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Thread: Covid19 stressed and scared anxiety is back

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Re: New or worse symptoms panic overload

    Thankyou all for your messages xx I'm so thankful that I can come and talk on here and speak to people who feel the same or experience similar things xx I hope charlie1108 you feel better and your little ones and your partner are better soon. I worry constantly over my husband and two children to xxxx thankyou glassgirlw and Gary a for your replies I really grateful that u took the time to respond it really helps hearing from others. I hope you are both right I try and talk myself into believing that it's just a cough or a cold and it has been over two weeks since I have had any contact with the outside world. But then good old anxiety rears its ugly head and bamb incubation period facts creeping or symptoms crop up it's hard to escape it. I think I too will limit time on facebook and stop watching g the news quite so much I have become a little obsessed with all things virus related. I hope u are all well please stay safe xx

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Little update

    Hi all, hope we are all doing ok, a little update with my latest ... ok as I've said in previous post I have been feeling rather rotten for a while, loads of cold and flu like symptoms really stressed very scared of someone I love contracting this awful virus. Well all the fear is still there it comes over in huge waves and I have had all the symptoms I have come to recognise from good old anxiety. However I am finding it really hard to rationalise everything I find myself constantly scanning my husband and children for developing symptoms we havent come into contact with anyone from the outside world other than drop off at our front door for over two weeks now my husband went to the shop briefly for about 10 mins 10 days ago and that has been it, but I keep thinking could we have it could it be incubating could it develop. ( my husband did work in a school for one day 13 days ago )We are still all sleeping in separate beds and I who still has an intermittent cough and sore throat havent hugged or kissed my children for nearly 2 weeks (this has been agonising) I'm still limiting the amount of time I'm around them incase I have it but when will we know its safe to go bk to normal? I had a major incident two days ago where I woke up unable to breathe and it felt like I was inhaling fire everything burned it was so unimaginably scary I think it may have been a panic attack as I've been relatively ok since xxx sorry for post but it really helps to put out what I'm feeling does anyone know if the virus would have shown now or do I wait longer still?

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Covid19 stressed and scared anxiety is back

    This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

    Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

    It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

    Emmz xx

    nolite te basstardes carborundorum

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Re: Covid19 stressed and scared anxiety is back

    How are you doing? Have things eased up for you at all?

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Re: Covid19 stressed and scared anxiety is back

    Hi charlie1108 how are you? Thank you for checking in xx I am doing ok I think, I still have a cough that comes and goes and a burning throat which is scaring me a great deal I still agonise over whether this is the virus. But I’m trying to rationalise that it has been so long I would be really I’ll surely. I have had some of these symptoms since the 13th of March. I think this latest flare up is largely down to my fear of passing things on to my family especially as yesterday we received a letter saying my eldest was at great risk should she catch it. My husband and i have been blitzing the house wiping over everything constantly and desperately trying to keep everything is as sterile as we can and we have bee; in isolation for the last two weeks but it’s still an enormous worry xxxx

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Re: Covid19 stressed and scared anxiety is back

    I can see why you're so stressed then. Hopefully it's all anxiety and nothing more.
    I'm pretty sure I do have it after the kids were unwell last week. My whole body is on fire and I keep breaking out into a sweat. Sioer lethargic and now a dodgy tummy. Have had a headache for 3 days too. So convinced it'll kill me x

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Re: Covid19 stressed and scared anxiety is back

    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie1108 View Post
    I can see why you're so stressed then. Hopefully it's all anxiety and nothing more.
    I'm pretty sure I do have it after the kids were unwell last week. My whole body is on fire and I keep breaking out into a sweat. Sioer lethargic and now a dodgy tummy. Have had a headache for 3 days too. So convinced it'll kill me x

    Charlie1108 I am so sorry to hear you are feeling unwell xxx I really hope you feel better soon, what does your husband say I know u said he was a farmer and had to work. xx please try and rest up and make sure you drink plenty xxxxxxxx it’s so scary I know but my husband constantly tells me that more people survive this than not xxx I know it’s not much comfort when you feel rubbish but my hubby likes facts and he is constantly giving me the figures of how many people are surviving world wide he said the are 174000 recoveries to date. I know I’m like the pot calling kettle here as I’ve only just been saying how terrified I am but I really think there is some logic 8n what he is saying xxxxxxxxx sending healing thoughts and lots of best wishes xx ��

