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Thread: Numbness, pins and needles and night waking

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Numbness, pins and needles and night waking

    Going through another health anxiety patch and need some perspective. I always find it helps me to write it down on here. A couple of months ago I started getting weird tingling tickley feeling On front of left thought when I was going to sleep, didn’t think too much of it at the time, as was having some pelvic pain and going through ultrasound and colonoscopy for that, so thought I was just being hypersensitive. Then after those things were sorted, about a month ago I noticed I was having pins and needles in my left calf, particularly when sitting down or laying in bed. Went to doctor and she said to go to Physio and if didn’t have any improvement, gave me referral for lumbar spine MRI. Had MRI on Friday and I get results tomorrow. But also on top of this, for the last couple of weeks I’ve been having terrible sleep, waking every hour, which hasn’t helped. On weekend I woke with numb left side of face and since then have tingly feeling on and off in tongue. Now I don’t know if I’m imagining these other things, if they are anxiety or what. But I’m petrified that I’ve got something neurological wrong with me (and not just the suspected trapped nerve in low back). Dr may refer me on for brain MRI and then I’ll be petrified while I wait for results again. I wonder if it’s possible that face tingling can be caused by anxiety?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Numbness, pins and needles and night waking

    I have face tingling at the moment mine is all anxiety related due to being back in Sydney after being in and out of hospital the past few months,it all sounds like your symptoms are anxiety related.Take Care and breathe x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Numbness, pins and needles and night waking

    Probably anxiety but could be autoimmune related. The MRI will rule out any nasties. I had similar 25+ years ago, the MRI showed nothing and I was later diagnosed with CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) which is manageable, also could be a bit of Fibro.
    If you are one of the lucky souls allowed to enter NZ at this time please remember two things:

    1. We did the hard months in lockdown abiding by rules for you to get here.
    2. No one gives a shit if you prefer white towels or hotels with sea views.
    You're in quarantine for fourteen days ...obey the rules.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Numbness, pins and needles and night waking

    Thanks for the replies. I went to see my GP and got my lumbar spine MRI results back. All was pretty normal, a bit of minor disc bulge but no nerve entrapment. I told the GP I’d started getting tingles in my face and tongue and fingers now too. She said she wanted me to see a neurologist, and gave me referral for brain and upper spine MRI. The neurologist will take months to get into. She is lovely but definitely makes me panic more sometimes. She asked me what I was most worried about and I said a brain tumour, she said that she didn’t think it was that but did want to look into something, eventually she said she wants to rule out MS. I’ve booked in for MRI, it is next Tuesday. Neurologists got me in for nerve conduction test today and it was normal. Got to see the neurologist briefly to get the test result, and he said he will just see me in 6 months for another nerve test, unless anything comes up on my brain MRI and then he’ll obviously see me sooner. He asked quite a few questions about fact I see a rheumatologist for autoimmune stuff (only been diagnosed with undifferentiated connective tissue disorder, nothing further had developed at last tests, but I have strong family history of lupus, Sjogrens etc) I also had my autoimmune blood tests redone today. So at least I feel like I’m getting it seen to, but I’m still quite anxious that something sinister will show on scan. I have been anxious/stressed anyway recently so it is hard to know which bits are physical symptoms and which are anxiety induced or my brain playing tricks on me!
    Last edited by Aussie11; 09-09-20 at 11:52. Reason: Weird formatting

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Numbness, pins and needles and night waking

    Feeling very anxious tonight, having my brain MRI tomorrow and just so petrified about what they might find. I've still got the left foot and calf tingles permanently, tongue, roof of mouth and upper lip tingles on and off, and high pitched tinnitus in my ear constantly for the past 4 days. Had an ongoing headache the last few days too, but I feel like that may be coming from my neck. My upper back and neck and jaw are all so tight, I'm sure not helped by stress. Still waking up almost every hour in the night. I've had health anxiety on and off for 10 years, but I think this is one of the worst states I've got myself in. I'm in one of those mindsets where I can't accept that this could just be something harmless, but at the same time just keep thinking surely the chances of actually getting a brain tumour are slim when this is one of my recurring fears. I'm massively sleep deprived at the moment, which really isn't helping as it's making me feel like I can't think straight and then I worry that it's not just the tiredness making me feel like that. It's a vicious circle!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Numbness, pins and needles and night waking

    Just updating on this one as I’ve got my test results, and I like to update when there’s good news to reassure any others with similar symptoms!

    Long story short is my brain and spine MRI is all clear. No brain tumour, no MS. Big relief! No surprise probably to others, but for me it is huge relief as this was one of the worst flare ups of health anxiety I’ve had. I had like many added all my symptoms together and assumed the worst.

    Here’s what i was feeling and where it’s actually at:
    Leg and foot numbness/tingles: no trapped nerve, nerve studies normal - may be autoimmune related, or simply needing to work on strengthening exercises as muscles have wasted a bit.
    Face/tongue tingles: neck/jaw tension, mixed with anxiety.
    Arm/finger tingles: tension and anxiety, maybe also the autoimmune stuff
    Tinnitus: fluid in my ear, sinus pressure (just not presenting in nasal area as usually does for me)

    Also just getting my thyroid re-tested as perhaps don’t need to be on thyroxine after all, could be causing more harm than good if I don’t need it.

    GP has given me name of a good psychologist who does hypnotherapy as option to help address the health anxiety.

