or my body is still adjusting to the Fluox. It's been 5 weeks as of today and I'm starting to get a little frustrated at this point.....
    Frustration is normal, it can seem that the med will never begin to work, but they usually do. The worst part is behind you, now it's just a matter of being patient waiting for the kick-in.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  7. #27
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    Dec 2019

    Re: Fluox Restarting

    Quote Originally Posted by panic_down_under View Post
    Frustration is normal, it can seem that the med will never begin to work, but they usually do. The worst part is behind you, now it's just a matter of being patient waiting for the kick-in.
    Thanks PDU...I have a follow up appointment with my GP a week from tomorrow. So, I'll see how I'm doing by then. See if at that point a dosage change or something may be appropriate...I think the anxiety may be contributing to the stomach issue, but I've never experienced that before..Of course, it makes the anxiety worse...meh..

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2019

    Re: Fluox Restarting

    Jan 20th Update*** Friday and Sat I need half a tab of Xanax to help with heightened anxiety,kind of a background anxiety, but Sunday & today, so far have been really good. I slept great last night. Fell asleep about 11 pm woke up at 6 for a few minutes, fell back asleep until 8 am..Nice ! This Thursday will mark the 6 week point of my restart....

  9. #29
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    Jan 2017

    Re: Fluox Restarting

    Quote Originally Posted by Conelrad View Post
    This Thursday will mark the 6 week point of my restart....
    If you plot when ADs begin to have a positive effect you get the classic bell curve with the peak at around 6 weeks, maybe a week or two later for fluoxetine. So you are/have entered the prime zone. You may still get some setbacks, but as long as the length and frequency of the good days keep increasing you're on the right track.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2019

    Re: Fluox Restarting

    Thanks PDU !

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