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Thread: pb's Health anxiety worries thread

  1. #761
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: pb's Health anxiety worries thread

    Quote Originally Posted by pb View Post
    Walked from the shop today and got a severe pain in my chest, that went when I got home.
    Health Anxiety 1 - pb 0

    I was getting chest pains while walking . The pain often triggered a panic attack and then my heart started banging like a barn house door in a gale and I had to lean over a fence or something while things calmed down. The sheep/cows/whatever were totally unimpressed with me. However... Heart was fine. I was simply unfit, and stressed. I got fitter, and addressed my stress levels, and the chest pain has gone - although I get the odd twinge when I read your posts.

    So, I'm going to try a different approach because you're not paying any attention anyway, so what the heck!

    So what if it is angina?

    It's very common in the UK - so you wouldn't be alone, and it certainly isn't the worst thing that could happen to you.

    It's treatable - which means you can live for many more years. (my brother has had it for the last 10 years and he's still here, enjoying life)

    If you want more perspective, my grandfather had his first actual heart attack in his 40s and the second one (which finally got him) was when he was 81. Sure, he was a bit wheezy by the time I came along, but he could still throw me up in the air (bit scary if I'm honest) and he was still enjoying his pint of cider everyday (also, snuff)

    Angina can be treated as a warning sign that things could get worse if you stick to a crap diet and do nothing to address your stress levels.

    Most every human being on the planet will get ill at sometime in their lives, and even the most healthiest, and luckiest, buggers who literally have NOTHING wrong with them, ever, are-going-to-die one day. This is something that we all must get our heads around, because it's a cert. We can fight and scream our way to the finishing line or we can do it with acceptance, dignity and grace..

    Really Scared I’ve got angina, this has never happened before ..
    Pulisa did a Miss Marple and proved to you that, actually, this has happened before!

    If you think you have angina, then the stress test is the best test if it is provoked by exercise - which is what you are implying in your latest comment.

    I can't help but try and educate, so I'm going for it, only this time in bold in the vain hope that it wedges itself in in-between all those lies you are telling yourself...

    The Reasons We Get Chest Pain With Anxiety

    Hyperventilation: we breathe in too much oxygen and this makes the blood vessels constrict which causes pain in the chest. (pain is real)

    Bloating: excess gas/wind/whatever increases pressure on the lungs which causes chest pain. (pain is real)

    If you weren't a category 1 anxiety case pb, I would say you have a point with your angina theory - but even then, so what? My mate (who died at 46) would have gladly taken angina over her life terminating disease because she would have seen her son grow up instead of trying to pack in a lifetime of memories into 2 years.

    I know that suffering is relative, of course I do. And I know that me mentioning my friend, my brother, or anybody else won't change anything for you. It might even annoy you? Your mental suffering (and all those unpleasant symptoms) is real, but, perspective?

    At this moment, nobody has diagnosed you with heart disease or angina. The only diagnosis you have for sure is anxiety.

    If your worst fears do come to pass (but I really don't think so, this time) at least you have something solid to work with, and there will be a plan. Anxiety is largely down to the fear of the unknown, after all.

    Then you can flick the V's to your GP, and all of us on here, and say, I told you so, cockers!!

    Or, you can choose another disease when all avenues have been exhausted on this one...

    This has to be one of the most frustrating threads I've ever participated on, but I'm starting to understand how my poor old maths teacher felt when, despite his best efforts, nothing went in - the difference is that I genuinely tried to learn and I was just as frustrated as he was. I broke that man. He didn't have one grey hair when he started teaching me. He was almost white when I left. Fair play to me, I had undiagnosed Dyscalculia. The dude had more chance of a bagging a date with Brooke Shields than getting me to understand maths!

    I'm rooting for you more than you know. I'm not religious, but I am spiritual, and I light candles for people I care about. I've lit one for you to ask this glorious universe that we live in - to support and comfort you in the way that you need, which is not necessarily the way you want...

