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Thread: FEAR

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    , , United Kingdom.


    This is probably a stupid question on this site, but does anyone just feel fear for no reason? I've not experienced panic attacks (fortunately) but I have extremely high anxiety which lasts all day and sometimes I feel really fearful. I sleep badly and wake up in fear. Sometimes I can calm myself down but sometimes, like last night I lay awake just feeling frightened.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Theresa,
    Firstly, any question that causes you distress is certainly not stupid! I do have panic attacks but mostly I am just like you, having high anxiety permanently.I wake up with a churning stomach and imediately start the usual what if, oh no I've got to do whatever today or just arghhhh anxiety! it is so easy for this thinking to take a hold and rule your life. Just today, I went into the bakers to get a sandwich,in a high state of anxiety as usual, and while I was being served had this sudden thought of do all these people in this shop KNOW that I am feeling anxious! I felt so anxious about it, that I practically ran out of the shop, got in the car and raced home!!!
    The real problem with feeling this way is that the fear has no focus, just totally generalised and so just carries on and on.
    The last few days I have also developed a fear of being alone in the house which I have never been scared of before.So, just another thing to try and overcome!
    Take care
    Kate x

  3. #3
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    , , United Kingdom.
    Teresa and Kate,

    It's so horrible this one - isn't it. I've done lots of nights like this.

    I used to go very quiet and my partner used to ask what was wrong and all I could say was that I was fearful - felt afraid and just didn't know why... I think this was the bit he found the hardest to deal with.

    I hated being home alone all day when I was working from home - as long as I knew there was just one neighbour home too I was fine.

    It gets less strong after a while when you constantly reassure yourself all the time that you're fine ( building new neural pathways)- and then it doesn't reappear for ages and ages and then just doesn't appear at all.......


    Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
    Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Theresa

    Fear is the main symptom of my anxiety. I dont tend to even feel breathless or anything else. I just feel sick to my stomach with fear and feel the need to get out, though out of where I sometimes dont know.

    It has got better though, I am taking various medications, I have got myself to the doctor and am being referred to a psychiatrist. There are lots of tips on this site for relaxation methods.

    Listen to Radar, she is wise!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    It is a case of "fear breeding fear" - we think we have solved one problem and then another one comes along to bite us on then bum!

    It is like a little devil inside your head that says "ah so you think you are better now do you" and then it finds us something else to be anxious about. Perhaps exorcism is the answer :-)


  6. #6
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.
    I am just off to find a priest...........!!!
    Kate X

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi everyone - thanx for the support. I've just been reading a book by Cheri Huber called The Fear Book. She's a Zen Buddhist and approaches fear from a spritual angle, She emphasises how the things that we resist, persist and so encourages being present in the moment with whatever there is, being loving and compassionate to oneself. At this point I hit my ever-present stumbling block which is a massive 'HOW' that I want to scream to the world. I really struggle to find compassion for myself, it feels more like being sorry for myself - sad or what!. She's also written 'The Depression Book'. They're comforting to read but like all the advice that's been given, difficult to put into practice. Actually, she'd argue that 'difficult to put into practice' is a 'head' thing (i.e. a thought process)and the fact that we believe it's hard doesn't mean it is hard.

    Another point she makes is that whilst we're fearing the worst, the worst is already happening - "the 'something terrible' that is going to happen is already happening. There is nothing that's going to happen that is worse than living in this kind of fear. That's as bad as it gets." Kind of obvious really, but it struck a chord when I first read it.


  8. #8
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.
    I know what you mean Theresa about the fear being the worst thing. I have bad panic attacks on the tube when it stops in tunnels and my mum always tries to rationalise it by saying 'you know that nothing bad will really happen', but everytime time the tube stops bad things do happen cause I get really fearful and like you say that is kind of the worst thing that can happen. I'm not actually afraid of stopping in the tunnel, I am afraid of the fear I get when I stop in the tunnel.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    I feel the same with my driving. After suffering from ove 10 years I still get the same feelings when I get stuck in traffic (the same as you stuck in the tunnel I guess). I feel trapped and unable to get out too but I am more afraid of the fear than the actual predicament of being stuck!


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    quote:Originally posted by theresa

    This is probably a stupid question on this site, but does anyone just feel fear for no reason? I've not experienced panic attacks (fortunately) but I have extremely high anxiety which lasts all day and sometimes I feel really fearful. I sleep badly and wake up in fear. Sometimes I can calm myself down but sometimes, like last night I lay awake just feeling frightened.


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