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Thread: Time lockdown will last?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Time lockdown will last?

    The Times tomorrow suggesting we will go with herd immunity as we risk damaging mental health and jobs for the younger. Anybody got the link to the article but most papers going with the lockdown will come under pressure to end it soon by April 21st? Just interested to hear what people think if that’s the right way to go?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2018

    Re: Time lockdown will last?

    Oh, that is interesting. I do not have a link to that article, but I did read an article the other day that was talking about how Italians are already struggling with the impact of the government shutdown on their livelihoods. I was expecting the article to talk about the virus and death toll, but instead it focused on the lack of available food, untenable living situations, lack of money, etc. I am of the mind that there is no possible way we can extend this lockdown (U.S.) for months on just cannot happen. I think that is one reason they are trying to prepare us for wearing masks in public. We cannot wait on a vaccine before we open our economy back up so they are going to have to get better at managing this....which angers me to no end, as I feel like they had more time and twiddled it away as if it was someone else's problem.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    Re: Time lockdown will last?

    I'm in the UK so I can only speculate about us. I think 10 Downing Street will announce a 3-week extension on the 13th which takes us to May 4th. Hopefully we'll have peaked by then so I'd imagine they'd then slowly start to relax lockdown measures. I can't imagine total normality for quite some time, though.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Re: Time lockdown will last?

    I get the feeling it'll never end.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Time lockdown will last?

    I would tend to occur with Jase. When the lock down started they were speculating that UK peak would be around Easter/end of April. The way the stats are going up it seems to fit - on a trajectory like Italy and Spain and we are are about 3 weeks behind them.

    Either the UK government gets its backside in gear and starts antibody testing to rule put the majority of the population who have had it and can get back into the work arena, or we go out in masks no matter what the state of their efficacy.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: Time lockdown will last?

    Antibody testing is the key. Get the curve down, test for immunity, isolate as much as reasonably possible the more vulnerable in our population and take it from there.

    Keep in mind that treatments are being developed all the time as well. Keep it steady until a vaccine is ready for distribution.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Time lockdown will last?

    The curve is starting to change but right now the effects of recent strategy aren't showing so time will tell.

    On the point of Italy, they may be able to access emergency funds via the European Commission. I suspect the whole EU will need to decide who can pay more in to help with this. They were already arguing over the gaps we are creating by leaving so it will just bump that debate even more.

    Spain will be the same. They have a big tourism industry and have recently been recovering from their unemployment woes. This will shatter that.

    I can't see it ending next week for us. Why see improvement and then just kick start the mess all over again? They will probably extend and look towards phases where people are allowed to do more and industry ramping up again. But should it worsen they will likely revert back to earlier stricter phases.
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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Time lockdown will last?

    Quote Originally Posted by dorabella View Post
    I would tend to occur with Jase. When the lock down started they were speculating that UK peak would be around Easter/end of April. The way the stats are going up it seems to fit - on a trajectory like Italy and Spain and we are are about 3 weeks behind them.

    Either the UK government gets its backside in gear and starts antibody testing to rule put the majority of the population who have had it and can get back into the work arena, or we go out in masks no matter what the state of their efficacy.
    I agree but the scientists have stressed that too many discrepancies with accuracy of the antibody testing and that no testing is better than bad testing until accuracy can be ensured. Encouraging to know that clinical trials are underway re medication / vaccine etc. The outcomes of those will be worth watching.

    But I don't think it will be lifted anytime this month. And I think if idiots head to parks and coasts etc this weekend, we could see them enforced more rigidly. There were reports last night of caravans and trailers heading out to Cornwall / Norfolk / Wales.........totally stupid!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Time lockdown will last?

    I don't live in the UK but it's my understanding that the virus has not peaked and may not do so for several weeks. Until this time and until community spread has been contained, coming out of lock down would be highly risky.
    Last edited by WiseMonkey; 04-04-20 at 10:52.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: Time lockdown will last?

    My feeling is that it will most likely last until late May (the Whitsun holiday), before the damage to the UK economy becomes serious. Only then do I expect to see a lifting of restrictions. Although I can imagine there'll be some whinging from the 'patriots' over the extended Bank Holiday planned for the 75th anniversary of VE-Day. Perhaps bump that on to August, when the mostly-forgotten VJ-Day can be commemorated too.

    It's melodramatic, but IMO it's straight choice between "stay in and live" or "go outside and die".

    The biggest problem is that there are an awful lot of stupid and selfish people in this country: but also an awful lot of people who are being hit very hard financially.

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