    I hope that today is a good day for you, but even if it isn't, that's ok, because it will pass. X
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  2. #762
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: pb's Health anxiety worries thread

    Quote Originally Posted by NoraB View Post
    Health Anxiety 1 - pb 0

    I was getting chest pains while walking . The pain often triggered a panic attack and then my heart started banging like a barn house door in a gale and I had to lean over a fence or something while things calmed down. The sheep/cows/whatever were totally unimpressed with me. However... Heart was fine. I was simply unfit, and stressed. I got fitter, and addressed my stress levels, and the chest pain has gone - although I get the odd twinge when I read your posts.

    So, I'm going to try a different approach because you're not paying any attention anyway, so what the heck!

    So what if it is angina?

    It's very common in the UK - so you wouldn't be alone, and it certainly isn't the worst thing that could happen to you.

    It's treatable - which means you can live for many more years. (my brother has had it for the last 10 years and he's still here, enjoying life)

    If you want more perspective, my grandfather had his first actual heart attack in his 40s and the second one (which finally got him) was when he was 81. Sure, he was a bit wheezy by the time I came along, but he could still throw me up in the air (bit scary if I'm honest) and he was still enjoying his pint of cider everyday (also, snuff)

    Angina can be treated as a warning sign that things could get worse if you stick to a crap diet and do nothing to address your stress levels.

    Most every human being on the planet will get ill at sometime in their lives, and even the most healthiest, and luckiest, buggers who literally have NOTHING wrong with them, ever, are-going-to-die one day. This is something that we all must get our heads around, because it's a cert. We can fight and scream our way to the finishing line or we can do it with acceptance, dignity and grace..

    Pulisa did a Miss Marple and proved to you that, actually, this has happened before!

    If you think you have angina, then the stress test is the best test if it is provoked by exercise - which is what you are implying in your latest comment.

    I can't help but try and educate, so I'm going for it, only this time in bold in the vain hope that it wedges itself in in-between all those lies you are telling yourself...

    The Reasons We Get Chest Pain With Anxiety

    Hyperventilation: we breathe in too much oxygen and this makes the blood vessels constrict which causes pain in the chest. (pain is real)

    Bloating: excess gas/wind/whatever increases pressure on the lungs which causes chest pain. (pain is real)

    If you weren't a category 1 anxiety case pb, I would say you have a point with your angina theory - but even then, so what? My mate (who died at 46) would have gladly taken angina over her life terminating disease because she would have seen her son grow up instead of trying to pack in a lifetime of memories into 2 years.

    I know that suffering is relative, of course I do. And I know that me mentioning my friend, my brother, or anybody else won't change anything for you. It might even annoy you? Your mental suffering (and all those unpleasant symptoms) is real, but, perspective?

    At this moment, nobody has diagnosed you with heart disease or angina. The only diagnosis you have for sure is anxiety.

    If your worst fears do come to pass (but I really don't think so, this time) at least you have something solid to work with, and there will be a plan. Anxiety is largely down to the fear of the unknown, after all.

    Then you can flick the V's to your GP, and all of us on here, and say, I told you so, cockers!!

    Or, you can choose another disease when all avenues have been exhausted on this one...

    This has to be one of the most frustrating threads I've ever participated on, but I'm starting to understand how my poor old maths teacher felt when, despite his best efforts, nothing went in - the difference is that I genuinely tried to learn and I was just as frustrated as he was. I broke that man. He didn't have one grey hair when he started teaching me. He was almost white when I left. Fair play to me, I had undiagnosed Dyscalculia. The dude had more chance of a bagging a date with Brooke Shields than getting me to understand maths!

    I'm rooting for you more than you know. I'm not religious, but I am spiritual, and I light candles for people I care about. I've lit one for you to ask this glorious universe that we live in - to support and comfort you in the way that you need, which is not necessarily the way you want...

