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Thread: Complaints Box: post your daily moans...

  1. #11281
    KK77's Avatar
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    Re: Complaints Box: post your daily moans...

    Quote Originally Posted by Gary A View Post
    Me being protected is not the issue here, and you know it. The issue is the vulnerable people in society who cannot be vaccinated due to adverse health.

    It’s a shame those people may have to deal with this virus for longer than necessary because you and folk like you are too busy indulging in fantasy and pseudoscientific nonsense.

    Most of those in the know agree that a safe and effective vaccine being produced and distributed globally within 12 months ain’t going to happen. I do know one thing though, I’m far more comfortable with the science behind these vaccines than I am the delusional ramblings of some charlatan trying to sell his tacky books.

    Those in contact and dealing with the "vulnerable" would be made to have a vaccine. No doubt about that. And that's IF the vaccine works 100% of the time, which is impossible. So how would I pose a threat to them? False dichotomy, I'm afraid.

    And don't twist the argument with ad hominem attacks. Those responsible for the vulnerable in society are perfectly capable of protecting them - without me or my "ilk" posing a risk or endangering them.

    Never Surrender, Comrade

  2. #11282
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    Re: Complaints Box: post your daily moans...

    Quote Originally Posted by KK77 View Post
    Those in contact and dealing with the "vulnerable" would be made to have a vaccine. No doubt about that. And that's IF the vaccine works 100% of the time, which is impossible. So how would I pose a threat to them? False dichotomy, I'm afraid.

    And don't twist the argument with ad hominem attacks. Those responsible for the vulnerable in society are perfectly capable of protecting them - without me or my "ilk" posing a risk or endangering them.
    How can you ensure that you or anyone else can’t come into contact with someone considered “vulnerable”? We don’t even have a definition of who would still be “vulnerable” in the event of a widespread vaccination programme.

    This is what I can’t get here. There is no vaccine, there are candidates, but before 99.9% have even reached clinical trials you’ve decided it’s not for you. You don’t even know what you’re refusing to take. What if the vaccine provides 85% protection against younger people but that protection lowers with age? What if the vaccine is successful but only in those who don’t have auto-immune conditions? That’s a lot of people to keep away from. It’s all speculation obviously but that’s the point. How can you make an informed decision based on information that isn’t even available yet?

    You’ve spoken about the exaggerated effects of Covid-19 whilst completely going against every piece of available data, now you’re attempting to discredit a vaccine that doesn’t even exist.

    You talk about big pharma having history of being wrong, but you put a lot of faith in the words of those who’ve never been proven to be right. Ad hominem attacks? Your main source of information compared the chief scientific advisor to Mussolini. You have attempted to discredit Professor Neil Ferguson’s epidemiological model because he was caught driving to someone’s house for a knee trembler. Arguments don’t come more twisted than that.

    If you’ve decided that you’re not taking a vaccine that doesn’t even exist then I think it’s fair to say that you’ve reached that decision from a position of absolute bias, as there is no information to evaluate. Oh, and I don’t know if I’ll be opting into whichever vaccine programme springs up, but I’ll at least wait for it to exist first before I race to conclusions.

  3. #11283
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    Re: Complaints Box: post your daily moans...

    Quote Originally Posted by KK77 View Post
    Isn't he a real charmer! I'd watch him with your wife though
    ooh stop it KKK, you're turning me on
    'It was a wedding ring, destined to be found in a cheap hotel, lost in a kitchen sink, or thrown in a wishing well' - Marillion, Clutching at Straws, 1987

  4. #11284
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    Re: Complaints Box: post your daily moans...

    Quote Originally Posted by Gary A View Post
    I do know one thing though, I’m far more comfortable with the science behind these vaccines than I am the delusional ramblings of some charlatan trying to sell his tacky books.
    Have you ever considered the idea that much of the science you're relying on may have been comprimised by Oligarchs who are driving it in a particular direction. I don't even think it's about money for some of these people but centuries old ideologies such as eugenics and Malthusianism. Although, there is big money involved. You accuse Dr Coleman of being biased and trying to sell his books but on the other hand dismiss glaring conflicts of interest when it comes to WHO, Gavi, Imperial College etc. Your extreme bias against anything deemed "conspiratorial" makes you blindsided when it comes to analysing these events.