  8. #18

    Re: Covid19 stressed and scared anxiety is back

    Hi guys. I’m sorry we we all going through this. Myself included. I keep trying to rationalise things and stay away from news and Facebook.
    I’ve got some propranolol again from docs and it was helping over last few days but yesterday I started to get running nose. Dry throat and itchy/irritated eyes: which I’ve read can also be symptoms.
    I’m freaking out now and chest is feeling tight. Almost as if my stomach is so high up it’s pushing on my lungs not allowing enough air in.
    I had to go shopping last weekend. Had major anxiety about it. But once I’d been and come back I was ok for 4 days.
    Now im due to go shopping again and this is all happening.
    As stated before I’ve had the tight chest, cough on and off for a couple of weeks now. Cough seems to have subsided a bit (More of a tickle with a wheeze) but now with all these new symptoms I keep thinking I must be infected. Especially as mY partner is still working 6 days a week. We have a small 2 bed with our son so not easy to stay apart from each other.
    I am barely sleeping. Constantly checking my and my sons temperatures and I wake up in sweats most nights where my whole body aches. Like when you have the flu. I put this down to anxiety but you guys know how it is. With every new symptom you convince yourself it’s the worst. And with partner coming in and out every day you keep thinking you must’ve been infected one of the days. At least if he was in I could feel a bit more certain after a few days of incubation that my symptoms were just anxiety or common cold etc. I feel like if I get it I will be the one to die. I have major health anxiety anyway and always feel generally unwell. It sounds so selfish to be thinking this about myself but it stems from worry that my son will grow up without me. He also has autism and anxiety. I hate this!

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Covid19 stressed and scared anxiety is back

    Quote Originally Posted by Stupefy333 View Post
    Hi guys. I’m sorry we we all going through this. Myself included. I keep trying to rationalise things and stay away from news and Facebook.
    I’ve got some propranolol again from docs and it was helping over last few days but yesterday I started to get running nose. Dry throat and itchy/irritated eyes: which I’ve read can also be symptoms.
    I’m freaking out now and chest is feeling tight. Almost as if my stomach is so high up it’s pushing on my lungs not allowing enough air in.
    I had to go shopping last weekend. Had major anxiety about it. But once I’d been and come back I was ok for 4 days.
    Now im due to go shopping again and this is all happening.
    As stated before I’ve had the tight chest, cough on and off for a couple of weeks now. Cough seems to have subsided a bit (More of a tickle with a wheeze) but now with all these new symptoms I keep thinking I must be infected. Especially as mY partner is still working 6 days a week. We have a small 2 bed with our son so not easy to stay apart from each other.
    I am barely sleeping. Constantly checking my and my sons temperatures and I wake up in sweats most nights where my whole body aches. Like when you have the flu. I put this down to anxiety but you guys know how it is. With every new symptom you convince yourself it’s the worst. And with partner coming in and out every day you keep thinking you must’ve been infected one of the days. At least if he was in I could feel a bit more certain after a few days of incubation that my symptoms were just anxiety or common cold etc. I feel like if I get it I will be the one to die. I have major health anxiety anyway and always feel generally unwell. It sounds so selfish to be thinking this about myself but it stems from worry that my son will grow up without me. He also has autism and anxiety. I hate this!
    Your symptoms probably are just down to anxiety (at best) and/or common cold (at worst).

    As I don't know your partner's situation it's not really for me to say but if he is working from home (or not working at all), there is no real reason to leave the house unless popping to the supermarket/corner shop for essentials and walking the dog, etc just once per day. I prefer to only visit the shop every other day ATM if possible, and try to get a selection of basic necessities that should cover 2-3 days max.

  10. #20

    Re: Covid19 stressed and scared anxiety is back

    He works for a quarry. He provides materials for the building trade. Although we don’t believe believe this is necessary work apparently it is and he won’t get paid if he self isolates. Nor will he be entitled to the gov wage funding. Only if the company close and send him home. It’s very distracting. I am only going out for essential food shop and hasn’t and elec. usually once a week. It’s a major ordeal for me when I do. I have to antibac every item I buy when I come home. It takes a long time!

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