    Even the most sinister seeming symptoms can obviously have a pretty benign cause, again exacerbated 100% by anxiety!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Re: Numbness, pins and needles and night waking

    I am wondering if your sensations went away. You said you were given the all clear but that it could be an autoimmune issue. Personally autoimmune diseases are my biggest fear, so I’m impressed you are so calm about it. What autoimmune diseases give you those sorts of symptoms? Did your doctor say it could be that? I have weird symptoms with no answers, after many doctors visit. They can’t find anything wrong. I think I’m caught up in a symptom/fear/panic loop.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Numbness, pins and needles and night waking

    Quote Originally Posted by Toronto girl View Post
    I am wondering if your sensations went away. You said you were given the all clear but that it could be an autoimmune issue. Personally autoimmune diseases are my biggest fear, so I’m impressed you are so calm about it. What autoimmune diseases give you those sorts of symptoms? Did your doctor say it could be that? I have weird symptoms with no answers, after many doctors visit. They can’t find anything wrong. I think I’m caught up in a symptom/fear/panic loop.
    Please don't be afraid of autoimmune issues as there are great treatments these days. Almost all the autoimmune conditions can have periods of neuropathy with them (pins, needles, numbness). Autoimmune issues can have symptoms that are mild in nature, I've been quite lucky so far with my CFS. people with autoimmune conditions live a normal life span now)
    If you are one of the lucky souls allowed to enter NZ at this time please remember two things:

    1. We did the hard months in lockdown abiding by rules for you to get here.
    2. No one gives a shit if you prefer white towels or hotels with sea views.
    You're in quarantine for fourteen days ...obey the rules.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Numbness, pins and needles and night waking

    Almost 3 years since I started this post and I’m having very similar issues again, although I feel I’m even more anxious this time. I have re-read my posts to try and reassure myself that the symptoms are similar and turned out to be nothing untoward. But unfortunately I’m still very scared. I had my one remaining wisdom tooth out early June, and since then my mouth/tongue has been quite numb and taste is a bit off. I am assuming this is due to some nerve damage from the surgery. However at end of June I went overseas for 3 week holiday and just on way back home today. On day 2 of holiday I woke with numb right little finger. I assumed had just slept on it, but it took 3 days to get better. Around the time that got better I started getting numbness/pins and needles in my left foot, and a little above my top lip. This continued on for the past 3 weeks. I thought about going to doctor but resisted on basis of my health anxiety background and also did I really want to find out anything bad while away. On top of this my vision has seemingly deteriorated over past few weeks. I’d been noticing over past 6 months or so that by end of the day anything close up had become blurry but assuming that at 44 this is just normal ageing and probably need glasses soon. It has convened me that it has got worse during this period I’ve been having other weird issues. Of course I’m fearing a tumour or MS. As I mentioned in my posts from a few years ago, I do have strong family history of autoimmune issues, and had a very weak positive on one of the connective tissue disorder blood tests.

    Last time I had these symptoms I didn’t also have the vision issues. Back then I went on Cymbalta which seemed to help. However I had to come off of this a few months back as needed to go back on Endep and was advised shouldn’t be on both due to interactions.

    I’m booked to see my usual doctor on Monday. Dreading the wait for no doubt another scan. I just hope I’m adding together unrelated symptoms and coming up with something awful and will be proven wrong again!

  10. #10

    Re: Numbness, pins and needles and night waking

    Quote Originally Posted by Aussie11 View Post
    Almost 3 years since I started this post and I’m having very similar issues again, although I feel I’m even more anxious this time. I have re-read my posts to try and reassure myself that the symptoms are similar and turned out to be nothing untoward. But unfortunately I’m still very scared. I had my one remaining wisdom tooth out early June, and since then my mouth/tongue has been quite numb and taste is a bit off. I am assuming this is due to some nerve damage from the surgery. However at end of June I went overseas for 3 week holiday and just on way back home today. On day 2 of holiday I woke with numb right little finger. I assumed had just slept on it, but it took 3 days to get better. Around the time that got better I started getting numbness/pins and needles in my left foot, and a little above my top lip. This continued on for the past 3 weeks. I thought about going to doctor but resisted on basis of my health anxiety background and also did I really want to find out anything bad while away. On top of this my vision has seemingly deteriorated over past few weeks. I’d been noticing over past 6 months or so that by end of the day anything close up had become blurry but assuming that at 44 this is just normal ageing and probably need glasses soon. It has convened me that it has got worse during this period I’ve been having other weird issues. Of course I’m fearing a tumour or MS. As I mentioned in my posts from a few years ago, I do have strong family history of autoimmune issues, and had a very weak positive on one of the connective tissue disorder blood tests.

    Last time I had these symptoms I didn’t also have the vision issues. Back then I went on Cymbalta which seemed to help. However I had to come off of this a few months back as needed to go back on Endep and was advised shouldn’t be on both due to interactions.

    I’m booked to see my usual doctor on Monday. Dreading the wait for no doubt another scan. I just hope I’m adding together unrelated symptoms and coming up with something awful and will be proven wrong again!

    Hi, I am having the exact same issues as you are! I had them 3 years ago, got an MRI came back clear and then got the same symptoms again about 5 weeks ago. I haven't booked a doctors appointment yet.

    I'm worried I have MS. I do know people who have MS and are very active 10/15 years later but I'm still so worried 😟

    Have you had another scan?

    I hate this worry 😟 😰 😓

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