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Thread: Blood test results - liver function

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2019

    Blood test results - liver function

    Sigh, just once I'd like to get normal blood test results. Seems like I always have something to be worried about.

    This time my Gamma GT is elevated. It was 25 in September and has been at that level for a few years. Now it's 40 (normal is 10-35).

    I don't drink much (maybe 1 glass of wine a week on average) but was drinking 2-3 glasses a week during March and April due to work stress. My GP says that might be enough to have increased it or it could be fatty liver, but we'll test again in 3 months.

    She didn't say anything about my Bilirubin, but looking at the results I can see it's also been increasing over my past 4 blood tests. It's gone from 6 to 15 in 2 years (normal is 3-15).

    I had my gallbladder out 8 years ago so I'm worried what could be causing these readings.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Blood test results - liver function

    Quote Originally Posted by carriewriting View Post
    Sigh, just once I'd like to get normal blood test results. Seems like I always have something to be worried about.

    This time my Gamma GT is elevated. It was 25 in September and has been at that level for a few years. Now it's 40 (normal is 10-35).
    I don't drink much (maybe 1 glass of wine a week on average) but was drinking 2-3 glasses a week during March and April due to work stress. My GP says that might be enough to have increased it or it could be fatty liver, but we'll test again in 3 months.

    She didn't say anything about my Bilirubin, but looking at the results I can see it's also been increasing over my past 4 blood tests. It's gone from 6 to 15 in 2 years (normal is 3-15).

    I had my gallbladder out 8 years ago so I'm worried what could be causing these readings.
    In NZ the normal levels for bilirubin is 2-25 umol/L so 15 is not that high. Your Dr is correct, the GT can be affected by alcohol and it may take 2-6 weeks to return to normal. I'd wait another 2 months then get the Liver tests done again, then ask your Dr for an ultrasound if they are still elevated. In the meantime, drink more water, take a high dose Milk Thistle tablet, refrain from drinking and don't take any anti-inflammatories.

    I've had some weird things turn up in my liver tests but when I went gluten free my results became normal again. If you have any autoimmune conditions then a g/f diet is recommended.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2019

    Re: Blood test results - liver function

    Thanks WiseMonkey. That's interesting about when you went gluten free. My husband's coeliac disease was discovered due to high liver function tests.

  4. #4
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    Feb 2016

    Re: Blood test results - liver function

    Quote Originally Posted by carriewriting View Post
    Thanks WiseMonkey. That's interesting about when you went gluten free. My husband's coeliac disease was discovered due to high liver function tests.
    My B12 and folate were affected as well, both too high and they returned to normal after I stopped eating wheat. I'm not coeliac but I have an intolerance to fortified wheat (all wheat today is fortified). I have a dysfunction of my methylation cycle.
    Last edited by WiseMonkey; 04-06-20 at 03:41.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Blood test results - liver function

    GGT can be raised by alcohol consumption. Bilirubin can be raised for a number of reasons including Gilbert’s Disease. If all other tests are in range this is usually the case. Mine is 49, all others are well in range. An A&E dr told me on Tuesday, the level would be at least double this if it was something of significance.

  6. #6
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    Aug 2019

    Re: Blood test results - liver function

    Thanks MightyPC. The GP did say even a small increase in alcohol could affect the reading and my BMI is 34.5 so fatty liver might also be why. It just seems out of the blue when everything was normal six months ago. Hopefully it will go back down next time I have it tested if I lose some weight and cut out all alcohol. I have to have a brain MRI for something else next week so am already stressing about that so not coping very well with this left field blood test result.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Blood test results - liver function

    You know, 10 years or so ago I use to have high liver readings. I use to drink every weekend so binging really. My ultrasound showed very coarse echo genetic - fatty liver. I stopped drinking every weekend and rarely touch the stuff now, haven’t for years. I had an ultrasound on Monday and the lady, who has done bc sell of mine, said my liver is normal. She can actually see my diaphragm. I’m not saying give up drinking, but watching what bc you eat and drink and keep weight within a safe zone all helps. By the way, I’m not super slim.....good Luck andvtake care

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2019

    Re: Blood test results - liver function

    Nothing to update on yet as I won't have my bloods repeated until September, but yesterday a blogger I follow posted about how she'd been drinking a little more during COVID and was shocked when her regular blood tests came back with elevated liver enzymes. It was interesting to see how someone without health anxiety has managed this differently. She's all "my blood tests results weren't good, but I've cut out alcohol and I'm being super healthy and it'll come down."

    Contrast that to me who skipped all that and went straight to "oh my god I've got liver or pancreatic cancer"

    Anyway, I'm still drinking lots of green smoothies and water plus, eating tons of vegetable and have lost 7kg so some good has come of this and reading about this blogger has helped put things into perspective.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Blood test results - liver function

    Sometimes doing the simple things is all you need to do. Everyone on this board has HA so it's all about symptoms, doctors' visits, medical jargon etc etc. It's a really good plan to read about how others deal with issues logically and rationally without rushing to worst case scenario panic...even if it's hard to do that naturally oneself.

    Let the doctors decide what is significant and what isn't? Too much "knowledge" can work against you when you are not qualified to interpret it appropriately.

    Glad you are making progress, Carrie. You sound a lot more positive and in control of your HA.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2019

    Re: Blood test results - liver function

    Thanks Pulisa. You're so right. No amount of "Google knowledge" is a substitute for an actual medical degree and years of experience. I am feeling more positive and in control and a lot of that is due to your kind words and support. I really appreciate it x

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