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Thread: My story/diary so far....

  1. #71

    Re: My story/diary so far....

    Hi Jase,

    Thanks for your reply, im glad to hear that you are pushing your way forward. Its also positive that you have continued to get out and still enjoy your bike rides. I do think its important to try to keep busy, not to let the way we feel control us 24/7.
    Its wonderful that you manage at work too!
    I started this journey after an operation last march 2016' sent me into this anxious state, by april i had seen a few drs, had tests nothing showed up. Prior to this i suffered with CFS for many years but i coped ok. Lots of symptoms started, then i started to worry over everything, became a wreck basically. Tried cipramil as id used it before with good results, dr took me off it too soon i think at 8 weeks no improvement. I asked to try prozac in nov 16, so here i am still waiting. I think anxiety is better but im very depressed over symptoms that wont go away, hormonal maybe?
    I guess i need reassurance from people going through the same, that im not wasting my time and energy on prozac. Have you seen much improvements lately? Am i expecting too much too soon? Ive only been on 40mg for five weeks.
    Ive been reading your posts since last year, i guess being on this site has given lots of people some great support. Thank you for sharing your journey with us all.
    Best wishes🐨🐸

  2. #72
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: My story/diary so far....

    Hi Jase and Cazzam,

    Thank you so so much for responding! I've been hunting for some people who have had their dose increased and who are still feeling a bit rough so I know it's normal!

    Caz- we are almost at exactly the same stage- I've been on Flu for 14 weeks with 6 of that at 40mg. I think I'm roughly a week ahead. I had some good days at 20mg, then went bad with my anxiety again so upped the dose at 8 weeks. Since I went up to 40mg I haven't really feel good at all. The side effects are very bothersome, particularly the early morning waking and the stomach pain. I'm holding on to the fact that the 40mg hasn't reached a steady state in my blood yet, so my serotonin levels are all over the place! I don't think we are wasting our time; I think that in 6-8 weeks we will be feeling great.

    Jase- I have suffered from clinical anxiety since the birth of my first child 9 years ago. I had a lot of success on Sertraline, but came off it for a couple of years and then when I restarted it it didn't work. I then tried Venlafaxine (for 6 weeks- made me crazy) and citalopram (for a year- made me fat and sluggish).

    This is my fourth try and I think it's different this time- I feel full of energy and my mood is pretty ok, but the jitters and side effects suck.

  3. #73
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: My story/diary so far....

    Hey guys,
    Having a pretty crappy morning so far, I can see its anticipation anxiety, but just can't seem to let it pass. I have a shift in about an hour where I have a senior role, and will be at a footy oval with lots of crowd. I don't know my crew, and the pressure is on me to set everything up so that it's all TV ready for tonight's game.
    I'm trying to just focus on the moment and not predict the 'what ifs', but finding it really hard to.
    The last few weeks have been pretty good overall, with work and socialising, so it's a shame this has come back to bite me on the bum.
    My chest and shoulders feel like they're on fire, I'm shaking, feel nauseous, sweating, faint blah blah.... wish me luck, I'll let you know how I go.

  4. #74
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: My story/diary so far....

    Quote Originally Posted by AnxiousSince1998 View Post
    I have a shift in about an hour where I have a senior role, and will be at a footy oval with lots of crowd. I don't know my crew, and the pressure is on me to set everything up so that it's all TV ready for tonight's game.
    You'll be fine, Jase. When the chips are down we tend to perform better than most. It's the anticipation and aftermath that we often struggle with.

  5. #75
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: My story/diary so far....

    Cheers mate. Let's hope so.

  6. #76
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: My story/diary so far....

    Hey guys, have been feeling quite blank/vague recently, not sure where that's come from, whether it's just the meds building up?? Also tiredness has been an issue too, constantly tired....
    I have been pretty good otherwise though The other week turned out to be alright at work, and also had a few more shifts which were 'out of the ordinary' jobs, where I didn't know what to expect, but in the end got through fine.. I have a big 3 days ahead of me, which I can feel the anticipation creep up again, but just trying to stay focused on the now and not worry about what (may) lay ahead....
    How are you other guys doing (peachy/caz/panic down under)?
    Hope alls well.

  7. #77
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: My story/diary so far....

    Quote Originally Posted by AnxiousSince1998 View Post
    Hey guys, have been feeling quite blank/vague recently, not sure where that's come from, whether it's just the meds building up?? Also tiredness has been an issue too, constantly tired...
    Hard to say what is causing these symptoms, Jase. It could be the meds, but unlikely unless there has been a change in the past 3-4 weeks, the extra shifts, the crap weather if you're on the east coast, or just because... Sometimes 'stuff' just happens without any rhyme or reason. All part of the rich tapestry of life in lala land. At least we'll never die of boredom!

