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Thread: Small hard lump breast

  1. #1

    Small hard lump breast

    Hi Ladies

    Maybe anyone can give me soms advice. I have severe HA especially with breast lumps. After years of anxiety ultrasounds etcetc i now have an agreement with the breast surgeon/oncologist that she examines me every few months. That's great. And last months everything was fine. Few lumps but went away after period. But 4 weeks ago i feel a hard rice like lump. Not that hard as rice but pretty hard. About 4 x 2 mm. Panic ofcourse. Last week was my 4 month check up and i mentioned the lump. She said yes i felt that already. And for someone age 85 for example she would do an ultrasound. But at my age 37 and fibrocystic breasts this was fine. Usually i want an ultrasound and push until i get it. But because of our agreement i know have to trust on her judgement. She says it's fine and a real tumor can't go smaller after massaging the area. Which this little thing does.

    In july i have the next checkup. But i am so scared that this thing is cancer. And i didn't have an ultrasound done. So what do i do. Would you trust the surgeon? She is brilliant with lots of experience. So i know changes are small that something is wrong. But how do i carry on? My anxiety is really eating me up :(.do i wait and ask an ultrasound in july? I don't know anymore...

    Thanks for listening!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Small hard lump breast

    She says it's fine and a real tumor can't go smaller after massaging the area. Which this little thing does.
    ...and here we go, this is the important bit. Cancerous tumours DO NOT GET SMALLER of their own accord, they continue growing, they are 'out of control' cells. You can't make them smaller unless you have them removed or are having specific treatments designed to reduce their size.

    Would you trust the surgeon?
    Absolutely I would. Why would you not ? She is brilliant, with loads of experience, is checking you regularly (incredibly regularly actually, why so often ?!) and knows exactly what she is doing. WHy do you think that you, with severe HA about your breasts, knows more about it than her and should have an ultrasound? Have you studied for a lifetime in her field, are you dealing with cases of BC each and every single day ?

    Its really THAT simple. As you may know, there are some of us on here who have had BC, and we have to trust our surgeons on a yearly basis, and trust our own judgement inbetween. I will repeat that YEARLY basis - you are having checks so regularly that how on earth could anything sinister pass by a field expert ?

    You have an agreement, now stick to it.

  3. #3

    Re: Small hard lump breast

    Hi Carys

    You are right about this. And I know it's true. The only thing i can't get out of my mind is that this lump is new. And i know my breasts pretty well. So it is new, pretty hard but if I massage it a bit it becomes smaller and after a few hours it is the same size again.

    So the thing i worry about most is that it is new. And ofcourse she checked it with more experience. But now i have to wait until it maybe becomes bigger. And that is so hard.

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