    Lancet Editor Proclaims Half of All Scientific Studies are False

    Collective Evolution discusses a recent commentary by Richard Horton, editor of The Lancet, in which Horton states that “much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue.”

    “Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness,” writes Horton.

  5. #11285
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    Re: Complaints Box: post your daily moans...

    Quote Originally Posted by Hollow View Post
    Have you ever considered the idea that much of the science you're relying on may have been comprimised by Oligarchs who are driving it in a particular direction. I don't even think it's about money for some of these people but centuries old ideologies such as eugenics and Malthusianism. Although, there is big money involved. You accuse Dr Coleman of being biased and trying to sell his books but on the other hand dismiss glaring conflicts of interest when it comes to WHO, Gavi, Imperial College etc. Your extreme bias against anything deemed "conspiratorial" makes you blindsided when it comes to analysing these events.
    Hollow, I rely on evidence, nothing more. I don’t go down the wormholes that you and KK frequent because, quite frankly, they lead nowhere. KK has decided that a vaccine that doesn’t exist is dangerous and unsafe, you’ve decided that this virus is fake and it’s actually a programme of Eugenics. There’s no reason whatsoever for either of you reaching these conclusions, but you’re there anyway and you’ll be damned if a pesky little thing like evidence, or lack thereof, is going to sway you.

    I will say it to you and KK for one last time. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. You two are too busy trying to contradict everything you view as “mainstream” and throw your own unsubstantiated versions at a problem to even begin to try and evaluate evidence.

    It’s quite telling to me that you and KK skip past glaring holes in your versions of events but still somehow manage to believe them. It’s not that either of you have evaluated evidence, attempted to find a flip side and found that your versions are what the evidence points to. No, it’s more that you both select little bits of stories in order to arrive at a conclusion that you want to arrive at.

    I make it 3 months now I’ve been asking you to back your claim of a hoax virus, you ignore the question. You say you’re not showing any evidence because I’ll “dismiss it as conspiracy nonsense.” Well yes, I will if it’s conspiracy nonsense, but I don’t think either of you can accuse me of simply putting my fingers in my ears and dismissing this stuff off hand. I’ve watched every one of “Dr” Coleman’s videos linked by KK and went into great detail about the holes in his claims. I went to his website, I researched his previous claims.

    Frankly, I don’t think either of you have bothered to go that far. Coleman literally sits and reads numbers from a bit of paper and neither of you have found it in you to question his data. Why? Well, he’s telling you what you want to hear, of course.

    I at least try to look at both sides of an argument. I await further data before reaching a conclusion, as I’ve done consistently with Covid-19. You made your mind up long ago that it was a hoax, KK has made his mind up that he’s not taking a vaccine that literally doesn’t exist yet. What chance have you got with people who make their mind up before data even becomes available? What’s the point in trying to debate that?

    If it’s all the same to you, I’ll keep reading my “science” and I’ll reach a conclusion based on the strength of the evidence. That’s the difference between real science and the guff you two indulge in. Science can admit it’s wrong and can admit it doesn’t know.

    I mean seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever read the words “I don’t know” posted from either of you. I admit I don’t know the extent of this virus, I admit I don’t know if a vaccine will be safe and effective. You two? Nope, it’s all a hoax and the vaccine is useless and unsafe. You’re both certain of these things and it’s painfully obvious now that it’s your favourite toy that you ain’t letting go no matter what evidence arises to the contrary.

    I wish you both the best in whatever world you live in, hopefully the real world continues to treat such rubbish with the contempt it deserves.

  6. #11286
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    Re: Complaints Box: post your daily moans...

    Richard Horton is flogging a book too.