    How are you other guys doing (peachy/caz/panic down under)?
    Apart from being buggered, I'm doing okay, thanks for asking, Jase. I'm in the process of preparing my house for sale while having a new one built interstate so lots of flying back and forth which is gettin g to be a real pain in the you know where.

  8. #78
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: My story/diary so far....

    Hey guys,
    Well it’s been quite some time since I have posted, which means things are going ok.... the past few months have still been rocky but I have been able to get out quite a bit and even socialise a bit, which has been a massive deal for me in the past.
    I’m finding anticipation anxiety to still be an issue, where I subconsciously worry about an upcoming event. Mindfulness is helping though, where I can see the symptoms increasing whilst just ‘thinking’ about the particular event, and I am able to recognise and accept that it’s my mind, that I’m not in any danger and 8 times out of 10, I am able to get back to a reasonably comfortable state.
    ‘My thoughts are fine until I think about IT’ has been an honest statement of late which is a good sign that my brain is starting to override the constant negative thaughts that have troubled me for so many years. I am finding if I’m around negative people or situations, I still almost immediately get panic symptoms, which has been tough because these people and situations are a part of everyday life and I am still training myself to just accept and let the feelings pass.
    My partner has been the best thing ever during my recovery, always trying her best to be positive and there for me, and I can’t wait for the day I can repay her by taking her out for dinner and all those other little things girls like to do. I am so grateful to have such a special person by my side. She is honestly my best friend.
    Some symptoms which still bother me on almost a daily basis have been bad sweating and body feeling overhot, tiredness, tension headaches, confusion when trying to explain something (my mind goes blank), breathless/gassed out during physical activities, and my vision plays up with brief dizzy spells and migraine symptoms from time to time.
    Over all I am in a much better place than I was this time 2 years ago, when I was in a dark place. I am still on 40mg Prozac, which I think is the right dosage for me. Valium has been non existent in my life for over 6 months now, which I thaught I would dependant on forever, so that’s an awesome thing too.
    Please leave a comment if you guys have any questions or just need a chat, the more we express ourselves the less we feel alone. Hope your all well.

  9. #79
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: My story/diary so far....

    Hey guys,
    Yes it’s been quite a long time, but I am feeling better as the months roll on. I am still on 40mg fluoxetine daily, and still have all the same symptoms as my previous posts, but they now only come in small waves, and I have continued to use CBT and mindfulness techniques to allow myself to accept these feelings and let them pass.
    That being said, I have had moments where ‘IT’ has gotten the better of me, especially after a social night out with alcohol, or when I have been put in a stressful situation, or outside of my comfort zone, but I have come back out ok, and a little stronger each time.
    My social anxiety has been so much better, and I have been able to do most things ‘normal’ people do.
    I had a bit of a dark time when my partner broke up with me during last year, but with family and close friends I have been able to let that be and put myself back together.
    It’s sad I never got the chance to pay her back for all the good things and dark times she helped me with, but we remain friends, and who knows, she may need MY help somewhere down the track.
    I hope you all are doing ok, and just thought I would give you an update, as there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and this forum was a godsend when I started my meds many years ago. Take care guys.
    Cheers Jase

  10. #80
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: My story/diary so far....

    Quote Originally Posted by AnxiousSince1998 View Post
    Hey guys,
    Yes it’s been quite a long time, but I am feeling better as the months roll on. I am still on 40mg fluoxetine daily, and still have all the same symptoms as my previous posts, but they now only come in small waves, and I have continued to use CBT and mindfulness techniques to allow myself to accept these feelings and let them pass.
    That being said, I have had moments where ‘IT’ has gotten the better of me, especially after a social night out with alcohol, or when I have been put in a stressful situation, or outside of my comfort zone, but I have come back out ok, and a little stronger each time.
    My social anxiety has been so much better, and I have been able to do most things ‘normal’ people do.
    I had a bit of a dark time when my partner broke up with me during last year, but with family and close friends I have been able to let that be and put myself back together.
    It’s sad I never got the chance to pay her back for all the good things and dark times she helped me with, but we remain friends, and who knows, she may need MY help somewhere down the track.
    I hope you all are doing ok, and just thought I would give you an update, as there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and this forum was a godsend when I started my meds many years ago. Take care guys.
    Cheers Jase
    Dear Jase,

    Thank you for this message. I have been on fluoxetine now for 4 months and 40mg for 4 weeks. Still not feeling great, but it is my fourth time on the drug- so it probably works less and less the more times you start it. It’s good to see there has been light at the end of the tunnel for you. Long may it continue.

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