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Thread: Social anxiety worse now!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Social anxiety worse now!

    So lockdown for me was a blessing, i didn't have to go anywhere or see anyone! I thought it might give me the opportunity to sort myself out and when it was over i would appreciate being sociable...
    But now we are coming out of lockdown my anxiety is worse than ever. The mornings are terrible, a dread of the day, worries about how i can avoid seeing people.
    Tried everything...meditation, yoga, herbal pills, out of ideas!
    Anyone else feel this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Re: Social anxiety worse now!

    Hey I have pm you hope your ok xx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Social anxiety worse now!

    I was diagnosed with social phobia when I was 13. GP said 'You're just really shy. The more you socialise, the easier it will get dear'.

    Yeah, right. No matter how many times I tried to socialise the results were always the same. Social and communication skills of a wheelie bin. Severe anxiety. Headaches. Exhaustion. Full on fight or flight response, and I tried until I had a breakdown aged 46, and then a nice lady told me I was firmly on the autism spectrum..

    Like you, Sarah, the lockdown wasn't an issue because I've been in training for it all my life. Home is where I feel safe, and 'normal'.

    Social distancing suits me too because I don't have to avoid serial huggers. The anomaly is that I hug my kids whenever I get the chance..

    I totally get the avoidance thing. It's been lifelong for me - interspersed with numerous attempts at 'socialising myself' in order to 'fit in' which was like shoving a velociraptor into a field of sheep and expecting it to blend in...

    For a short while, the world was a lot more autism friendly, and the pressure was off in so many ways, but the loss of life bothers me a hell of lot more than having to navigate this world with a brain that malfunctions every time I step outside my own front door.

    Things will gradually return to something like they were before, and us introverts/autistics will have to cope as best we can as we've always had to..

    But I'm kind of hoping they keep the 2 meter rule going in shops...
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2017

    Re: Social anxiety worse now!

    Hi Sarah,

    I apologize that I couldnt say more. I am a bit of introvert, enjoys and feels safe just being at home. But I have not really had issues with social anxiety - I couldnt offer a suitable advise. But if you need someone to listen to your thoughts, feel free to pm.

    I hope that somehow you still find to smile and be joyful despite of the anxiety.

  5. #5

    Re: Social anxiety worse now!

    Quote Originally Posted by sarahblonde32 View Post
    So lockdown for me was a blessing, i didn't have to go anywhere or see anyone! I thought it might give me the opportunity to sort myself out and when it was over i would appreciate being sociable...
    But now we are coming out of lockdown my anxiety is worse than ever. The mornings are terrible, a dread of the day, worries about how i can avoid seeing people.
    Tried everything...meditation, yoga, herbal pills, out of ideas!
    Anyone else feel this?
    I did not go anywhere for 37 years, Before lockdown i was going to conventions like comic con with up to 10 thousand people attending, I was like you with my social anxiety over the last few years i have conquered that and health anxiety I thought there was never any way out to some normality trust me there is you have that built into you you can do it, It will take time and your not alone
    Change your thinking , change your life.

  6. #6

    Re: Social anxiety worse now!

    Some time ago I fought with anxiety by starting to engage in active sports. So it was easier to start chatting with the guys in skate parks when you have the same hobby. From the beginning, I just rode a skateboard, then scooter, I was just surrounded by people, I got used to them or something. Then we used to each other, some tricks started to come out smoothly and communication took shape. Now, I can't say that I freely and comfortably meet or communicate, but it's much easier for me. I feel myself more confident.

  7. #7

    Re: Social anxiety worse now!

    To my mind, joint hobby is great way overcome anxiety and reduce tension. And sport is the best option in such case. If you keen to follow my advice and want to go in for sports, I can recommend great guys (rideoo, thank you) who have been supplying me with everything I need for many years and gave me a chance to find friends and like-minded people.

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