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Thread: Help please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2019

    Help please

    Hi all
    I have been posting alot lately with my symptoms and I have severe health anxiety which I am dealing with along with mental Health team.
    So 5 months ago I started off with twitching muscles all in different places, saw neurologist in January for my multiple sclerosis annual check up and mentioned the twitching to him, he examined me and said he was not concerned. I had just been on day discharge from hospital to see him, where I had spent two weeks after taking an overdose so was in a very heightened state of anxiety.
    So since January things started changing with regards to symptoms. They are....
    Thumb and palm tightness
    Mispronouncing words
    Pain in toes
    Excessive swallowing
    Stiff legs (comes and goes)

    Have spoken to my neurologist about all this and he says again and again he's not concerned. He said my speech was fine too.

    The latest two things that have happened, and neurologist doesn't know about, was ankle giving way after dismounting from my horse, and yesterday, I had my mental health nurse over to see me, and I got quite upset over things, and I felt my chin was quivering, ran to the bathroom to look at my tongue in case it was twitching, but while I was checking my tongue, it was like my bottom jaw/chin couldn't keep still and kept twitching!! There was a feeling like a buzzing for the rest of the evening until I went to sleep. I'm just hoping this all be anxiety related.
    Unfortunately the fear of this got the better of me last week and again took an overdose and ended up in hospital, that's why the mental health team are involved.
    I googled and it came up that jaw tremors can be related to als/mnd so I'm in a total state of panic and can't stop crying!!
    My neurologist has sent me an email saying he doesn't want to see me again, even as a private patient.
    Please can someone who knows help with any answers!!
    I am so scared of what's going on with my body!!
    Thanks all

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Help please

    Hi there

    I’m so sorry that you are going through this. I am there myself but trying to get my anxiety under control.

    Are you on any medication at all for your anxiety?

    I think we all know google is not our friend but what I can say is that tremors are 100 % anxiety I’ve been dealing with them for almost 1 year and a half now and yes I’m my jaw too especially when trying to sleep . It’s just the adrenaline in our body when we are in a heightened state of emotion .

    I think you really need to believe your neurologist that you are fine! I know it seems like a harsh email that he sent you but he obviously firmly believes you are okay.

    I know exactly how you are feeling and it is awful I am not out of the woods yet but trying to stay as positive as I can about it .

    I hope you are okay. I spent years worried about a disease I never had almost 9 years ago and I totally regret it - looks like I’m on the same track with this one but promising myself not to let it take over my life it did .

    I think you are going to be just fine and will look back on this one day realising how powerful anxiety really is!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2019

    Re: Help please

    Mate this is about your tenth post in as many weeks and you need to look at getting serious with tackling your mental health issues. You have been cleared by a neurologist, no one who has ever posted here about ALS has ever had it - despite the dramatic symptoms they all purported to have - myself included, and your ruining your life worrying about something you don’t even have. My doctor told me to stop living in a world I created in my head and start living in the one in front of me and I think you need to do the same because in your imagination you have ALS but in the real world you don’t. Just objectively look at what you are writing and anyone will see that your anxiety is eating you up. Get help, or better help, my friend, and I hope it passes soon.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2019

    Re: Help please

    Hi Hijikata
    Many thanks for your reply.
    Im just so worried about the jaw issue, and thats sent me down!!
    The neurologist doesnt know about this recent symptom so what do i do? Could it be anxiety?
    Just in a bad place and thinking its not good.

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