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Thread: A Lot of Blood in Stool, Im Struggling

  1. #1

    A Lot of Blood in Stool, Im Struggling

    I had a BM last night. After my BM I saw blood dripping on the toilet. The rest of my BM was fine, but the end tip had some blood on it It was fresh bright red. My fissure opened up 2 weeks ago but I have been fine eversince. Last night I didn't strain. But the starting tip of my stool was semi hard. I didnt feel pain though. But when I did do my sitz bath there was a mild sting. had problems with my bowels since 2017. Im a nurse but I admit my HA is bad. Back i. 2017 I began having specks of blood on the TP every now and then after straining. My HA went to the roof last night I almost fainted. This is the first time Ive seen that much blood on my BM. Most of the time it is just specks or streaks on the stool. I am trying to be objective as much as I can. I know I have a fissure, i have an anal skin tag that proves it. When you see my anus it looks like there are soft lumps on the sides that might be piles. My symptoms goes on and off for months. I am scared it is colon cancer though coz sometimes my left abdomen is painful esp when having BMs. I dont have weight loss. I gained a lot actually. I dont feel tired. My BMs are always formed sometimes soft sometimes hard.!Ive a doctor who suggested colonoscopy. Was about to do it end of Jan but it got moved coz I didnt get my PCP clearance on time. Then when Im about to get rescheduled, the corona thing happened. I work in the hospital night shift and I tend to sit for hours because my patients are asleep at night. I am struggling. I wish Fishmanpa would see my post and put some sense in my head.
    Last edited by AnxiousRN; 12-05-20 at 11:18. Reason: Typo

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: A Lot of Blood in Stool, Im Struggling

    Just saw this ARN.... All the reassurance you need is in your post There's a cause and effect and yeah, it happens

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  3. #3

    Re: A Lot of Blood in Stool, Im Struggling

    Hi, you replied to me on my post! Symptoms sound similar- how long have yours been happening? Mine have been happening ever since having my little boy a year ago, things settle then they go bad again, feel so fed up, constant anxiety!! I’m due to get married this year but I’m worried that I’ll end up with a bad diagnosis and won’t be able to 😢

  4. #4

    Re: A Lot of Blood in Stool, Im Struggling

    Quote Originally Posted by Fishmanpa View Post
    Just saw this ARN.... All the reassurance you need is in your post There's a cause and effect and yeah, it happens

    Positive thoughts
    Ahhh there you are! Thank you. I know you would always show up to rescue me. I am feeling much better. No blood for 2 days now. My GI doctor scheduled a telehealth meeting with me tuesday to see when we can do colonoscopy. My problem is there are a lot of COVID cases here in Maryland and I have moderate asthma. I am trying to avoid the medical/surgical units as much as I can. I work in a non medical floor and the risk of exposure is less. My GI doc says he will prescribe a new cream for me. If that works for a while then we can wait and just do the colonoscopy when it is safer in the hospitals. I also scheduled an appointment with a colon surgeon whom I saw in 2017 for follow up and see what she will suggest.

  5. #5

    Re: A Lot of Blood in Stool, Im Struggling

    Quote Originally Posted by charlzzzclark View Post
    Hi, you replied to me on my post! Symptoms sound similar- how long have yours been happening? Mine have been happening ever since having my little boy a year ago, things settle then they go bad again, feel so fed up, constant anxiety!! I’m due to get married this year but I’m worried that I’ll end up with a bad diagnosis and won’t be able to 
    Mine started in 2017. I was very anxious before it happened because of findings on my breast that I thought was breast cancer. Then I began having left abdominal pain. They did numerous test and scans but they couldnt find anything wrong with me. I have been to the OBGYN as well. All tests negative. Because of the nature of my job, sometimes I dont go to the loo if I need to and will hold it for hours. This caused my BMs to be hard. I had fissures and passing stools is like passing blades. Then after a few months, an anal tag appeared and a colon surgeon said she is 100% sure it is just fissures. Sometimes when I strain, I see a speck of blood on the TP, sometimes, I see a streak outside of the stool. I learned to just deal with it since doctors are not alarmed about it anyway. But a few days ago, that is the first time I saw more blood than usual for me that is why I became very anxious. Have you done any scans or tests?

  6. #6

    Re: A Lot of Blood in Stool, Im Struggling

    Quote Originally Posted by AnxiousRN View Post
    Mine started in 2017. I was very anxious before it happened because of findings on my breast that I thought was breast cancer. Then I began having left abdominal pain. They did numerous test and scans but they couldnt find anything wrong with me. I have been to the OBGYN as well. All tests negative. Because of the nature of my job, sometimes I dont go to the loo if I need to and will hold it for hours. This caused my BMs to be hard. I had fissures and passing stools is like passing blades. Then after a few months, an anal tag appeared and a colon surgeon said she is 100% sure it is just fissures. Sometimes when I strain, I see a speck of blood on the TP, sometimes, I see a streak outside of the stool. I learned to just deal with it since doctors are not alarmed about it anyway. But a few days ago, that is the first time I saw more blood than usual for me that is why I became very anxious. Have you done any scans or tests?
    I’ve always been such an anxious person, sounds a lot like what I’m going through! Mine seems to come and go, I’ve noticed it’s all started Again since I’ve had to work from home with the pandemic! I don’t eat as well when I’m at home.
    It also feels like glass is cutting me when I go to the toilet too, I’ve always thought a fissure, but the amount of blood I seen about 3 weeks ago really panicked me. But it stopped instantly and since then I’ve only been getting streaks on the outside of the stool and a small amount on the toilet paper. I’m also quite sore after going to the toilet!
    I haven’t been the DRs about this at all, I did mention it to him when I saw him about 9 months ago, but he just sort of said it was just hemmorhoids. I was going to call the DRs this morning, but you have to call at 8.30 to get an appointment, and no later or they won’t give you one! And I ran out of time with working and looking after my one year old!

    Sorry- long response!

  7. #7

    Re: A Lot of Blood in Stool, Im Struggling

    I have this quite often too, and it's definitely quite alarming sometimes, seeing the amount of blood. Mine are definitely piles, and they flare up when I'm stressed (which is very often at the moment!) I've got a long history of health anxiety, with a catalogue of different issues which have worried me, and my HA is back with a vengeance. I'm not worried about the blood, because it's quite obvious where it's coming from, I've been diagnosed by the doctor, and I get regular bowel tests (as does everyone over the age of 50 in Scotland) and thankfully they have been normal. I can identify with the left sided pain, which thankfully seems to have subsided since I passed the menopause. I've also had scans in the past, and everything was thankfully normal. Your symptoms sound very normal for piles, fissures etc. Hugs. X

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