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Thread: Corona type symptoms :/

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Corona type symptoms :/

    I’ve had a sore throat / sore neck glands for 3 days. On/off fever for 4 days. Also spitting yellow mucus / phlegm in the mornings. Anyone else had this and doing ok now? Anyone else going through it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Corona type symptoms :/


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Re: Corona type symptoms :/

    Hi I am so sorry to hear that you are unwell it's a very frightening time and I for one am terrified at the slightest change in my health at the moment. How high is your fever xx I havent had the yellow phlegm thing but about two weeks ago I had cold and flu like symptoms with sore throat fluctuating temp aches and pains and was convinced it was the virus. But I am better now apart from a few random symptoms that pop up and some overpowering thoughts. I think so many people have had similar there must be a cold going around xx I had a fluctuating temp sore throat neck pain headache nausea tickly cough which kept disappearing but I am ok now. Have u called the helpline to see what they say? Xx hoping u find some peace of mind and feel better very soon take care stay safe x here if u need to chat x

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Corona type symptoms :/

    So glad to hear you’re better now! It is a scary time. My temps generally been 37.8-38.2 (max 38.4). I signed up to the nhs text tips service but haven’t rung the line. If if continues I may - but I’m hoping it’ll subside soon. I just don’t know how I got sick at all - I’m OCD about disinfecting parcels / hand washing and haven’t been out in over a month. Thank you for your reply. Also here if you need to talk but great to hear you’ve recovered xx

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Corona type symptoms :/

    Fever is on day 8 now and has been persistent for 2 days. Worried. Also spat up some blood with phlegm but perhaps just throat irritation from night coughing. Has anyone had a long fever?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Corona type symptoms :/

    I think we're all a bit hypervigilant towards pretty much every possible ailment one can poke a stick at right now at this moment in time, in which most people in many cases probably wouldn't have given a second thought during 'normal' times, which is totally understandable given we are all in the same boat all over the world ATM. Myself included, although so far I haven't really been losing any sleep over it all, and just following the official guidance from the authorities as best as I possibly can.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Corona type symptoms :/

    I think a fever on day 8 needs some medical advice - you could have a good 'old fashioned' chest infection ? Someone in my family currently has CV and has certainly been night-time coughing and the phlegm is part of it - as your lungs clear out the virus cells (dry cough for 4 days then it became chesty). However, I don't think any of us should just presume it is CV, and if its concerning you that much and making you feel rather unwell then its time to get some medical advice.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    Re: Corona type symptoms :/

    I'm sorry you're not feeling well, MagicalSprite. Seems like you've been having symptoms for about 15 days? Whatever it is, it's a great sign that it hasn't gotten critically bad at this point. Remember that, even if it is the worst case scenario and it is CV, the vast vast majority of people are able to recover without major issue, just a crappy couple of weeks. Your body seems to be doing an excellent job of fighting it (whatever "it" is!) off, and you're doing an excellent job of handling it mentally. It's an awful and scary time to be sick, but you are going to be just fine.

    If your congestion is bothering you, take some long, hot showers if you're feeling up for it (or baths if you're too tired for a shower!). Try boiling some hot water on the stove top and add some essential oils if you have some on hand! When it's boiling, pour it into a bowl, throw a towel over your head, and breath the steam in deeply for about 10 minutes. That will help break up the mucus and keep your lungs moist. Also try some deep breathing exercises too - Breath in deeply through your nose, hold your breath for 5 seconds, then blow out strongly through pursed lips (like you're blowing out candles on a birthday cake) for 8 seconds if you can. Try to do that around 4 or 5 times, or as many times as feels best for you, then force a cough to break up any mucus. This is a great thing to do in a steamy shower if you can! Mostly, just rest, hydrate, and know that whatever you're battling you are strong enough physically and mentally to handle it, and you'll be just fine <3 I hope you feel better soon.

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