    I hope that today is a good day for you, but even if it isn't, that's ok, because it will pass. X
    Thank you Nora for your reply. Thank you for lighting the candle, I’m not religious but I do find them comforting.
    Now I have had time to think about yesterday, I’m sure I don’t have angina and I have thought that I have had angina before.
    I remember thinking I had angina in my twenties !
    I have had HA from the age of thirteen and Pulisa is right it really is entrenched and I think I desperately need therapy
    I hope you have a good day x

  3. #763
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: pb's Health anxiety worries thread

    In order to access therapy the psychiatrist will need to be sure that you are actually completely committed to trying to manage your HA and also that you are mentally well enough to get the best out of the therapy. I hope that the waiting list isn't too long and that you are offered face to face therapy.

    Maybe you should look back over your posting history on here and see in those 11 years just how many times you have feared you have had illnesses/conditions which you're still concerned about today..and think you've never had before?

  4. #764
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: pb's Health anxiety worries thread

    Trying to stay calm this morning, but have chest pain, it’s above my right breast, which is where I often get it . I’m trying to tell myself this is probably muscular.
    Have to go to post office, but scared of walking in case of angina, but I did go to the shop yesterday and I was ok .
    Think unless I have heart test I won’t be reassured, but don’t want a stress test.
    Im sure they can let me have something else.
    I do read and try to take on board replies, but it’s so difficult.
    Im just so terrified of having any illness, I think this stems from childhood when I wasn’t believed if I said I felt unwell.

  5. #765
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: pb's Health anxiety worries thread

    Quote Originally Posted by pb View Post
    Have to go to post office, but scared of walking in case of angina
    Can I just remind you of something you said only yesterday?

    Now I have had time to think about yesterday, I'm sure I don't have angina and I have thought that I have had angina before
    Can you hear that noise? It's the sound of my head banging on the wall..

    Think unless I have heart test I won’t be reassured, but don’t want a stress test.
    So, you think you have anxiety (or not? I'm so confused now my brain hurts) but you don't want to take the test which will most likely prove if you have it?

    Im sure they can let me have something else.
    You are saying that the pain comes on with exercise, therefore, they need to see you exercising = stress test.

    What's the worst that can happen? If you keel over on the treadmill, at least you'll get prompt treatment!

    I do read and try to take on board replies
    With respect, I don't think you do.

    Im just so terrified of having any illness, I think this stems from childhood when I wasn’t believed if I said I felt unwell.
    You're not a child now. You are an adult and you can take yourself to the doctors when you feel unwell. The doctors are listening to you. It's you who isn't listening to them.

    The problem is that you are not doing anything to try and gain control of your fear.

    When you can turn and face your fear, by grabbing it by the proverbial danglers whilst shouting, 'C'MON!! GIVE ME EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT COCKER!!.. then you will get better and start living, whereas, at the moment, you're running so fast from your fear that you make Usain Bolt look like Mr Blobby!

    PLEASE - spend half an hour today looking through the posts on this thread!

    (somebody fetch me a massive gin)
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  6. #766
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: pb's Health anxiety worries thread

    Quote Originally Posted by NoraB View Post
    Can I just remind you of something you said only yesterday?

    Can you hear that noise? It's the sound of my head banging on the wall..

    So, you think you have anxiety (or not? I'm so confused now my brain hurts) but you don't want to take the test which will most likely prove if you have it?

    You are saying that the pain comes on with exercise, therefore, they need to see you exercising = stress test.

    What's the worst that can happen? If you keel over on the treadmill, at least you'll get prompt treatment!

    With respect, I don't think you do.

    You're not a child now. You are an adult and you can take yourself to the doctors when you feel unwell. The doctors are listening to you. It's you who isn't listening to them.

    The problem is that you are not doing anything to try and gain control of your fear.

    When you can turn and face your fear, by grabbing it by the proverbial danglers whilst shouting, 'C'MON!! GIVE ME EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT COCKER!!.. then you will get better and start living, whereas, at the moment, you're running so fast from your fear that you make Usain Bolt look like Mr Blobby!

    PLEASE - spend half an hour today looking through the posts on this thread!

