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Thread: Should you wear a mask when you go outside or go shopping?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Should you wear a mask when you go outside or go shopping?

    I am wondering what or who we are meant to believe on this matter. Hardly anyone ... of the few bodies i have seen out on the street or in the local mini market where I make my rare ventures out ... is wearing one. I don't wear one since common sense dictates that once you start breathing out into these masks, creating moisture it would act as a kind of viral 'sponge' if anyone got that close to me to breathe, cough or sneeze in my face. i keep well away from the maximum of four bodies that the mini market allows in at any one time ... and steer clear of joggers in the street who are panting away like crazy ... wash hand and face (and sometimes hair) when I get back in the house... and try not to get paranoid or OCD about it!

    The following report - anyone read this? - from the WHO after analysis of the Wuhan spread, makes very interesting reading:

    " Airborne spread has not been reported for COVID-19and it is not believed to be a major driver of transmission based on available evidence

    Current hysteria about the distancing and mask issue would seem to suggest that no-one has taken any notice of these findings and are trying to find any reason to deflect from the fact that the West was unprepared for this, under resourced and grasping at straws to explain why it is still spreading ... and why they are NOT TESTING!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: Should you wear a mask when you go outside or go shopping?

    The CDC in the states has said no all along. Now they’re considering revising that to “maybe”. Only because, it would prevent the person wearing the mask from possibly spreading germs to others - not that it would protect the wearer from getting germs. So it’s kind of up in the air right now as far as a yes or no, at least over here in the states.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , USA.

    Re: Should you wear a mask when you go outside or go shopping?

    We are now being advised to wear masks non N95 out in public. I don't see why not? It's under the guise of asymptomatic people spreading the disease.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Should you wear a mask when you go outside or go shopping?

    Seems to have taken off in the US and NY in particular, but in the UK advice and recommendations are like weather vanes - turning every which way public hysteria and media speculation blows. Not to mention the fact that, like in the US, even if this became compulsory practice where on earth are all the supplies going to come from? Even our NHS can't get a regular supply.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: Should you wear a mask when you go outside or go shopping?

    Quote Originally Posted by dorabella View Post
    Seems to have taken off in the US and NY in particular, but in the UK advice and recommendations are like weather vanes - turning every which way public hysteria and media speculation blows. Not to mention the fact that, like in the US, even if this became compulsory practice where on earth are all the supplies going to come from? Even our NHS can't get a regular supply.
    Which is exactly why there’s been no great effort to encourage the public to wear one. Think about it, these masks reduce the risk of transmitting infection hugely but rather than advise us to wear a face mask they lock the country in their houses. Doesn’t really make sense does it?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Should you wear a mask when you go outside or go shopping?

    Loads of people wearing them in Asda today or scarves round their faces

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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Re: Should you wear a mask when you go outside or go shopping?

    Well I can attest that they have long been standard practice in Asia (Japan, Korea, Taiwan, HK, etc.) especially during winter and spring (hayfever season). This year of course, even more people are wearing them outside (about 90% I'd guess). I like to think that they at least reduce transmission rates a bit for flu, colds, CV, etc. and every little bit helps as they say.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Should you wear a mask when you go outside or go shopping?

    WHO state you should wear one if you are in contact with someone affected or coughing/sneezing:

    It's not just your mouth & nose this virus enters by. How many people are covering their eyes?

    There are plenty being worn in my area now. The staff in B&M and my local petrol station have them as well as gloves. It makes sense for them as they are forced into contact and social distancing can't always be achieved anyway.

    I see people driving or walking with them on. It's a bit strange considering there is no one walking and you can see a quarter if mile of someone comes near you. I wonder whether these people think it's airborne?
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  9. #9
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    Re: Should you wear a mask when you go outside or go shopping?

    Wearing face masks is advised in the US in addition to being in quarantine. Face masks will not and should not replace quarantine.

  10. #10
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    , , USA.

    Re: Should you wear a mask when you go outside or go shopping?

    Actually, it's not unreasonable to assume that aerosol infections have occurred. If one droplet can fly 27 feet and asymptomatic people are infecting others..then we have to assume airborne is possible.

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