As we move onto the next stage (soon) after some finality is brought to Parliament and it's time wasting it is interesting to see the same old things rattling around about deals. But I found this interesting from the German Defence Minister who is touted as Merkel's replacement:

I agree with future co operation. But I do wonder how they think telling the UK they can't cherry pick deals when they themselves are choosing to cherry pick a defence agreement framed as for our benefit, when we all know Germany is weak on defence and will be relying on France heavily, is going to come across. Perhaps it's a way to remove one of our bargaining chips with an earlier agreement?

Aside from that thought she seems at odds with EU direction. They are pulling away from NATO at Commission level and Macron is very keen to support this. It seems Germany are more sceptical, possibly as they don't see a replacement solution as the EU is weakened by losing it's other nuclear deterrent?