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Thread: Horrible weird beats are back

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2018

    Please help - Horrible weird beats are back

    Thank you so much 2Anxious, that really helps. I did get diagnosed originally with PVCs and PACs but with more PVCs.

    The thing that's really bothering me is that I sometimes have weird episodes of what feels like my heart vibrating and fluttering and when I feel my pulse it's really irregular. It happened last night as I was lying down I felt it out of nowhere and I felt my pulse and it was a coue of fast beats then a couple of slow spaced out ones so I coughed and it went back to regular but that was it for me, I hardly slept and now the morning I am tired, on edge and out of my mind with worry.

    Can anyone relate to this kind of thing or sensation? I've gone months without any problems and now I am getting something every day again. I have had these odd episodes occasionally before, almost always when lying down but they terrify me that it's some dangerous rhythm disturbance. I'm so terrifed right now that there is something seriously wrong with my heart.
    Last edited by Honeyskye; 30-09-20 at 08:40. Reason: update

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2018

    Re: Horrible weird beats are back

    I'm literally sat at work terrifed after what happened last night. I just had a dropping sensation in my chest and stomach which felt like a bit of a thud so they have started up again this morning. I'm terrified that I've developed some kind of dangerous arrhythmia and I'm going to end up in hospital at the worst possible time because the care isn't being given at the moment because of covid, the drs and nurses are all busy and I'm im imaging being left to die on a trolly in a busy A&E or being given the wrong drug.

    I'm just utterly terrified. It's that run of irregular beats last night that's playing on my mind. It was like beat beat beat .... beat.....beat almost like it was spluttering.

    I've been discharged from cardiology twice now but the tests can't catch everything when they're happening so something could have been missed. Frightened I had a short run of AF or SVT or something.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Re: Horrible weird beats are back

    Quote Originally Posted by Honeyskye View Post
    I'm literally sat at work terrifed after what happened last night. I just had a dropping sensation in my chest and stomach which felt like a bit of a thud so they have started up again this morning. I'm terrified that I've developed some kind of dangerous arrhythmia and I'm going to end up in hospital at the worst possible time because the care isn't being given at the moment because of covid, the drs and nurses are all busy and I'm im imaging being left to die on a trolly in a busy A&E or being given the wrong drug.

    I'm just utterly terrified. It's that run of irregular beats last night that's playing on my mind. It was like beat beat beat .... beat.....beat almost like it was spluttering.

    I've been discharged from cardiology twice now but the tests can't catch everything when they're happening so something could have been missed. Frightened I had a short run of AF or SVT or something.
    How long did it last for? SVT usually starts very suddenly and stops very suddenly. It will usually go from a normal resting heart rate to 150 - 200 within a single beat. Like, beat... beat... beat... beatbeatbeatbeatbeat etc.

    Some people live with *permanent* a fib. It puts them at a slightly higher risk of stroke but that's about it. Even if it was (which I seriously doubt), a short run for a few beats shouldn't worry you that much. If it starts happening regularly, and you really think it is a fib, then it will be easy to diagnose.

    It sounds like you are just having runs or PACs, or a mix of PACs and PVCs. It happens.

    I've been in the absolute pit of despair when it comes to heart anxiety, so trust me I know exactly how you're feeling. I was even worse.

    The most important thing is that you've had an echo and multiple ECGs, so your heart is structurally normal, which means any electrical problems are almost definitely benign.

    Lack of sleep and anxiety are two of the highest triggers on the list for dodgy beats.

    If I were you, I'd focus on your diet and lifestyle first. Have you tried taking magnesium like others suggested? Make sure you're eating plenty of bananas and avocados for the potassium. Make sure you're 100% hydrated. Stop any sweets, chocolate, alcohol, caffeine. This isn't pseudoscience BS, it really does make a difference. Any one of these things could be a trigger without you even realising.

  4. #14
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    Sep 2018

    Re: Horrible weird beats are back

    Thank you again for your reply. I don't think it felt like SVT because it wasn't going particularly fast, it was more like a beatbeat beat beat then back to normal if that makes sense? It just felt irregular like the beats were close together then spaced out. Could a run of PACS and/or PVCS feel like that?

    In terms of my diet and lifestyle, yes, the alcohol and caffeine have crept back in. Not ridiculous amounts but I have started to drink both again. Plus, I do consume more sugar than I should. My diet isn't bad but it's not always the healthiest. I was taking lansoprazole earlier this year for reflux but stopped taking them in May because felt like I didn't need them anymore and I have noticed recently that the reflux has come back to the point where some days my throat is burning and it feels like food is not going down and coming back up my throat and I have a horrible acid taste rising in my throat sometimes and I belch a lot. Could this be impacting things? Also, I seem to get these when I lie down or move position suddenly. I was so active but I have stopped because I'm terrifed to put stress on my heart.

    Today has been awful, just waiting for them to happen. I've noticed that I've been getting more ectopics and these fluttery feelings almost every day fir the last month. I am highly stressed at the moment and know my anxiety has been building again recently. I'm used to the ectopics but it's this irregular pulse I felt last night that has me in a massive panic that I'm going to die

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Re: Horrible weird beats are back

    Quote Originally Posted by Honeyskye View Post
    Thank you again for your reply. I don't think it felt like SVT because it wasn't going particularly fast, it was more like a beatbeat beat beat then back to normal if that makes sense? It just felt irregular like the beats were close together then spaced out. Could a run of PACS and/or PVCS feel like that?

