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Thread: Breast Lump and Breast Clinic Appointment Tomorrow, feeling scared.

  1. #1
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    Breast Lump and Breast Clinic Appointment Tomorrow, feeling scared.

    Hi, I’m going out of milk mind with anxiety. I found a lump just over 2 weeks ago, saw my gp, who thinks it’s a cyst, but she referred me, but mainly because I was so anxious about it. My first appointment was supposed to be last week, but this got cancelled, and rebooked for tomorrow. I am so anxious, I keep flirting from anxious, to calm, to anxious.

    I’m just so scared that it’s breast cancer. The lump appeared out of nowhere, and it had shrunk to hardly anything, but tonight it it back up. Do cancerous lumps do this??

    I’ve got a 5yr old little girl, and the fear of being ill and her seeing that destroys me. Plus mentally I don’t know how I would cope, I’m currently off work with anxiety and depression, and I do have health anxiety. I just keep thinking the worst.

    Can anyone relate??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Breast Lump and Breast Clinic Appointment Tomorrow, feeling scared.

    Quote Originally Posted by hdouglass View Post
    The lump appeared out of nowhere, and it had shrunk to hardly anything, but tonight it it back up. Do cancerous lumps do this??
    Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  3. #3
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    Re: Breast Lump and Breast Clinic Appointment Tomorrow, feeling scared.

    Has anyone else got any advice?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2019

    Re: Breast Lump and Breast Clinic Appointment Tomorrow, feeling scared.

    Sounds hormonal. I’ve been obsessed with the breast cancer fear for over a year, read many a horror story, many websites etc. Never seen anything about cancerous lumps shrinking and then growing again. Fishmanpa is right (I’m hoping he won’t mind me saying but he has had cancer himself so he knows what he’s talking about). Anxiety has a hold on you as it does for most of us but I’d be so surprised if this is cancer. Hopefully carys will see this, she’s been amazing at helping me with my fears over the past year x

  5. #5
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    Re: Breast Lump and Breast Clinic Appointment Tomorrow, feeling scared.

    Thank you, yes my anxiety is doing overtime. The past 2 weeks have been horrible. Fingers crossed your right. I keep thinking it’ll be benign, but then my anxiety is saying ‘What if...?’ My brain is trying to prepare for the worse case scenario.x

  6. #6
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    Nov 2009

    Re: Breast Lump and Breast Clinic Appointment Tomorrow, feeling scared.

    The lump appeared out of nowhere, and it had shrunk to hardly anything, but tonight it it back up. Do cancerous lumps do this??
    Nope. Never.

    (Saw it Unicorn, but can't add much that is more sensible than you have already done yourself ;O) )

    That sounds very like a hormonal change or a fluid filled cyst that is changing size according to your cycle, which they can do, but you are doing exactly the right thing in being aware and getting it checked out. It sounds like you probably only got a referral due to your anxiety, so adding up the fact that your GP referred because you were anxious (and trust me they take no chances if any doubt!) and that it is changing size, then I would say the chances of benign are very large indeed.

    There are a huge number of benign conditions that cause 'lumps' ranging from infections to areas of fibrosis, and well over 80 percent of clinic referalls are for benign breast changes. They should be able to tell fairly promptly from a mammo or ultrasound if the lump is fluid filled or is of concern that it needs biopsy and hopefully also a consultant will give you a manual examination and check there are no other symptoms. You are fortunate in being able to have an appointment at the breast clinic so quickly, as usually for something of this nature it would be not in the urgent category, but it seems that not only have you had the 'two week' NICE guideline rule applied, but also managed to pick up a cancellation. I know at this point it feels like you aren't lucky, but it has certainly reduced the waiting time for you massively.

    I'm afraid that the 'up and down' rollercoaster is part and parcel of having health checks done, and there is really no way to combat that other than to just drive on towards and through it with as much courage as you can. Do come back and let us know how you got on - hopefully all with be well.

  7. #7
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    Jan 2019

    Re: Breast Lump and Breast Clinic Appointment Tomorrow, feeling scared.

    Quote Originally Posted by hdouglass View Post
    Thank you, yes my anxiety is doing overtime. The past 2 weeks have been horrible. Fingers crossed your right. I keep thinking it’ll be benign, but then my anxiety is saying ‘What if...?’ My brain is trying to prepare for the worse case scenario.x
    Its horrible! I think this time tomorrow you’ll be feeling more calm. Deep breaths, the anxiety will get worse now and during appointment but you can do it! Please update us xx

  8. #8
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    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Breast Lump and Breast Clinic Appointment Tomorrow, feeling scared.

    Thank you all for your replies. I posted here because I know there are people who know how it feels to be anxious and to overthink uncontrollably. Your replies have given me some reassurance. I will let you know how I get on.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Breast Lump and Breast Clinic Appointment Tomorrow, feeling scared.

    How did it go ?

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