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Thread: Aftermath of a few panic attacks

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Aftermath of a few panic attacks

    Hi there everyone, it's been a while since I've found myself on here but today I'm asking for a bit of advice. Two days ago my health anxiety peaked after a long time slumbering, which in turn set off a chain of panic attacks over the day and even some minor ones the following day.

    My question to you all is, can the effects of a panic attack last a few days afterwards? I have obvious muscle strain from being tense and every so often throughout the day I get some headaches and feel a bit sick to my stomach, but they seem to pass, has anyone had this after having panic attacks?
    It's always darkest before the dawn.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: Aftermath of a few panic attacks

    Well if you think about it you will still be anxious as you are still thinking about the panic attacks, so your anxiety will cause you to be tense and have symptoms

    Try and focus your mind away from it l know its not easy, but it will stay with you until you stop thinking about it take some time to relax and don't overthink it take care

    best wishes

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Aftermath of a few panic attacks

    Yes, completely normal. A day or two of bad anxiety can still be lingering with you a week or more later.

    Mrs Stress Ed is 100% right. Pay as little attention to it as possible and trust in your body to normalise again. The more you pay attention to it, the longer it'll take.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: Aftermath of a few panic attacks

    Thank you both for your replies. I'll definitely try and distract myself, it seems to have calmed down alot since I made this post which is nice.

    The only thing that has stuck with me is the constant sense of impeding doom. Despite there being no reason for it. Though I guess that's Anxiety too huh?
    It's always darkest before the dawn.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Aftermath of a few panic attacks

    Yes that’s anxiety simmering away.
    Glad you had a better day.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2018

    Re: Aftermath of a few panic attacks

    "can the effects of a panic attack last a few days afterwards?"
    Absolutely it can, panic attacks can be traumatising and usually need time to recover from. Sometimes a single panic attack can cause an entire anxiety disorder. Feeling continually anxious after one is normal, I hope you can feel better soon

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Aftermath of a few panic attacks


    My story is very similar to yours

    HA has been idle for quite along time me and anxiety had learnt to kind of tick along ignoring each other after cutting my hedge with an electric hedge trimmer I had a massive panic attack and I haven’t been right since that was nearly 8 weeks ago

    I’ve had many panic attacks since not as bad loads of health anxiety I’m off work nothing is right

    It’s really difficult to forget about it and move on but I have read the after effects of panic attack can last days weeks or months

    Good luck I hope you get better soon x

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: Aftermath of a few panic attacks

    Thank you all for your replies, it certainly helped ground me during a very troubling situation.
    It's always darkest before the dawn.

  9. #9

    Re: Aftermath of a few panic attacks

    Hey all,

    I've had the same question this morning. Had my 1st major panic attack in a few months last night due to building work going on in my flat and woke up feeling so drained and tense still :(

    Forgot the effects can linger a few days after. Back at work after a few days off on leave so will see how it goes.

    Hang in there everyone x

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Aftermath of a few panic attacks

    I get this a lot after a bad panic. I refer to it as a panic hangover, they remind me of migraine hangovers in a way. It's not at all pleasant, but perfectly normal. Sending so much love. X

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