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Thread: High liver tests please help?

  1. #1

    High liver tests please help?

    Hi. I went to hospital for something else today and doctors took my bloods and came back with everything fine but my liver function was near 300, didn’t say which one but he asked me how much alcohol I drank and I should stop. He told me liver disease is a silent killer and I should stop drinking so my liver can heal. It’s really scared me! Didn’t think I drank that much if I’m honest, two bottles of wine a week less than my friends but he said two is a lot and he said he can only imagine what my friends levels are 🙈🙈 he said my other liver level was higher than normal but not as high. Is 300 high I can’t sleep thinking I have liver cancer and I’m Going to die

  2. #2

    Re: High liver tests please help?

    I’d like to add I’ve been taken ibuprofen for a week as doctor requested not sure if these can elevate

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2020

    Re: High liver tests please help?

    I had something very similar a few years ago where I had massive pains in my abdomen and I could barely drink/eat, plus whenever the pain was too extreme I would throw up (which made me more dehydrated). While I was being investigated for the pains the doctor pointed out that my liver was in terrible condition (although I rarely, if ever, drink alcohol) and he thought I had been a severe alcoholic for many years. Turns out the pains were actually gallstones and the dehydration was absolutely destroying my liver. Thankfully the liver is the only organ that can near enough repair itself pretty much next to perfect (if you let it). Personally I would recommend giving your liver some time to heal and drink plenty of water, as well as coffee as I read an article in the news that coffee actually protects your liver etc. Also learn from my lesson and stay hydrated.

    Really hope that helps.

    PS: Sorry I don't know much about ibuprofen when it comes to the liver. But I would recommend writing a list of possible questions and concerns for your next appointment with your doctor so they can be answered or addressed.

  4. #4

    Re: High liver tests please help?

    Hi thanks. I don’t have any symptoms or anything, just went for blood test to rule out blood clot and that flagged up. Im at the doctors tomorrow and he said to double check with her so not sure why he told me to double check Incase he thinks the guy got it wrong or he means to redo the tests I don’t know. I can’t seem to find what’s danger for liver functions or not I see people with 75-150 and panicking so mine being 300 is scaring me. But then I saw on google upto 300 is non specified and 500 or more is more observed

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2020

    Re: High liver tests please help?

    Not sure what happened to my reply there, but there is an article on here that might help you...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: High liver tests please help?

    Quote Originally Posted by Luckyashworth View Post
    Hi. I went to hospital for something else today and doctors took my bloods and came back with everything fine but my liver function was near 300, didn’t say which one but he asked me how much alcohol I drank and I should stop. He told me liver disease is a silent killer and I should stop drinking so my liver can heal. It’s really scared me! Didn’t think I drank that much if I’m honest, two bottles of wine a week less than my friends but he said two is a lot and he said he can only imagine what my friends levels are  he said my other liver level was higher than normal but not as high. Is 300 high I can’t sleep thinking I have liver cancer and I’m Going to die
    Might be an idea to get a re-test when the Ibuprofen is out of your system?

    The liver is the only internal organ which can completely regenerate itself, so maybe focus on that info rather than scaring yourself shitless about dying?
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Re: High liver tests please help?

    Hi ya
    Sorry to hear that you had these results.
    When it comes to liver function there is not one specific enzyme which determines liver function.
    If the doctor specifically asked how much you drank and with the number you have shared on here I believe he was referring to you Gamma GT levels. These are ONLY elevated by alcohol consumption and by absolutely nothing else. Your ALT and AST can then be affected by the Gamma GT levels they then show more permanent long term damage to the liver.

    My Gamma GT levels used to be 400+ when I drank. Normal range is 30 (hence why he flagged it up). Sadly it really does correlate to how much you drink to how much your liver is processing.
    For example they say units advised for women to drink per week is 14 which would result in 100% normal liver function. If you were to consume 140 units per week then your liver is working TEN times what it needs to to eliminate the alcohol. Therefore rather than working at 30 it is working at 300.
    Gamma GT CANNOT be elevated by any other substance rather than alcohol it is the first enzyme to red flag to anyone.
    Now I am not saying you drink 140 units per week but if you are concerned I’d cut the drink out for 40 days + and the liver will repair itself and then you can return to your normal alcohol consumption knowing you are not damaging your liver. Currently your liver is working ten times harder to filter everything out.