    Everything "may" be untrue..Hardly rocket science.

  7. #11287
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    Re: Complaints Box: post your daily moans...

    Quote Originally Posted by Gary A View Post
    Hollow, I rely on evidence, nothing more. I don’t go down the wormholes that you and KK frequent because, quite frankly, they lead nowhere. KK has decided that a vaccine that doesn’t exist is dangerous and unsafe, you’ve decided that this virus is fake and it’s actually a programme of Eugenics. There’s no reason whatsoever for either of you reaching these conclusions, but you’re there anyway and you’ll be damned if a pesky little thing like evidence, or lack thereof, is going to sway you.

    I will say it to you and KK for one last time. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. You two are too busy trying to contradict everything you view as “mainstream” and throw your own unsubstantiated versions at a problem to even begin to try and evaluate evidence.

    It’s quite telling to me that you and KK skip past glaring holes in your versions of events but still somehow manage to believe them. It’s not that either of you have evaluated evidence, attempted to find a flip side and found that your versions are what the evidence points to. No, it’s more that you both select little bits of stories in order to arrive at a conclusion that you want to arrive at.

    I make it 3 months now I’ve been asking you to back your claim of a hoax virus, you ignore the question. You say you’re not showing any evidence because I’ll “dismiss it as conspiracy nonsense.” Well yes, I will if it’s conspiracy nonsense, but I don’t think either of you can accuse me of simply putting my fingers in my ears and dismissing this stuff off hand. I’ve watched every one of “Dr” Coleman’s videos linked by KK and went into great detail about the holes in his claims. I went to his website, I researched his previous claims.

    Frankly, I don’t think either of you have bothered to go that far. Coleman literally sits and reads numbers from a bit of paper and neither of you have found it in you to question his data. Why? Well, he’s telling you what you want to hear, of course.

    I at least try to look at both sides of an argument. I await further data before reaching a conclusion, as I’ve done consistently with Covid-19. You made your mind up long ago that it was a hoax, KK has made his mind up that he’s not taking a vaccine that literally doesn’t exist yet. What chance have you got with people who make their mind up before data even becomes available? What’s the point in trying to debate that?

    If it’s all the same to you, I’ll keep reading my “science” and I’ll reach a conclusion based on the strength of the evidence. That’s the difference between real science and the guff you two indulge in. Science can admit it’s wrong and can admit it doesn’t know.

    I mean seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever read the words “I don’t know” posted from either of you. I admit I don’t know the extent of this virus, I admit I don’t know if a vaccine will be safe and effective. You two? Nope, it’s all a hoax and the vaccine is useless and unsafe. You’re both certain of these things and it’s painfully obvious now that it’s your favourite toy that you ain’t letting go no matter what evidence arises to the contrary.

    I wish you both the best in whatever world you live in, hopefully the real world continues to treat such rubbish with the contempt it deserves.

    You sound upset, Gary. Maybe you need a break from all your "debunking".

    Hollow and I are two separate individuals so don't lump us together. Reply to Hollow and keep me out of it. You speak to members as if they're a piece of shit on your shoe and you appear to have a chip on each shoulder.

    Re vaccines: There are many millions of people around the world questioning both the safety and efficacy of vaccines because of the damage and injury they have caused to whole societies (especially developing countries in Africa/Asia), but you refuse to accept this. Why does it make anyone a conspiracy theorist because they don't trust vaccinations? That's a moronic statement to make. I have every right to decide what I have injected into my body, as you have every right to be stuffed.

    End of

    Never Surrender, Comrade

  8. #11288
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    Re: Complaints Box: post your daily moans...


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    Never Surrender, Comrade

  9. #11289
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    Re: Complaints Box: post your daily moans...

    Quote Originally Posted by fishman65 View Post
    ooh stop it KKK, you're turning me on
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  10. #11290
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    Re: Complaints Box: post your daily moans...

    If the nurse looked like this, would you be more willing to get the vaccine, KK?
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