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Thread: Swallowing pain on one side/something stuck

  1. #1

    Swallowing pain on one side/something stuck

    Hi everyone I’m hoping for some reassurance I guess as I’m getting a bit panicky over this one. IVe often had the random bouts of trouble swallowing, clicking throat, choked feeling too at times and I’ve read all the other posts on this forum but now is a random sharp scratchy feeling like something is stuck in a spot on the left side only....but only when swallowing and not all the time. kind of down my throat past where I can see. It can be totally fine then occasionally on swallowing I’ll feel it. Kinda feels like a shard of glass or scratchy toast in there. I had it for a couple of days months ago too and it just disappeared til now. I haven’t scratched or hurt it. Im on meds for extreme HA and have been doing good as I’m familiar with most of my lingering symptoms. Can anyone relate to this and offer any reassurance? Does this sounds linked to all the other throat troubles people get with their anxiety? Much appreciated x
    Last edited by R0llergirl; 22-06-20 at 04:10. Reason: Grammar errors

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Re: Swallowing pain on one side/something stuck

    Hi R0llergiril!

    My post is right underneath yours! I am going through the exact same thing! I had it back in January when I was eating at a restaurant, went to see a dr after a couple of days and couldnt find anything wrong.

    Fast forward to 10 days ago and it came back... i think it started after a sneezing fit due to bad allergies this year. It feels sore on one side, I can often feel it when swallowing food but usually its more noticeable with fluids... it is the weirdest thing ever! You are not alone, and I wish this uncomfortable and frustrating feeling goes away soon for both of us!


  3. #3

    Re: Swallowing pain on one side/something stuck

    Hi Rey thanks for your reply sorry I didn’t see your post. Yeah it’s really irritating and has me swallowing more than I should to see if it’s still there!!! Trying not to go down the rabbit hole of all the throat cancers etc and working myself up.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Re: Swallowing pain on one side/something stuck

    No problem. Just wanted to let you know that it may be “more common” than we would think...

    Best wishes!


  5. #5

    Re: Swallowing pain on one side/something stuck

    So an update I went and saw my doctor and explained that every now and then When I swallowed I could feel a kind of scratch or like something was stuck in my throat But not all the time. She listened and explained it was the globus hysterics this or spasms due to anxiety which I do have at the moment....BUT, most people describe their globus as a lump in throat whereas mine is like a scratch or like a popcorn kernel is stuck down there. My doctor was not concerned at all. Can I comfortably take this advice and move on? Cheers

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Re: Swallowing pain on one side/something stuck

    Did you ever figure this out? I too am experiencing it but on the right side- off and on every other day for the past week- almost feels like you said a seed or something is stuck.,, except it’s

  7. #7

    something stuck in throat feeling

    Hey I've posted about this a few months back and got some re-assurance from you and it went away for a while but now it has come back again.

    It feels like there is something stuck in my throat or stuck on the back left hand side of my throat when I swallow. Only when I swallow and only every now and then. It went away for months but has returned yesterday and has been intermittent ever since. It's not like a lump or bump or the choking/strangling sensations I see others with globus writing about. ......just like something is sitting there stuck or rubbing when I swallow. I also have regular popping in the throat for years and delayed swallowing from anxiety sometimes too...

    I've seen my doctor twice about it and she seems unbothered......saying it's globus, but not really having any kind of look other than to feel my glands. My partner also said he had something similar years ago on and off for months and it was checked out and was nothing. I am a known health anxiety sufferer

    Anyone else relate at all? Should I rest on my doctors advice that it's just globus....I am a leader at work in a high risk environment and am struggling to concentrate and remain focused while I'm ruminating over this.

    Thank-you in advance

  8. #8

    Feeling in throat on swallowing.... Can anyone relate?

    Hey I've posted about this a few months back and got some re-assurance from you and it went away for a while but now it has come back again.

    It feels like there is something stuck in my throat or stuck on the back left hand side of my throat when I swallow. Only when I swallow and only every now and then. It went away for months but has returned yesterday and has been intermittent ever since. It's not like a lump or bump or the choking/strangling sensations I see others with globus writing about. ......just like something is sitting there stuck or rubbing when I swallow. I also have regular popping in the throat for years and delayed swallowing from anxiety sometimes too...

    I've seen my doctor twice about it and she seems unbothered......saying it's globus, but not really having any kind of look other than to feel my glands. My partner also said he had something similar years ago on and off for months and it was checked out and was nothing. I am a known health anxiety sufferer

    Anyone else relate at all? Should I rest on my doctors advice that it's just globus....I am a leader at work in a high risk environment and am struggling to concentrate and remain focused while I'm ruminating over this.

    Thank-you in advance

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: something stuck in throat feeling


    This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

    Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

    It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

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  10. #10

    Re: Swallowing pain on one side/something stuck

    Hi Rollergirl, did you manage to get rid of your symptoms?

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