    In terms of my diet and lifestyle, yes, the alcohol and caffeine have crept back in. Not ridiculous amounts but I have started to drink both again. Plus, I do consume more sugar than I should. My diet isn't bad but it's not always the healthiest. I was taking lansoprazole earlier this year for reflux but stopped taking them in May because felt like I didn't need them anymore and I have noticed recently that the reflux has come back to the point where some days my throat is burning and it feels like food is not going down and coming back up my throat and I have a horrible acid taste rising in my throat sometimes and I belch a lot. Could this be impacting things? Also, I seem to get these when I lie down or move position suddenly. I was so active but I have stopped because I'm terrifed to put stress on my heart.

    Today has been awful, just waiting for them to happen. I've noticed that I've been getting more ectopics and these fluttery feelings almost every day fir the last month. I am highly stressed at the moment and know my anxiety has been building again recently. I'm used to the ectopics but it's this irregular pulse I felt last night that has me in a massive panic that I'm going to die
    Yes, 100%. My ectopics are definitely related to my stomach. I also have acid reflux and when it's acting up my ectopics are far worse. If I'm having bad acid and I lay on my left side, I will have PACs and PVCs until I change position. It took me a long time to realise how connected the two were and it caused so much anxiety over the years. It's to do with irritating the vagus nerve which sends dodgy signals to the heart (benign).

    I don't get much acid now because I cleaned up my diet, but when I do, I just take a big gulp of Gaviscon and when my stomach calms down, so do the ectopics.

    I do get random ones now and then but SO many people do. They are only a problem for the heart when you're getting into the thousands per day. I've read of people who have 10,000 per day! Imagine that. Some people live in permeant ventricular bigeminy which means every other beat is a PVC.

    And yes, runs can feel like that. I have several different sensations I feel, but they're really just the same thing. It can depend on what position you're in when they're happening, how full your stomach is, all kinds.

    If you know your ectopics are related to your stomach or your body position/movement, that is an encouraging sign, because the problem isn't actually due to your heart.

    I quite often get an ectopic or two when I kneel or bend down. It's simply the heart being a bit irritable. It's very common, and nothing to worry about. I know it's hard to believe that something which feels so awful isn't a big deal, but it just isn't.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2018

    Re: Horrible weird beats are back

    Thanks again for your helpful response. At the height of my ectopics two years ago to this month, I was recorded as having over 1000 during a 24 hour monitor. That was when I was around 20 weeks or so pregnant. They all but went away a few months after when I had an echo which was deemed as normal and cardiology discharged me. But then not long after was when I started to notice these other funny beats and runs. Another 24 hour monitor and 7 day event monitor followed over the next year, the last being in February this year and both turned up nothing.

    If I was getting a run of these PVCS AND PACS could it make the pulse feel irregular whilst it's trying to regulate itself?

    I have noticed that almost every time it happens I've been lay down. I fel a funny fluttery, vibratory feeling that's made me jump up to stop it. It terrifies me. I can even bring on a PVC by taking a deep breath...

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Re: Horrible weird beats are back

    Quote Originally Posted by Honeyskye View Post
    Thanks again for your helpful response. At the height of my ectopics two years ago to this month, I was recorded as having over 1000 during a 24 hour monitor. That was when I was around 20 weeks or so pregnant. They all but went away a few months after when I had an echo which was deemed as normal and cardiology discharged me. But then not long after was when I started to notice these other funny beats and runs. Another 24 hour monitor and 7 day event monitor followed over the next year, the last being in February this year and both turned up nothing.

    If I was getting a run of these PVCS AND PACS could it make the pulse feel irregular whilst it's trying to regulate itself?

    I have noticed that almost every time it happens I've been lay down. I fel a funny fluttery, vibratory feeling that's made me jump up to stop it. It terrifies me. I can even bring on a PVC by taking a deep breath...
    Before I fully made the connection between the stomach/ectopics, I got so frustrated one night that I couldn't lay on my left side without my heart going crazy that I just thought "F it" and stayed on my left while feeling my pulse. It was absolutely all over the place, along with the horrendous feeling in my chest. Basically how you are describing it. That was nearly 6 years ago.

    I've scoured the internet about these things over the years. Trust me, "fluttering", "flip flop", "vibrating" are some of the most used words to describe PACs. You're not alone.

    I'd look at your diet and get the acid under control. Definitely give the magnesium a go as well. It might just solve the problem so you won't need another monitor.

    Feel free to PM me any time for anything.

  8. #18

    Re: Horrible weird beats are back

    Quote Originally Posted by Honeyskye View Post
    I'm literally sat at work terrifed after what happened last night. I just had a dropping sensation in my chest and stomach which felt like a bit of a thud so they have started up again this morning. I'm terrified that I've developed some kind of dangerous arrhythmia and I'm going to end up in hospital at the worst possible time because the care isn't being given at the moment because of covid, the drs and nurses are all busy and I'm im imaging being left to die on a trolly in a busy A&E or being given the wrong drug.

    I'm just utterly terrified. It's that run of irregular beats last night that's playing on my mind. It was like beat beat beat .... beat.....beat almost like it was spluttering.

    I've been discharged from cardiology twice now but the tests can't catch everything when they're happening so something could have been missed. Frightened I had a short run of AF or SVT or something.
    Honeyskye you have literally captured my fears and sensations in your comment. I've had 3 non consecutive nights of fluttering, ectopics and irregular heartbeats, I'm exhausted and terrified. I hate hospitals anyway, but now I would be alone in a hospital far from home that's overworked and under siege because of Covid!
    I've been so relaxed about Lockdowns etc until July when I went out to the reopened shops for the first time to get stuff for my husband's surprise socially distanced birthday 6 'boys night' in our garden! The irregular heartbeat was so bad when I got back it felt like all beats were one long flutter. Reading your words and recognising them is very comforting. Hugs from me.

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