Quote Originally Posted by beautifulfreak77 View Post
I didn’t get tired taking these last night the tiredness hits the next day. So I took them at 10.30pm last night didn’t help me sleep til about 6am I got up at 12 noon. I now feel like a zombie eyes are watering and burry no energy feel drowsy which I expected but my real question is, as they’re modified release should I take them earlier maybe evening and not night time so that hopefully I will find that the tiredness hits when it’s meant to and not like an hour before getting up?
The problem with modified/slow/extended release formulations is the dose is released into the bloodstream continually for 24 hours so the time of day they are taken often doesn't really matter much. That said, for quetiapine XR the recommendation to reduce daytime sedation is to take it about 7-8 hours before you normally get up, but this seems not to have worked for you this time. However, a single dose probably isn't a good guide so I'd persevere with taking it at around 9:00 to 10:30 PM for a few more days.