    (somebody fetch me a massive gin)
    Thank you for your reply, You sound exasperated by my posts and I’m really sorry about that.
    I know that I suffer from severe anxiety and I am mentally and physically exhausted from all the stress.
    I do read back my posts and will do this today, but try to take on board some of the recommendations.
    My fears and beliefs about illness, quickly changes, which I think is reflected in my posts.
    Any rational thoughts quickly become irrational and then a fear of illness (Angina at the moment) becomes So consuming.
    You are correct in saying that I run away from my fears.
    When reading my posts , I can clearly see the fear over illnesses and the belief that I have them.
    I know that unless I take responsibility for my mental health and HA this will be never ending.
    Today , I will take time to look at all the online resources available.
    Again Thank you and Sorry x

  7. #767
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: pb's Health anxiety worries thread

    Quote Originally Posted by pb View Post
    Thank you for your reply, You sound exasperated by my posts and I’m really sorry about that.
    Don't be sorry. I am frustrated, but only because I've been where you are (and worse) and I know what you need to do to get out of this cycle, but you're not listening (I've done that too)

    I know that unless I take responsibility for my mental health and HA this will be never ending.

    Write the above on a Post-it note IN CAPITALS and stick it on your fridge, forehead, toilet door - everywhere!

    Make this your mantra, instead of 'I feel so ill. Gonna die. Angina!!!'

    Today , I will take time to look at all the online resources available.
    Atta girl! (Don't just fob me off now - DO IT.)

    Again Thank you and Sorry x
    Again, do not apologise to me. I'm here because I want to be. X
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  8. #768
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: pb's Health anxiety worries thread

    77 pages on this thread, over 200 threads created about your health fears over 11 years..Do you really think that replies help? For a very short time maybe but NMP is just being used to document your continuing HA.

    Professional therapy will take huge commitment and the temptation will be to come on here and continue to document your HA and ask for help etc etc but any decent therapist would warn you off that practice because it would interfere with your treatment in the real world.

    I really hope you have had a look back over past threads and had a look at online resources and I really hope you won't come on here tomorrow with another list of symptoms because what can we say that makes a difference? What do you want us to say? We can't make your HA go away because only you can accept it and learn to manage it in time x

  9. #769
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: pb's Health anxiety worries thread

    Quote Originally Posted by pulisa View Post
    77 pages on this thread, over 200 threads created about your health fears over 11 years..Do you really think that replies help? For a very short time maybe but NMP is just being used to document your continuing HA.

    Professional therapy will take huge commitment and the temptation will be to come on here and continue to document your HA and ask for help etc etc but any decent therapist would warn you off that practice because it would interfere with your treatment in the real world.

    I really hope you have had a look back over past threads and had a look at online resources and I really hope you won't come on here tomorrow with another list of symptoms because what can we say that makes a difference? What do you want us to say? We can't make your HA go away because only you can accept it and learn to manage it in time x
    I think I probably have thought that posting my symptoms and looking for reassurance would somehow make my HA go away, but it’s clear it hasn’t and if only it was that easy.
    Every morning I have symptoms that scare me and I focus on them most of the day.
    In the past , when my HA has been bad , I’ve had work as a distraction and over time the fear has gone, often with tests !
    Continuous tests are not good and have now thrown up the abnormal ecg , after a year of normal ecgs ! My last normal ecg was in June and then the abnormal one in August, I wish I had just accepted the ones in June and all the ones before.
    I know I need to challenge my thoughts and find ways and distractions.

  10. #770
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: pb's Health anxiety worries thread

    It's really hard to just go out and "find" distractions but I would have thought that finding some work-maybe voluntary work for a start- would be a good and positive thing for you? Would this be something you would consider to give you some structure and routine to your day and also a sense of self-worth? I know it's a lot more tricky with all the covid restrictions but it may be possible?

    I do think your GP has been extremely unhelpful in sending you for test after test..It's incredible and very sad that no one has challenged your HA after all these years..

    Have you ever had an operation, pb?

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