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Thread: MS Scare. terrified

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: MS Scare. terrified

    I dont think me telling you anxiety or something else is more likely the cause of your symptoms will help as you will no doubt already know this. In any case I'm no doctor. What I'm going to try and do is lower your fear of MS itself so you can hopefully relax a little.

    Although some people really suffer badly with MS, most MS sufferers live happy normal lives and never need a wheelchair. They may have challenges but most,like I say dont need a wheelchair.

    I suffer health anxiety and know how horrible it is when you have convinced yourself you are ill. I have got better but with practice.

    Try just accepting your sensations and just get on with your day. Why should anxiety ruin your life? You deserve to be happy and anxiety is trying to stop it. Takes a lot of practice but try and spot when you start going down the old ways and distract yourself. Mindfulness has helped me and I really recommend it.

    I hope you find peace of mind.

  2. #12

    Re: MS Scare. terrified

    Thankyou so much. The area where my back is numb is sometimes achy when I walk long distances. Maybe this could be evidence of a poor posture? My back is quite often hunched slightly.

    Also today both of my calves are very achy. Almost like after heavy excersize. I’m wondering if this is a symptom to worry about? I’m refusing to google because after last time using dr google I scared myself silly!!

    Thankyou again for all your replies. You are too kind <3

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: MS Scare. terrified

    Quote Originally Posted by Jamessimpson3210 View Post
    Thankyou so much. The area where my back is numb is sometimes achy when I walk long distances. Maybe this could be evidence of a poor posture? My back is quite often hunched slightly.

    Also today both of my calves are very achy. Almost like after heavy excersize. I’m wondering if this is a symptom to worry about? I’m refusing to google because after last time using dr google I scared myself silly!!
    MS was ruled out quickly with me. The clear brain scan helped, as did the cervical and thoracic scans which showed no MS lesions - and the fact that I almost booted the consultant in the face when he tested my reflexes. He was also able to tell the difference between muscle weakness having done sod all exercise for years, and MS weakness. My veering into doorframes and walking like I'm pissed (my most scary imagined MS symptom) turned out to be vertigo.

    A sensation of numbness (common with anxiety) and an area actually being numb when a doc pricks you are different things. The odds are that when he/she jabs you and says, 'Can you feel that?' you will.

    Achy calves after long walks? That's normal innit?

    I don't know how old you are James, but the spine degenerates as we age - it's normal wear and tear. My spine has discs bulging and nerve impingement - which is common for my age - and is the most likely cause of the intermittent tingling in my arm, hands and fingers (my other very scary MS symptoms) Age aside, younger people are experiencing back and neck problems because of being forever hunched over a phone or a computer. My back is aching now as I'm typing this!

    In my experience, the mind will take us to some scary places, and it's also my experience that we can be utterly convinced of our own imagined diagnoses. That's health anxiety for ya.

    My scary old 'MS' turned out to be nothing more than normal wear and tear combined with fibromyalgia (a non-life threatening pain in the arse - and everywhere else condition) and heightened anxiety that comes with hyper-focusing on our body.
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  4. #14

    Re: MS Scare. terrified

    Nora you are so right! The “numbness” I’m experiencing isn’t fully numb. It feels a lot more numb however I can still feel pressure when someone touches it. So it is not completely numb at all. I’ve noticed as I’ve been testing my strength all the time my shoulder and arm area are achy and when I was sat down last night the numbish part of my back was achy. This surely makes me think it is a posture issue with how I am sat.

    Also the only other thing that I am concerned about more than the MS thing is MND. Having seen my grandad pass away from it it has seriously affected my HA. I don’t think a feeling of numbness is even a symptom of MND however I feel like the shoulder blade where the numbness is occurring is slightly less muscular than my other shoulder. I stupidly read up about muscle atrophy and I’m now scared of it being MND.

    I’m still working out at the gym everyday with no weakened however I heard muscle atrophy is a symptom and I’m scared I’m getting it within this area of my back/shoulder and I’m constantly checking my back in the mirror.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: MS Scare. terrified

    Try and do yourself a favour and stop analysing everything. Why not give yourself a 2 week break from checking. If you notice something just accept it and move on with your day. You will be able to do this because you know that you will allow yourself to check in 2 weeks. I think you will find that after a week or so of doing this, you will find that your symptoms will disappear.

    I found this out myself. I literally had enough, exhausted of worry and decided to try this. I quickly found that a lot of my symptoms are anxiety. This is not to say you are not suffering, just that the source of you problem might be anxiety which is hard to overcome.

    Give it a go, see what you think. You always have us here for support

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