    I haven’t drank in over a year however when I quit last year it took little over a month for all my liver enzymes to fall to a normal range. Prior to this my gamma gt was impacting my other liver enzymes.
    To see this return to normal you cannot cut back drinking you must stop drinking for a period of time.

    Sadly alcohol is a poison and our liver is our friend who helps to filter it. If we over work it for many years of abuse it it can get permanently damaged. I don’t know how old you are but I presume you’re young enough for it to repair and rejuvenate.

    Look up liver cleanse diets online too. I don’t believe you have liver cancer as if you did the would have highlighted your lymphocytes being high in your blood not only your liver enzymes.

    Good Luck! Look after your liver it is your friend!!!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  8. #8

    Re: High liver tests please help?

    Quote Originally Posted by Phoenixess View Post
    Hi ya
    Sorry to hear that you had these results.
    When it comes to liver function there is not one specific enzyme which determines liver function.
    If the doctor specifically asked how much you drank and with the number you have shared on here I believe he was referring to you Gamma GT levels. These are ONLY elevated by alcohol consumption and by absolutely nothing else. Your ALT and AST can then be affected by the Gamma GT levels they then show more permanent long term damage to the liver.

    My Gamma GT levels used to be 400+ when I drank. Normal range is 30 (hence why he flagged it up). Sadly it really does correlate to how much you drink to how much your liver is processing.
    For example they say units advised for women to drink per week is 14 which would result in 100% normal liver function. If you were to consume 140 units per week then your liver is working TEN times what it needs to to eliminate the alcohol. Therefore rather than working at 30 it is working at 300.
    Gamma GT CANNOT be elevated by any other substance rather than alcohol it is the first enzyme to red flag to anyone.
    Now I am not saying you drink 140 units per week but if you are concerned I’d cut the drink out for 40 days + and the liver will repair itself and then you can return to your normal alcohol consumption knowing you are not damaging your liver. Currently your liver is working ten times harder to filter everything out.

    I haven’t drank in over a year however when I quit last year it took little over a month for all my liver enzymes to fall to a normal range. Prior to this my gamma gt was impacting my other liver enzymes.
    To see this return to normal you cannot cut back drinking you must stop drinking for a period of time.

    Sadly alcohol is a poison and our liver is our friend who helps to filter it. If we over work it for many years of abuse it it can get permanently damaged. I don’t know how old you are but I presume you’re young enough for it to repair and rejuvenate.

    Look up liver cleanse diets online too. I don’t believe you have liver cancer as if you did the would have highlighted your lymphocytes being high in your blood not only your liver enzymes.

    Good Luck! Look after your liver it is your friend!!!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Hi thank you. It was gamma , I went to the doctors today she told me it’s not 300 like the a&e doctor said. It’s 216, she said it could be fatty liver? She’s told me she’ll send me for ultrasound to make sure but my other blood level was 42 which she said was only a little raised and everything else seemed normal. Thank you for your comment

  9. #9

    Re: High liver tests please help?

    Hi just wanted to add on to this incase anyone else did a search and found it GGT is NOT only affected by alcohol at all there are other things that can affect it !!!!!

  10. #10

    Re: High liver tests please help?

    I can understand why you're feeling scared and worried. However, a liver function test result of 300 doesn't necessarily mean that you have liver cancer. It indicates that your liver is not functioning normally, which can have many possible causes, including alcohol consumption, medication, viral infections, or other medical conditions.

    The doctor's advice to stop drinking is essential because excessive alcohol consumption can damage your liver over time, leading to liver disease, cirrhosis, and even liver cancer. Two bottles of wine a week may seem like a moderate amount, but it can still have a harmful effect on your liver if you drink it consistently.

    It's important to follow your doctor's advice to improve your liver function and overall health. You may need to make some lifestyle changes, such as reducing or quitting alcohol, eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and getting enough rest.

    It's also important to follow up with your doctor for further evaluation and monitoring of your liver function. They may recommend additional tests or refer you to a specialist for further evaluation.

    Remember that early detection and treatment can improve your chances of recovery and prevent further damage to your liver. So take care of yourself, and don't hesitate to seek medical advice if you have any concerns or questions.
    I am here to help people with tests.

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