Quote Originally Posted by EmmerLooeez View Post
She told me that these are more expensive and 'high end' pills and she thought they might be the right ones for me, given the failure of others..
Escitalopram is out of patent so I'd be surprised if it was that much more expensive than other SSRIs and I'm not sure what 'high end pills' means. SSRIs all basically do the same thing with minor variations. It is probably those variations which determine how effective they prove for an individual, however, no AD is intrinsically superior to another, either generally, or for a particular disorder (though clomipramine (Anafranil) and fluvoxamine (Luvox) for OCD may be the exceptions which prove the rule).

So hopefully my side effect period will not be too bad and I'll begin to feel better.
Despite the impression support groups like this one tend to give most people have relatively few problems with side-effects. It is the relative few that do who post about them. The other issue is that not all side-effects are necessarily caused by the med. Psychology can be at least as important as chemistry and biology. Believe that you will suffer greatly and an anxious mind is very capable of producing the worst side-effect symptoms it can imagine. One reason why reading about side-effects before first taking a med is rarely a good idea.

Also be aware that ADs take time to work, up to 12 weeks though most begin seeing an improvement at between 5-8 weeks. It takes time for them to force the brain changes which create the therapeutic response.

I am especially concerned about Covid-19, with being an asthmatic.
Me too as I tick all the high risk boxes, male, old, with respiratory issues which also impact the cardiovascular system. Fortunately, I've been taking NAC ever since I had half a lung removed 15 years ago as it controls fluid build up in what remains better than the available medications. So if the theory is right I might survive if I'm unlucky enough to become infected. Fortunately, we seem to have finally eradicated it from my part of the planet for now.