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Thread: GP found a lump

  1. #21

    Re: GP found a lump

    Hi singing rabbit - thank you. Mine isn't a cyst unfortunately, it's solid and suspicious enough to need to be biopsied but hopefully it's a benign mass. Are your breast clinics not open?

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: GP found a lump

    Jess, the waiting is so hard..Do you know how you will be told your results? Do you have to go back to the clinic or will it be a telephone call?

  3. #23

    Re: GP found a lump

    Hi Pulisa, I've been given a number to call in a week if I haven't heard before... So I guess over the phone. They're avoiding people going into the hospital and I was there for about an hour and half on Friday. Xxx

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: GP found a lump

    At least you have no longer than Friday to wait then which is something to hang on to..Not much, I know but the wait could be much longer. You'll get a definitive diagnosis which will put a stop to the awful speculation which is so distressing and panic inducing. Please keep posting, Jess..You'll get through the week and you'll know one way or the other. I do so hope it's reassuring news but you obviously are doing the right thing by getting this thoroughly checked out now xx

  5. #25

    Re: GP found a lump

    Thank you. I've actually been ok this weekend, lovely weather and knowing I wouldnt hear anything yet. But I'm now getting anxious about tomorrow... What if they call?! I want to know but I also don't want to know if it's bad news... And the life-changing implications of that. supposed to be going to a holiday cottage next weekend for a week... Can't even begin to think about packing and planning for that. Keep telling myself 80% of biopsied lumps are benign. But I guess that although the chances are relatively low the consequences are huge and that makes me anxious.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: GP found a lump

    Of course you are anxious but knowledge is power and not knowing is the pits. No matter how scared you are of the "verdict" you will have to know and the sooner the better for your mental health.

    Carys is a member on here who has personal experience of breast issues and she has extensive knowledge of breast care forums and also of treatment available should this be necessary.

    Of course you can't even begin to think about your holiday..I would think you would get your results towards the end of the week but I know you will be on tenterhooks every time your phone rings tomorrow. Could you tell people only to ring you in an emergency which will cut the number of "routine" calls you get and which will cause panic? I tend to do this because it avoids all those heart-stopping moments when the phone rings and you fear the worst..

  7. #27

    Re: GP found a lump

    Tuesday pm... Still no news.
    Pulisa - thank you so much for your thoughtful reply. You're right knowledge is power and whatever the verdict I will be in a better position to heal mentally and/or physically. It really is horrendous though!

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: GP found a lump

    Yes it's mental torture but every hour is an hour nearer to finding out and taking control of whatever is or is not diagnosed. Knowledge is so much better than speculation and rumination and trying to compare your symptoms with someone else's.

    Please let us know as and when? Fingers tightly crossed for good news and for a happy holiday! xx

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: GP found a lump

    I'm sorry you are going through this mental struggle Jess, its incredibly tough waiting for results especially on biopsies. You desperately want that answer, an answer which you know will only come from the biopsy and from nowhere else, although in your mind you will swing around between 'it is' 'it can't be' 'its won't be' 'it might be' 'it must be'. The rollercoaster whilst waiting is literally the pits, and very frightening, BUT I repeat what Pulisa said - even if it is 'it' then 'it' will be dealt with and you will know what you are facing - that will be easier than the not knowing and the fear of waiting and your mind being unable to focus on anything else. Hang on in there !

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: GP found a lump

    I hope you will soon have your results, Jess. It must have been a very long week x

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