Quote Originally Posted by SideFX View Post
Why on earth haven’t the doctors picked up on this by now and put me on a TCA - after two hospitalisations they must be ignorant or scared of the dangers in OD’s maybe.
A combination of ignorance and fear of the unknown. Many doctors these days have never prescribed anything but a SSRI, or SNRI. I'm going through this atm interviewing doctors near where I'm having a new house built and hoping to find an old timer who began practising before SSRIs became available in the late 1980s. Most of the younger ones have never heard of dosulepin and become very uneasy after I tell them what dose I'm on once they've read up on it. Unfortunately, my usual tactic of sounding out the local pharmacist hasn't work because there isn't another patient in the area on any TCA.

The OD concerns are mostly unfounded. Few do so on the AD they are taking and the ones that do usually survive relatively unharmed.

Thanks Ian and if you don’t mind when I am ready to make the switch could I post here for support, as any med changes brings its own risks and anxiety
That's what NMP is for, John. I'll be around provided the proverbial bus doesn't have other ideas.

take care,
