Okay, so, I'm going to get into so much trouble for saying this. I'm sorry if it comes across as harsh, but believe me, these are lessons I've had to learn the hard way.

If one person, or one group of people, treats you badly, the problem is them. If a few people or groups treat you badly, it's quite possibly also them. If it's everybody, though? That's when you need to take a good, hard look at yourself.

It could be that you've been traumatised by physical or emotional abuse, and that makes it hard to relate to people. That would be the time to find a good therapist and start working on yourself. To make a friend, you need to be a friend - what are the qualities that make you enjoyable to be around? Think about it - don't just use it as an excuse to beat yourself up. What qualities make you fun?

For that matter, what do you hope to gain from increased friendships? It could be that once you learn more, some of your needs can be met from within.

It's a really tough world out there, and we have to be tough to survive. I know you can do this, but as with all worthwhile things in life, it's going to take hard work.

Good luck!