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Thread: True acceptance

  1. #341
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: True acceptance

    Also, the aim here isn't to stop feeling low or anxious (not possible), the aim is to stop feeling low about feeling low about feeling anxious etc. The goal here is to stop the mental runaway train, the reaction to perceived negative triggers.

  2. #342
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: True acceptance

    I agree with that Joe.

  3. #343
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: True acceptance

    Thank you all for your helpful advice. It’s true that it’s about measuring your reaction to anxiety and depression. A good day would not be a day without anxiety and depression- but a day where you feel the anxiety and depression but feel ok with it.

    i agree that seeking reassurance on here is not a good idea- it’s not facing the problem, prolonging it and making it worse by making my body feel there is a danger. I will now be coming off of the forum for a bit- I might pop in to help others but I think that is once I have accepted the anxiety and depression - I will come back to help-as right now helping others may be another way I am avoiding dealing with the anxiety/depression. I need to fill my life with things other than anxiety and depression. Thank you all for your help again,

    Mrs M x

  4. #344
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: True acceptance

    I think that you have made the right decision, Sally. You need to get away from all things anxiety and depression-related because this will just keep you immersed in the feelings of low mood, frustration and distress. You have outlets for enjoyment in your life and you have religious faith too which must be a comfort..You may think that these feelings will go on forever but you have no reason to think that at all and this is all based on fear of the future. Get yourself a decent GP who can monitor you and prescribe meds only if necessary and maintain skype contact with your therapist if you have confidence in her and if she helps? I really hope that things improve for you-no reason why they shouldn't xx

  5. #345
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: True acceptance

    I think that's a brave and wise decision MrsMitchell. It makes me think how on Earth did we manage before the internet? But we did and I can remember writing to pen pals, having to wait days on end for a reply. But it was somehow more special to see a handwritten envelope on the doormat. And of course we survived. I wish you all the very best.
    'It was a wedding ring, destined to be found in a cheap hotel, lost in a kitchen sink, or thrown in a wishing well' - Marillion, Clutching at Straws, 1987

  6. #346

    Re: True acceptance

    Out of date reply from me but your reply really resonated with me. Particularly the mornings part. Thanks

  7. #347

    Re: True acceptance

    Please tell me how to stop that train. X

  8. #348
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: True acceptance

    Quote Originally Posted by DS68 View Post
    Please tell me how to stop that train. X

    Slowly, don't try and rush it.

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