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Thread: After friends death

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    After friends death

    my anxiety has been reasonably under control recently apart from the odd wobble with the covid talk, met my friends 3 times in 1 week abroad, then the day i was flying home she suffered a massive heart attack and lost the power of speech etc etc then passed on that night.

    since returning home i was ok but yesterday all my panic started again , fearing im short of breath (when im not really) and waking suddenly thinking im suffering a heart attack, last ECG was dec and feb and both were all clear, im 45 smoker & like a drink

    is this likely to just be a coincidence as my friends passing is so fresh in my mind and she was 15 years older than me

    thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: After friends death

    So sorry to hear about your friend, such sad news.

    I am pretty sure that what you are feeling is anxiety over your friends passing, as it was so sudden your brain is now deep down having anxiety about it happening to you too.... which is completely normal for the human brain to think.

    Normally I wouldn't suggest it, but maybe book a doctors appointment, explain what has happened and they may repeat the ECG to put your mind at rest that there is nothing to worry about for you.
    Emmz xx

    nolite te basstardes carborundorum

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: After friends death

    Sorry for the loss of your friend
    You will go through anxiety and thinking about her passing at least you don’t drink or smoke as long as your diet is healthy you will be ok.Just do some breathing exercises and you will be fine.Take Care and be kind on yourself xx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: After friends death

    i do drink and smoke too

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: After friends death

    I agree with Elen; see the doc just for peace of mind.

    But once you have the all-clear, get yourself into grief counseling. The death of a close friend is no small thing. Trust me, I know. Take care of yourself
    I'm still a work in progress.
    Currently working on: World Domination

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: After friends death

    Visit your doctors surgery or see your nurse and have an ECG done, I think part of the anxiety you feel is because your friends death, ....r.i.p...., is fresh in your mind. You'll feel better after having it done I hope. You know, anxiety is strange, it can consume us, please get the examination done and we will be here for you whatever the result. Stay calm, there's likely just a lot of anxiety building up making you feel even worse...
    “Just because I can’t explain the feelings causing my anxiety, doesn’t make them less valid.”

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: After friends death

    all the feelings of dread have gone today, think i was s**ng myself about getting a nail removed at hospital 2moro even tho i had it done before

    thanks for all your comments and help, much appreciated

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: After friends death

    Quote Originally Posted by JulieJay92 View Post
    all the feelings of dread have gone today, think i was s**ng myself about getting a nail removed at hospital 2moro even tho i had it done before

    thanks for all your comments and help, much appreciated
    Stress is no fun but getting your nail removed is a very low risk and common procedure, keep that in mind. Breathe, distract and have a reward ready for yourself when you get home from the hospital. You can do this.
    “Just because I can’t explain the feelings causing my anxiety, doesn’t make them less valid.”

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: After friends death

    thanks, know its low risk, just the thought makes me ill, but this time 2moro i'll be grand xx

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: After friends death

    Quote Originally Posted by JulieJay92 View Post
    thanks, know its low risk, just the thought makes me ill, but this time 2moro i'll be grand xx
    Yes, you will,you'll be just fine, try and relax for the evening with a series or bubble bath and look forward to having it over with, sorry you feel ill, we're here if you need to talk about your fears regarding it.
    “Just because I can’t explain the feelings causing my anxiety, doesn’t make them less valid.”

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